Info und Anleitung Info and instruction
Embed -Suche einbinden search (Mit der Aktivierung der Google-Suche bestätigen Sie, dass Sie mit der Einbindung und der dazu erforderlichen Datenübermittlung an Google einverstanden sind.) (By activating Google Search, you confirm that you agree to the integration and the necessary data transfer to Google.)
You will find the options for filtering and sorting emails by clicking on All.
In Outlook on the web you can categorise your emails. To do this, you simply assign a colour code to an email.
To assign a category, open an email and click on ‘Categories’ in the menu bar; the colour categories will then appear in a drop-down menu.
Alternatively, you can right-click on an email to which you want to assign a category.
Once you have assigned a colour to the email, in the search field you can enter which email category you want to display.
The following options are available (which correspond to the colour codes):
Outlook on the Web will then only display emails belonging to the selected colour category.