Prof. Dr. Konstantin Pankrashkin
Tagungen und Seminare | Conferences and Seminars
Interessante Tagungen
Regelmäßige Treffen
Unsere Arbeitsgruppe nimmt regelmäßig an folgenden Veranstaltungsreihen teil:
- Oberseminar Analysis /Numerik in Oldenburg (wöchentlich in den Vorlesungszeiten)
- Bremen-Hamburg2-Kiel-Oldenburg Seminar zur Funktionalanalysis (ca. halbjährlich): Hamburg-07/2025, Oldenburg-01/2025, Hamburg-05/2024, Bremen-02/2024, Hamburg-07/2023
- Groningen-Oldenburg-Utrecht Seminar on Analysis and Mathematical Physics (ca. jährlich): Oldenburg-10/2024, Groningen-02/2024
- Nordwestdeutsches Funktionalanalysis-Kolloquium (jährlich): Oldenburg-2025, Paderborn-2024
- Walkshops on mathematical physics (ca. jährlich),
- Tagungen "Aspect: Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory” (ca. zweijährlich): Metz-2024, Oldenburg-2022, Orsay-2019, Trier-2017, Orsay-2015, Mainz-2012
Von mir organisierte Tagungen
- Spectral theory (special session of the conference QMath16: Mathematical results in quantum theory), München, 1-5 September 2025,
- Recent trends in calculus of variations and PDE, Oldenburg, 22-24 July 2025,
- Spectral theory and applications (mini-symposium in the conference „Mathematics of wave phenomena”), Karlsruhe, 24-28 February 2025,
- Facets of mathematics: discrete, smooth, and singular (in honor of Daniel Grieser), Oldenburg, 10-11 October 2024,
- Spectral theory of differential operators in mathematical physics (mini-symposium in 9th ECM), Sevilla, 15-19 July 2024,
- Geometric spectral theory, Oberwolfach, 20-26 August 2023,
- Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory (Aspect'22), Oldenburg, 26-30 September 2022,
- Self-adjoint extensions in new settings, Oberwolfach, 6-12 October 2019,
- Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory (Aspect'19), Orsay, 30 September - 4 October 2019,
- Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory (Aspect'17), Trier, 25-29 September 2017,
- Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory (Aspect'15), Orsay, 5-7 October 2015,
- Eigenvalue problems in surface superconductivity, Oberwolfach, 30 November - 6 December 2014,
- Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory on non-compact structures (Aspect'12), Mainz, 10-12 September 2012,
- Boundary value problems and spectral geometry, Oberwolfach, 1-7 January 2012,
- Operator theory and boundary value problems, Orsay, 25-27 May 2011,
- Mathematical models of nanostructures: spectral problems and scattering properties, Berlin, 25-27 April 2005 (local organizer),
- Spectral problems for Schrödinger-type operators, Berlin, 11-14 November 2003 (local organizer)
und als Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirates:
- Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory (Aspect'24), Metz, 23-27 September 2024,
- Waves 2024, Berlin, 30 June-5 July 2024,
- Waves 2022, Palaiseau, 25-29 July 2022,
- The Dirac equation, Bordeaux, 6-8 July 2022,
- Semi-classical and geometric asymptotics in mathematical physics, Toulon, 24-25 April 2018,
- Mathematical physics and spectral theory (in memory of Vladimir A. Geyler, 1943-2007), Berlin, 24-26 April 2008