The summer school runs a full week (05.-09.09.2016) and opens with a public key note lecture on Monday evening.
The following mornings begin with an input lecture for the whole group by one of the invited experts (“expert talk”) and continue with a seminar discussion of a text/material chosen by the expert and prepared by participants in advance (“seminar discussion”). The lecturers will provide insights into their own area of research and lead text-based discussions to further the understanding of an Animal Studies-oriented research perspective.
The afternoons are spent in smaller groups ("workshop sessions") and dedicated to joint analyses of primary material, critical readings, and student presentations. Students choose workshops before the beginning of the summer school and prepare assigned readings in advance. Moreover, they are invited to present their own research ideas and projects in short presentations or with the help of academic posters. Students may also propose topics and suggest materials for joint workshop analyses.
The summer school routine is interrupted by a joint field trip to the Landesmuseum “Natur & Mensch”
The programme is rounded off with a film screening at the local cinema and a summer school dinner.
Confirmed speakers:
- Dr. Malin Ah-King
- Prof. Dr. Roland Borgards
- Dr. Smilla Ebeling
- PD Dr. Michaela Keck
- Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer
- Dr. André Krebber
- Dr. Michael Lawrence
- Dr. Lisanne Wepler
- Dr. vet. Christina Wolf