International Term
International Term
International Term an der Fakultät II / Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Für internationale Austauschstudierende werden folgende Lehrveranstaltungen in englischer Sprache angeboten / English language modules in Economics, Business and Law eligible for in-coming exchange students:
Diese Liste zeigt Ihnen beispielhaft das englischsprachige Lehrveranstaltungsangebot. Bitte beachten Sie pro Semester aktuelle Änderungen und Ergänzungen.
Bachelor Level Courses
Winter Term:
- International Economics (summer term: lecture, winter term: seminar, EM 8) (Trautwein)
- Legal Terminology (1st semester) (Godt)
- Judicial Protection and fundamental freedoms (3rd semester) (Godt)
Summer Term:
- International Economics (summer term: lecture, winter term: seminar, EM8) (Trautwein)
- Introduction to International and EU law (2nd Semester) (Godt)
- International Market Law Harmonisation and Competitive Law (6th semester) (Godt)
- Moot Court EU Law (6th semester) (Godt)
About to come – still to be discussed
- Entrepreneurship
- Betriebliche Umweltpolitik
- Umweltökonomie und Umweltpolitik
- Ressourcen- und Energieökonomik
- Governance
- Interfaculty Cluster, e.g. “European Studies” (2 modules per term)
Master Level Courses (Modules):
Winter Term:
- International Sustainability Management (SEM) (Siebenhüner)
- Practical Project in Sustainability Management (SEM) (Siebenhüner)
- Advanced Macroeconomics (WiRe-B) (Trautwein)
- International Finance and Exchange-Rate Economics (WiRe-TEL4) (Trautwein)
- International and EU Economic Law (WiRe-B) (N.N.)
- International Public Finance (6CP) (WiRe-TEL5a) (Ebert), alternating with:
- International Regulatory and Competition Policy (6CP) (WiRe-TEL5b) (Welsch)
Summer Term:
- Transnational Relations and Law (WiRe-TEL1) (N.N.)
- International Trade, Production and Change (WiRe-TEL2) (Trautwein)
- Labour, Commerce and Competition in the EU Legal order (WiRe-TEL 3) (N.N.)
- Resource & Energy Economics (SEM) (Welsch)
- Labour, Commerce and Competition in a Transnational and EU Perspective (Godt)
- Transnational Relations and Law - International Economic and Commercial Law - Regulation by non-state actors (Godt)
SEM: Master programme “Sustainability Economics and Management”
WiRe: Master programme “Economics and Law” (Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissen-schaften) with the specializations:
TEL: Transnational Economics and Law
FUGO: Corporate Governance and Social Organization