Klaus Brümann
Dept. of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Signal Processing Division
D-26111 Oldenburg
Tel: +49-441-798 5470
Fax: +49-441-798 3902
Klaus Brümann
Klaus Brümann
Contact: Klaus Brümann, M.Sc. |
Klaus Brümann studied Engineering Physics at the University of Oldenburg.
He obtained his B.Eng. degree in 2019 and his M.Sc. degree in 2021, having specialized in acoustics.
In August 2021 he began pursuing a PhD degree at the Signal Processing Group of the University of Oldenburg.
Research Interests
- Speech source and microphone localization (both position and direction-of-arrival estimation)
- Euclidean distance matrix- and matrix rank-based techniques
- Single- and multi-channel speech enhancement
Code Examples
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
1. K. Brümann and S. Doclo, "Steered Response Power-Based Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Exploiting an Auxiliary Microphone,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, 2024. [Presentation,arXiv]
2. K. Brümann and S. Doclo, "Exploiting an External Microphone to Improve Time-Difference-of-Arrival Estimates for Euclidean Distance Matrix-Based Source Localization," in Proc. Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) Conference on Speech Communication), Aachen, 2023. [Poster]
3. K. Brümann and S. Doclo, "3D Single Source Localization Based on Euclidean Distance Matrices," in Proc. International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Bamberg, 2022. [Poster,arXiv]
4. K. Brümann, D. Fejgin, and S. Doclo, "Data-Dependent Initialization for ECM-Based Blind Geometry Estimation of a Microphone Array Using Reverberant Speech," in Proc. Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) Conference on Speech Communication, Online, 2021. [Poster, Code Example]
5. D. Fischer, K. Brümann, and S. Doclo, "Comparison of parameter estimation methods for single-microphone multi-frame Wiener filtering,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), A Coruña, 2019. [Presentation*]
*travel costs partly funded by DEGA Young Scientist conference attendance grant.
Conference Abstracts and Non Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
1. J. Thomsen, K. Brümann, R. Varzandeh, V. Hohmann, "Speech Enhancement for Hearing Aids using a Combination of Binaural and Periodicity Features," in Proc. Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Akustik (DAGA), Stuttgart, 2022.
2. K. Brümann, D. Fischer, and S. Doclo, "Performance comparison of single-channel speech enhancement using speech-distortion weighted inter-frame Wiener filters,” in Proc. Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Akustik (DAGA), Rostock, 2019. [Poster*]
*awarded poster prize.
- Exercises in ”Digital Signal Processing” (SS23, SS24)
- Supervision of "Grundpraktikum Physik I" (WS21/22, WS22/23)
- Exercises in "Blockpraktikum Digitale Signalverarbeitung" (SS19, WS19/20, WS20/21, SS21, WS21/22, WS22/23, SS23)
- Exercises in "Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering" (SS19, SS20, SS21, SS22, SS23)
- Exercises in "Introduction to Biological Data Analysis and Simulation in Matlab" (SS18, SS19)
- Exercises in "Quantum Structure of Matter" (SS17)
- Exercises in "Numerical Methods for Physics and Engineering" (SS17, SS18, SS20)
- Exercises in "Introduction to Matlab" (WS16/17, WS17/18, WS18/19, WS19/20)
(WS = Winter semester, SS = Summer semester, bold font = during PhD)
Master Thesis:
"Blind Geometry Estimation of a Distributed Microphone Array Using Reverberant Speech", April 2021.
Bachelor Thesis:
"Single-Channel Noise Reduction Using Speech-Distortion Weighted Inter-Frame Wiener Filters", November 2018