Adaptation to climate change - Theoretical Basis


Fichter, K.; Gleich, A.v.; Pfriem, R.; Siebenhüner, B. (Hrsg.) (2010). Theoretische Grundlagen für erfolgreiche Klimaanpassungs-strategien.
nordwest2050 Berichte Heft 1. Bremen/Oldenburg: Projektkonsortium ,nordwest2050'. ISSN 2191-3218

Adaptation to climate change - Theoretical Basis

Theoretical foundations for successful climate adaptation strategies

A team of more than 40 scientists from a range of disciplines are working on the nordwest2050, a project supported by third-party funds. This theoretical discourse is essential in order to develop a common language, and to agree as much as possible on a common scientific approach.

In order to practically solve the complex problem of adaptation for climate change, considerable theoretical efforts must be applied.
Climate adaptation processes require complex and often long-term elemental changes in the economy and society. These changes can only be accomplished by incorporating not only effective scientific climate change models, socio-economic emissions scenarios, and prospective and/or potential impacts on the region, but also efficient sociological, technology-based and economic and political analyses and explanatory models. These must clarify the possibilities and limits of targeted influence upon technological, societal and economic processes of change and innovation.

The intention of the present study has been to create a common frame of reference and the conceptual foundation of nordwest2050 within the first year of the project, so as to permit the elaboration of effective strategies for climate change adaptation. The study is to support both empirical surveys within nordwest2050 and implementation within the economic clusters, the region and the so-called "innovation paths", with a better understanding of processes of change and related interventions, controls and limitations. 

(Changed: 19 Oct 2024)  | 
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