

Mesh generator

An essential part of CFD Simulations is the spatial discretization of the simulation domain, the so called meshing. While meshing, the fluid domain is diveded into many small, discrete volumes or elements, in order to enable the numerical solution of the flow equations. The quality of the mesh has an direct impact on the accuracy of the solution, on the convergence rate and the computing time which is needed for simulations. Thus, the meshing is an important and crucial part of CFD simulations.

There are two different types of meshes: structured and unstructured meshes. It is generally assumed that a structured mesh, compared with an unstructured mesh, leads to higher accuracy and efficiency in aerodynamic calculation. But generating the block decomposition for complex geometries isn't trivial and often requiers high effort. In return, there are many tools available to produce unstructured meshes in an highly automated way and quickly.

In order to achieve best possible grid quality and simultaneously reduce the expenditure of time,  a new mesh generator for rotor blades was developed within the TWiSt CFD group. This tool alowes the automatized generation of structured grids for rotor blades.

The current meshing tool has the following positive attributes:

  • Complete automation for applicable geometries
  • Speed
  • Boundary sensitivity which produces best elements along the boundary
  • High cell quality
  • y+ adjustment based on velocity of each section along the blade
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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