Ombudsperson für Fragen der
Diskriminierung und der sexuellen Belästigung
A) Algebra
- Algebraic Graph Theory - Morphisms, Monoids and Matrices
2. Auflage (mit Kolja Knauer)
De Gruyter, Berlin und Boston 2019
- Monoids, Acts and Categories
De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics
Reprint CIP 2016 (PR China)(mit Mati Kilp und Alexander V. Mikhalev)
- Diskrete und algebraische Strukturen - kurz gefasst,
2. Auflage, Springer Spektrum, Berlin Heidelberg 2015
(mit Kolja Knauer)
- Algebraic Graph Theory - Morphisms, Monoids and Matrices
De Gruyter, Berlin 2011
- Graph Asymmetries, Special Issue
Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 5349 - 5424
Edited by Roland Kaschek and Ulrich Knauer
- Workshop on Graph Asymmetries
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 23, Pages 1-60
Edited by Roland Kaschek and Ulrich Knauer
- Diskrete Strukturen - kurz gefasst
Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg 2001
- Monoids, Acts and Categories with applications to wreath products and graphs,
A Handbook for Students and Researchers
W. de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics, Bd. 29, Berlin et al. 2000
(mit M. Kilp und A.V. Mikhalev)
- First International Taiwan-Moscow Algebra Workshop,
W. de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1996
(Hrsg. mit Y. Fong und A.V. Mikhalev)
B) Modellierung und Berufspraxis
- Stadtbahn für Hamburg, Studie, Verein Pro-Stadtbahn-Hamburg.e.V.,
Hamburg, Juni 2014
(mit Dieter Doege)
- RE 2 Studie - Zurück zur Pünktlichkeit,
IHK Cottbus und ProBahn Berlin/Brandenburg (Hrg.), Cottbus, Januar 2014
(mit Dieter Doege)
- Materialien zur Entstehung der Mathematischen Berufe
Daten aus Hochschulstatistiken sowie Volks- und Berufszählungen von 1800 bis 1990
Algorismus, Heft 12, Institut für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, München 1994
(mit M. Böttcher und H.E. Groß)
- Mathematische Modelle
Laster, Busse und Schweine im Mathematikstudium
Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, 1992
Mathematik und Lehrerberuf
DVV, Bonn 1978
(mit G. Becker, J. Maass, V. Reiß)
Artikel in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
A.) Algebra und Graphentheorie
72. | A formula for the number of weak endomorphisms of paths, |
71. | The Endomorphism Monoids of (n − 3)-regular Graphs of Order n, |
70. | On planar right groups |
69. | Completely regular endomorphisms of split graphs |
68. | The endomorphism monoids of graphs of order n with minimum degree n-3. |
67. | A characterization of a pomonoid all of its cyclic S-posets are regular injective, |
66. | Endo-Regularity of Generalized Wheel Graphs |
65. | On endomorphism monoids of Clifford semigroups |
64. | Characterizations of completely simple semigroup digraphs |
63. | Toroidal Embeddings of right groups |
62. | Orthodox endomorphism monoids of strong semilattices of semigroups |
61. | Regular endomorphism monoids of Clifford semigroups |
60. | The Congruence Classes of Paths and Cycles |
59. | On Transitive Cayley Graphs of Strong Semilattices of Right (Left) Groups |
58. | Classification of monoids by injectivities |
57. | Classification of monoids by injectivities |
56. | Various notions of weak injectivity over Clifford semigroups, |
55. | Functorial Properties of Cayley Constructions |
54. | Locally Strong Enomorphisms of Paths |
53. | Characterization of Clifford semigroup digraphs |
52. | On weakly projective amalgams |
51. | On Rees weakly projective right acts |
50. | On transitive Cayley graphs of right (left) Groups and of Clifford semigroups |
49. | On (B,B)-projectivity |
48. | Characterization of Digraphs of Right (Left) Zero Unions of Groups |
47. | Postscript: "Endomorphism spectra of graphs" [Discrete Mathematics 109 (1992) 45-57] |
46. | Graph operations and categorical Constructions |
45. | On Torsionless and Dense Acts |
44. | Divisible, Torsion-Free and Act Regular Generalized Act Wreath Products |
43. | Non additive Morita Theory. A survey |
42. | Weak projectivities for S-acts |
41. | Semigroups with generalized polynomial identities |
40. | PP-Endomorphism monoids of free acts |
39. | Antiisomorphisms of operator semigroups of p-adic Banach spaces |
38. | An example of two von Neumann regular rings with |
37. | Wreath products of monoids with small categories whose principal onesided ideals form chains |
36. | Endomorphism spectra of bipartite graphs |
35. | Wreath products of monoids with small categories whose principal onesided ideals form trees |
34. | Endomorphism monoids of generators in the category of acts over monoids |
33. | Characterization of monoids by properties of generators |
32. | Endomorphism spectra of graphs |
31. | Endomorphism types of trees |
30. | Das Endomorphismen Spektrum eines Graphen |
29. | Hereditary endomorphism monoids of projective acts |
28. | Endomorphisms of graphs |
27. | Morita duality for monoids |
26. | Endomorphisms of graphs |
25. | Wreath products of acts over monoids |
24. | Wreath products of acts over monoids |
23. | Endomorphism monoids of acts are wreath products of monoids with small categories |
22. | Characterization of monoids by properties of faithful and strongly faithful acts |
21. | Unretractive and S-unretractive joins and lexicographic products of graphs |
20. | Characterization of monoids by properties of regular acts |
19. | On free, projective, and strongly flat acts |
18. | Unretractive Graphs (Graphs whose endomorphism monoid is a group) |
17. | Center and commutativity for wreath products of ordered semigroups |
16. | Wreath products of ordered semigroups |
15. | Wreath products of ordered semigroups |
14. | Characterization of monoids by properties of finitely generated right acts and their right ideals |
13. | Acts over Monoids. A Bibliographical Survey of Publications 1975-1981 |
12. | Characterization of monoids by torsion-free, flat, projective, and free acts |
11. | Zur Entwicklung der algebraischen Theorie der Halbgruppen |
10. | Endomorphism monoids of free acts and 0-wreath products of monoids |
9. | Endomorphism monoids of free acts and 0-wreath products of monoids |
8. | Endomorphism monoids of free acts and 0-wreath products of monoids |
7. | Endomorphismenmonoide freier Polygone |
6. | A note on Baer monoids |
5. | Column monomial matrix monoids |
4. | Endomorphism monoids of acts over monoids |
3. | Morita equivalence of semigroups |
2. | Projectivity of acts and Morita equivalence of monoids, |
1. | Spezielle Morphismen und Amalgame in der Kategorie kommutativer Halbgruppen |
Artikel in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
B.) Modellierung und Berufspraxis
31. | Verkehrsanalyse Hamburg Hbf |
30. | Zurück zur Pünktlichkeit. Verspätungsanalyse zum Regionalexpress Cottbus - Wismar, der Fahrgast 2/2014, 18 - 19 |
29. | Modellierung in der Ausbildung von Mathematikern (und Informatikern?): |
28. | Ökosteuer - Soziale Kosten von Benzin, |
27. | Aufbau von S-Bahn-Systemen in mittleren Großstädten |
26. | S-Bahn für Oldenburg? |
25. | Patientenbegleitdienst im Zentralkrankenhaus Bremen-Ost |
24. | Modellierung im klinischen Pflegedienst |
23. | Verkehr - ein Versorgungsproblem |
22. | ÖPNV im Landkreis Vechta |
21. | Ein vernetztes und getaktetes Verkehrssystem Weser Ems |
20. | Ein mathematisches Schweinemastmodell |
19. | Modellierung eines ÖPNV-Netzes, |
18. | Mathematiker in der Wirtschaft |
17. | Mathematische Modellierung - Prinzipien und Qualifikationen |
16. | Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung des kombinierten Verkehrs |
15. | Straßengüterverkehr oder Rollende Landstraße - Ein Ressourcen-Bilanz-Modell, |
14. | University Education as Preparation für Professional Praxis |
13. | Mathematical Modelling in University Education. An Experiment at the University of Oldenburg, |
12. | Die einphasige Lehrerausbildung als Erfahrungsfeld für Hochschullehrer. |
11. | Philosophische Aspekte mathematischer Modellierung |
10. | Philosophical aspects of mathematical modelling |
9. | Some aspects of the relation between mathematics and reality |
8. | The Impact of the Employment Situation of Mathematicians on University Education |
7. | Mathematikstudium, am Beruf orientieren |
6. | Mathematisierung - Mathematik als Methode |
5. | Fragebogen für mathematische Wissenschaftler |
4. | Studieneinführung Mathematik |
3. | Studieneinführung Mathematik |
2. | Drei Probleme aus der Berufspraxis der Mathematiker in der Wirtschaft |
1. | Projektstudium in Mathematik |
Weitere Publikationen aus der Arbeitsgruppe Algebraische Graphentheorie
12. | J. Kötters, Almost all graphs are rigid – revisited |
11. | R. Kaschek, On unretractive graphs |
10. | R. Kaschek, More on unretractive graphs |
9. | Apirat Wanichsombat, Endo-completely-regular split graphs |
8. | Somnuek Worawiset, On endomorphisms of Clifford semigroups. |
7. | Xia Zhang, Clifford semigroups with genus zero |
6. | Zhang X., Chen Y. Q., Wang Y.M., Chain conditions on essential subacts |
5. | On homological classification of pomonoids by regular weak injectivity properties S-posets |
4. | On unretractive graphs |
3. | Almost all graphs are rigid - Revisited |
2. | Links between Latin squares, nets, graphs and groups: |
1. | Graphs with regular endomorphism monoid, |