Contact StuFo 2025

Julia Sobing

+49-441-798-4278 (F&P)

Participants in the conference with their own contribution can receive up to €150 funding for travel and accommodation costs. Further information in the FAQ!

10th Conference for Student Research

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10th Conference for Student Research from June 17 to 18, 2025

The University of Oldenburg cordially invites Bachelor's and Master's students from all departments and universities in Germany to present their innovative and forward-looking research results! Under the motto Together Towards the Future - Discovering New Horizons , we would like to create an interdisciplinary forum that encourages students to share and discuss their research across disciplines in the form of a presentation or poster presentation.

In our anniversary year, the focus is on the perspectives of tomorrow. We want to know: How can the results of your research shape the future? What new horizons are opening up through interdisciplinary approaches and innovative ideas? The conference offers a space to discuss precisely these questions - from all angles.

Let's discover new horizons together and look to the future!

We look forward to your ideas and exciting research contributions.

Your team of the 10th Conference for Student Research


Questions about the conference

How much does it cost to take part in StuFo 2025?

Participation is free for students with their own contribution as well as for all other participants.

Who can take part in the conference?

The 10th Conference for Student Research is open to a wide audience. There are no participation requirements.

Students from all German universities (Bachelor, Master, State Examination, Diplom) from all disciplines can submit a paper for StuFo 2025. Grants for travel and accommodation costs can only be awarded to contributing students.

What are the benefits of participating in the StuFo?

  • Present your research to a broad, interdisciplinary audience
  • Exchange and networking with students from different subject areas
  • Discussion and feedback from experts and fellow students
  • Support for your own academic development

How can I register for the conference?

Registration for the conference is open from March 24 to May 18 here on this website.

In which language will the conference be held?

The general conference language is German, but contributions can also be submitted and presented in English.

Data protection notice

Contact details of the responsible body and the data protection officer

The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, a public corporation, legally represented by the President, Ammerländer Heerstraße 114 - 118, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany, is responsible for data protection.

You can contact the data protection officer of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg at the above address (for the attention of: "The Data Protection Officer"), by telephone on +49 (0)441 798 4196 or by e-mail at

Processed data categories

Data collected during the registration process: Name, email, institution, degree program, intended degree, and abstract.

Purpose of the data processing

We process the personal data you provide during the registration process for the following purpose:

  • Processing your abstract and carrying out the review process for a presentation at StuFo2025

Legal basis for the processing of your personal data

The processing of your personal data is based on the following legal basis:

  • Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR i.V.m. § 3 NDSG in the context of our task fulfillment.

Mandatory information is required for submission. Without mandatory information, the registration and thus the submission of the abstract cannot be carried out.

Disclosure of personal data and place of processing

Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties with your consent.

Specifically, this concerns the processing of your abstract by the organization team in the Department of Studies and Teaching and various (external) reviewers as well as contacting you.

If you are included in the program, your first and last name as well as your institution and the title of your presentation/poster will be included in the program booklet and made available to visitors and published on the website of the Department of Studies and Teaching. The program booklet will be publicly archived there after the event.

Storage period

Your personal data will be deleted as soon as it has been used to process the follow-up to the conference. This means that your personal data will be deleted approximately one to three months after the last day of the event. Exceptions to this are first and last name as well as the institution and title of your presentation/ poster, which were included in the program. These will be included in the event archive of the Department of Studies and Teaching.

Your rights

As a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR, you have the following rights:

Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR); right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR); right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR); right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR); right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR); right to object (Art. 21 GDPR).

To exercise these rights, please contact: Email

If you are of the opinion that the processing of your personal data violates data protection regulations, please contact the data protection officer of the person responsible/the University of Oldenburg (; 0441 798-4196).

Irrespective of this, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The supervisory authority responsible for Carl von Ossietzky University is:
Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz in Niedersachsen, Prinzenstraße 5, 30159

Questions about the abstract

Who can submit an entry for StuFo 2025?

All students (Bachelor, Master, State Examination, Diplom) from all German universities can submit an entry for StuFo 2025.

What kind of entries can be submitted?

  • Preliminary results and (not yet) completed research projects can be submitted.
  • Submitted work can originate from different contexts, e.g. from courses, final theses (e.g. Bachelor's or Master's theses) or other student initiatives
  • Presentation (approx. 10 minutes in German or English plus 5 minutes discussion) or poster (German or English, PDF format A0, portrait, presentation in the poster session)

Presentation or poster?

A presentation is a research paper that summarizes the results and is presented orally. It is often accompanied by slides (e.g. PowerPoint) or other visual aids. The StuFo 2025 presentation panels comprise approx. 4 individual presentations, each lasting approx. 10 minutes and followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.

A research poster is a visual presentation that provides an overview or summary of your research for the audience to view at their leisure. At StuFo 2025, poster presenters are expected to be present with their posters in their assigned poster session to talk to the audience about their research and answer their questions. However, all posters should also effectively communicate the research as a stand-alone piece.

How can the entry be submitted?

  • Please fill out the following form: Abstract submission form
  • Save the form in PDF format under "Short title+surname.pdf" and send it by e-mail to
  • The abstract can be submitted in German or English
  • Abstract requirements: max. 2500 characters including spaces, font: Nunito Sans Light or Arial, size 11, line spacing 1.5
  • The deadline for the submission of contributions is February 16, 2025

What do I have to consider when writing my abstract?

Please submit an abstract (max. 2,500 characters, including spaces) of your research in German or English containing the following points:

  • Title of the work
  • Research question or objective
  • Methodological approach, theoretical framework, material studied (e.g. literature, existing survey data, scientific samples)
  • Most important results

The StuFo is an interdisciplinary, nationwide conference. This means that the audience for your presentation will be from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds - so they may not be familiar with subject-specific terminology or particular contexts. Your task is to write a summary that is accessible and interesting to a non-specialist audience.

The following questions can help you when writing your abstract:

  • Why did you research this topic? What was the reason for your project or the gap you wanted to fill?
  • What did you find out?
  • What is the significance of your findings and why should a non-expert audience be interested?
  • What is the future of your research or this field of study?

By when do I have to submit my entry?

The deadline for abstract submission is February 16, 2025!

Send your abstract by e-mail to


Arrival and accommodation

What funding options are available for travel and accommodation costs?

Participants in the conference with their own contribution can receive the following grants for travel and accommodation costs:

  • €50 for travelling expenses. Semester ticket or other benefits must be used if the journey is less than 180km.
  • From a distance of 100 km: €50 per overnight stay. Two overnight stays per person can be subsidised. In the case of a group project, only two students per contribution can receive funding for travel and accommodation costs.
  • A maximum of €150 per person can be funded.

What accommodation options are there?

We have reserved a contingent of rooms at Hotel Alexander (Alexanderstraße 107, 26121 Oldenburg) for participants of StuFo 2025.

  •    75.00 Euro per night/single room or 85.00 Euro per night with breakfast
  • 85.00 Euro per night/twin or double room or 105.00 Euro per night with breakfast

You can request and book one of the rooms with the keyword ‘StuFo2025’ until 05.05.2025. Payment on site. Free parking spaces are available.


Further accommodation options in Oldenburg:

Where does the conference take place?

The 10th Conference for Student Research will take place at the Carl von Ossietzky University.


Lageplan campus Haarentor

Directions to the conference

Further information will follow shortly.

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