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Semester: Sommersemester 2023

2.01.369-A Selected topics in nanomechanics and the mechanical characterization of nanomaterials using microscopy -  

Veranstaltungstermin | Raum

  • Dienstag, 11.4.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 18.4.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 25.4.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 2.5.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 9.5.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 16.5.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 23.5.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 30.5.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 6.6.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 13.6.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 20.6.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 27.6.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 4.7.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330
  • Dienstag, 11.7.2023 12:15 - 13:45 | A01 3-330


The functionality of biomimetic reversable adhesives, ultra-high strength nanocomposites, piezoelectric nanogenerators, electromechanical contact switches, mechanical resonators, as well as ultra-sensitive force and chemical sensors is dependent on nanomechanical phenomena. To experimentally investigate nanomechanical phenomena, nanorobotics and microscopy tools are combined and exploited.
A variety of topics within the field of nanomechanics and related experimental methods and tools are presented in an introductory lecture. Students select a topic that they are most interested in to carry out individual work. Topics can be more theoretically or practically orientated depending on the curiosity of the student. Students can also propose their own topics. Students can also be provided with the opportunity to conduct laboratory work, including carrying out nanomanipulation using optical or scanning electron microscopes. In the second half of semester, each student will give a lecture or presentation on their selected topic, and will be provided feedback on both their content and communication skills.

Learning objectives:
• Acquire knowledge in the field of nanomechanics, including:
o fundamental concepts in the mechanic properties of materials,
o the advantages, challenges, and application of nanomaterials,
o microscopy and nanohandling basics and their application towards studying the mechanics of nanomaterials
o insights into the state of the art in nanomechanics research.
• Further develop research and communication skills through self-directed reading and presentations.




(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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