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Semester: Sommersemester 2024

3.02.951 S Dual Language Development: Word Order Phenomena -  

Veranstaltungstermin | Raum


This class deals with the development of English as one of more languages in the broad sense, from birth or successively. Since bilinguals seldom use their languages in a balanced way, different dominance patterns arise and change over the lifespan, including the forgetting of the first language, referred to as language attrition - a phenomenon induced by the acquisition of an L2. We will look at various developmental settings, different language phenomena in the domain of syntax and consider the impact of cross-linguistic differences on attrition, acquisition and processing. In addition, we will deal with language acquisition theory and its research methods. By the end of the term students will be able to give an elaborate description of the phenomena of bilingualism in question and the factors of influence involved but also conduct a small research project themselves.



  • Studium generale / Gasthörstudium



Anzahl der freigegebenen Plätze für Gasthörende

Für Gasthörende / Studium generale geöffnet:

Hinweise zur Teilnahme für Gasthörende
Lehrsprache: englisch Sichere Beherrschung des Englischen auf dem CEF-Niveau C1 ist erforderlich.

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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