Diskussionspapiere 2007
Diskussionspapiere 2007
V-292-07 Tobias Menz und Heinz Welsch Carbon Emissions and Demographic Transition: Linkages and Projections V-293-07 Udo Ebert und Heinz Welsch Optimal Environmental Regulation: Implications of the Materials Balance V-294-07 Ole Christiansen, Dirk H. Ehnts and Hans-Michael Trautwein Industry Relocation, Linkages and Spillovers across the Baltic Sea: Extending the Footloose Capital Model V-295-07 Ole Christiansen, Dirk H. Ehnts and Hans-Michael Trautwein Industry Relocation, Linkages and Spillovers across the Baltic Sea: Extending the Footloose Capital Model (erweiterte Fassung) V-296-07 Christoph Böhringer Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down V-297-07 Christoph Böhringer und Carsten Helm On the Fair Division of Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost V-298-07 Christoph Böhringer Efficiency Losses from Overlapping, Regulation of EU Carbon Emissions V-299-07 Udo Ebert Living standard, social welfare and the redistribution of income in a heterogeneous population V-300-07 Udo Ebert Recursively aggregable inequality measures: Extensions of Gini's mean difference and the Gini coefficient V-301-07 Udo Ebert Dominance criteria for welfare comparisons: Using equivalent income to describe differences in needs
V-302-07 Udo Ebert Recursively aggregable inequality measures: Extensions of Gini's mean difference and the Gini coefficient