

+49 (0)441 798-4262

A5 1-177 (Lageplan) 


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät II - Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Videokonferenz via Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect Quickstart (10.07.2018)


Meeting application as a standalone application (recommended)


Browser (if you can't install the software by yourself)

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or later
  • Windows Edge Browser
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox


  • Adobe Flash Plugin for the browser above


Browser-Add-in (running seperately from the internet browser)

  • Download add-inn
    • offers better performance
    • not working with newer firefox versions

Recommended accessoires

  • headset to avoid sound feedback

Network requirements

  • Bandwidth: 512 Kbps for participants, meeting attendees, and end users of Adobe Connect applications

Participation via phone (only voice)

  • dial-in number (varies according to the conference room)
  • please announce it in advance



  • sound or video is not working:
    • turn off all other applications, which are using the cmaera and microphone i.e. Skype, GoTo Meeting or any other video- or audioconferencing program.
  • you hear echoes:
    • turn the volume of the speakers down or use headset instead.
  • the audio connection is bad:
    • pause the video or stop it to save bandwidth for the audio channel.

Participation via Computer

Open the conference room in your browser or via the Adobe Connect Smartphone App

Open the conference room in your browser or via the Adobe Connect Smarphone App:
conference room: https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/wired-it

Step 1

Login as a guest. You are free to use an arbitrary name.

Type in the room passcode from the mail, which should have been sent to you separately.


Step 2

Close the help window

Step 3

  1. Activate the microphone, which may also be shown as a telephone symbol (1)
  2. Activate the camera (2)
  3. Start the camera (3)

The symbols turn green.

Step 4

Start sharing your webcam video (1).
Adobe Flash may ask for permissions which have to be granted.

Step 5

Share webcam video (Step 2)


(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p56594
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