

Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer


Annegret Kock

+49 (0)441 798-4117

+49 (0)441 798-4116

 A05 0-013

Catharina Schramm

+49 (0)441 798-4107

+49 (0)441 798-194107

A05 0-014

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät II - Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften -
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg


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Vom Bahnhof aus fahren die Buslinien 306 und 310 im 10-Minutentakt, die Fahrt dauert ca. weitere 10 Minuten, insgesamte Fahrtdauer vom Bahnhof ca. 20 Minuten

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Das volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquium bietet externen Vortragenden die Gelegenheit zur Vorstellung ihrer Forschung und zur intensiven Diskussion noch unveröffentlichter Arbeiten. Bestehende Kooperationen können auf diese Weise ausgebaut und neue Zusammenarbeit begründet werden. Das Format umfasst einen rund einstündigen Vortrag mit anschließender halbstündiger Diskussion, die danach im informellen Rahmen bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen fortgesetzt wird.


Die Vorträge finden, wenn nicht anders angekündigt, jeweils am Montag von 16 bis 18 h (ct) in Raum A5 1-158 statt. 

Aktuelle Veranstaltung im STUD.IP: 2.02.002

Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2025

06.01.2025 Philipp Bothe,
School of Economics, EHESS, Paris
Lost in Aggregation: The Local Environmental and Welfare Effects of large industrial shutdowns

Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2024

24.06.2024 Dr. Anna Pechan,
Energy Economic Research Associates, Jacobs Universität Bremen
TSO Coordination and Strategic Behaviour: A Game Theoretical and Simulation Model Study based on the German Electricity Grid
17.06.2024 Prof. Dr. Torben Klarl,
Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Fällt aus!
Green Technologies and Growth: Evidence from European Regions
06.05.2024 Prof. Dr. Knut Rosendahl
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås
Competition for carbon storag
22.05.2024 Dr. Hide Yonezawa,
Research Department Statistics Norway, Oslo
Emission pricing and CO2 compensation in the EU
08.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Ingo Geishecker
Lehrstuhl für VWL, insb. Angewandte Mikroökonomie, Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Do firms learn from one-off export


Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2023


Prof. Stefan Pichler
Department of Economics and Finance
University of Groningen

Measuring Inequality Using Geospatial Data



Prof. Dr. Lars Schwettmann
Universität Oldenburg

The link between air temperature and risk attitudes: evidence from a large population-based cohort study



Prof. Manrique de Lara Penate
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Departamento de Análisis Económica Aplicado

Cost, time and environmental impact in a container vessel deployment model

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer und
Prof. Dr. Erkan Gören

Universität Oldemburg

How the Well-Being Function Varies with Age: The Importance of Income, Health, and Social Relations over the Life Cycle

Prof. Bengt Kriström
Dept of Forest Economics, SLU
Senor Advisor, Centre for Environmental and Resource Economics (CERE) Umea Universitiy

Paying a Premium for „Green Steel”: Paying for an Illusion?


Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2019


David Gomtsyan PhD.
HSE - St. Petersburg

The Incidence of VAT Evasion

Prof. Sebastian Schwenen PhD.
TU Munich

Technology Policy and Market Structure: Evidence from the Power Sector

Prof. Mathias Reynaert PhD
Toulouse School of Economics

Favoritism and Corrective Taxation

Davide Cerruti
Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE) ETH-Zurich

The Effect of Information on Market Activity; Evidence from Vehicle Recalls

Dr. Sven Resnjanskij
ifo Institut - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München e.V.

Individualism and Cognitive Skills – Evidence from a Large-Scale Skill Assessment
03.06.2019   Prof. Dr. Michael Pflüger

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

On the Road (Again). Commuting and Local Employment Elasticities in Germany

Iñaki Arto
BC-Basque Centre for Climate Change Bilbao, Spain

The economic impact of the Spanish National Energy and Climate Plan 2020 - 2030
20.05.2019   Prof. Dominique Demougin

PhD von der University of Liverpool

A steady-state analysis of legal competition with freedom of movement

Dr. Ralf Döring
AG Ökonomische Analysen, Thünen-Institut für Seefischerei

Wie (müssten) Fischer auf Klimawandel und Änderungen im Fischereimanagement reagieren -  Ergebnisse ökonomischer Analysen aus EU-Forschungsprojekten

Manfred Fischedick
Wuppertal Institut

Stand von Energiewende und Klimaschutz in Deutschland - Herausforderungen und Chancen, was ist zu tun?
29.04.2019   Prof. Dr. Tim Mennel


Ein Ampelmodell für den Schweizer Strommarkt


Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2018

10.12.2018 Prof. Dr. Michael Pflüger
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

On the Road (Again). Commuting and Local Employment Elasticities in Germany

03.12.2018 Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
Universität Essen-Duisburg

Long-term Electricity Market Equilibria with Storage in the Presence of Stochastic Renewable Infeed

19.11.2018 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fritsche
Universität Hamburg
Deciphering Professional Forecasters´Stories - Analyzing a Corpus of Textual Predictions for the German Economy
22.10.2018 Mohammad Khabbazan
Universität Hamburg
Economics of Climate geoengineering
18.06.2018 Dr. Torsten Upmann
Helmholtz Institut in Oldenburg
Optimal Fishery with Coastal Catch
04.06.2018 Prof. Dr. Bengt Kriström
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet Umea University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
New Developments In Cost-Benefit Analysis
28.05.2018 Prof. Dr. Ingo Geishecker PhD
Europa Universität Viadrina
Chinese Competition: Intra-industry and Intra-firm Adaptation
07.05.2018 Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
Universität Münster
The Demand for Global and Local Environmental Protection – Experimental Evidence from Climate Change Mitigation in Beijing
09.04.2018 Prof. Nic Rivers
University of Ottawa
The economic costs of air pollution: Evidence from Europe
15.01.2018 Prof. Dr. Torben Klarl
Universtität Bremen
Status race for health, fiscal policy, elastic labor supply, and endogenous growth

Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2017


Prof. Dr. Erkan Gören und Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Foreign Aid and Subnational Development: A Grid Cell Empirical Investigation

Prof. Ph.D. Holger Görg

Christian-Albrechts-Universtität zu Kiel

Reconsidering the wage effects of foreign owned firms

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bruckner

Universtität Leipzig

Integrated Assessment Modelle und kosteneffiziente Klimaschutzstrategien auf globaler Ebene

Prof. Dr. Marcel Timmer

Universität Groningen

Peak trade? An Anatomy of the Global Trade Slowdown

Dr. Frank Pothen

Universität Hannover

The Interaction of Climate and Trade Policy

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Buchholz

Universität Regensburg

Technology Transfers in Global Climate Policy: A Strategic Perspective

Volkswirtschaftsliche Kolloquien 2016


PhD Tarek M. Harchaoui

Universität Groningen

Here Comes the Sun with its Quality-Adjusted Price Index

Dr. Mikel Gonzalez

Basque Climate Center at Bilbao

Implications of rapid Arctic change for climate stabilization

Prof. Dr. Knut Einar Rosendahl

(Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
The impacts of the EU ETS on Norwegian plants' environmental and economic performance

PD. Dr. Alexander Spermann

(Universität Freiburg)

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen und empirische Methoden: Bringen Feldexperimente mehr Einsichten als Mikrosimulationen und CGE-Modelle?


Prof. Dr. Martin Uebele

Universität Groningen

The Global Impact of the Great Depression

PhD Tarek M. Harchaoui

Universität Groningen

Here Comes the Sun with its Quality-Adjusted Price Index

Dr. Paul Lehmann

Zentrum für Umwelt-forschung (UFZ)

Addressing multiple externalities from electricity generation: A case for EU renewable energy policy beyond 2020?

Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2015


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wagner

Universität Mannheim

The innovation effects of carbon trading: Evidence from interviews with managers

Prof. Dr. J. Paul Elhorst

Universität Groningen

A regional unemployment model simultaneously accounting for serial dynamics, weak and strong cross-sectional dependence

Prof. Dr. Grischa Perino

Universität Hamburg


The price and emission effects of a market stability reserve in a competive allowance market


Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange

(Universität Hamburg)

Providing (Impure) Public Goods under Risk

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Weikard

(Universität Wageningen)

International Environmental Agreements: Join or Support?


Prof. Dr. Patrick Puhani

(Universität Hannover)

Do Boys Benefit from Male Teachers in Elementary School? Evidence from Administrative Panel Data


Prof. Dr. Gaaitzen de Vries

(University of Groningen)

Functional Specialization in International Production Chains: An Exploration based on Occupational Data

Prof. Dr. Dierk Herzer

(Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg)


The long-run effect of foreign direct investment on total factor productivity in developing countries


Prof. Dr. Stefan Traub

(Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg)

Competition, Income Distribution, and the Middle Class: An Experimental Study

Prof. Dr. Ingo Geishecker

(European University Viadrina)

Intensive and Extensive Margins of Offshoring and Associated Wage Effects: Empirical Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data

Dr. Bart Los

(Universität Groningen)

The Demand for Skills 1995-2008: A Global Supply Chain Perspective

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Rausch

(ETH, Zürich)

Cross-country electricity trade and renewable energy

Prof. Dr. Philipp Schröder

(Aarhus University)

Harmonization versus Mutual Recognition: Some pitfalls for the coordination of product standards under imperfect competition

Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2014


Prof. Dr. Henk Folmer

(Universität Groningen)

Perception-based averting behavior in the jinchuan area, China  
A structural equation modeling approach


Dr. Rolf Künneke

(TU Delft)

Critical Infrastructures: Aligning Instutions and Technology

Dennis Novy
Associate Professor

(University of Warwick, UK)

Domestic and International Border Effects: State Size Matters

Erik Dietzenbacher

(University of Groningen)

Applying the World Input-Output Database to Study Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Prof. Dr. Michael Neugart

(TU Darmstadt)

A tradable employment quota

Edwin van der Werf
Assistant Professor

(Wageningen University, NL)

'Should we be worried about the green paradox? Announcement effects of the Acid Rain Program

Michael Hübler

(Leibniz University Hannover)

The Optimal Tariff in the Presence of Trade-Induced Productivity Gains

Prof. Dr. Holger Görg

(Universität Kiel)                      

Investment liberalisation, technology take-off and export market entry: Firm level evidence for China

Dr. Sanne Hiller

(Universität Lüneburg)

Business or immigrant networks: What matters for firms’ export performance?"

Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2013


Prof. Dr. Martin Quaas

(Universität Kiel)

Public and private management of renewable resources: Who gains, who loses?

Dr. Robert Schmidt

(Humboldt Universität, Berlin)

Climate cooperation with border tax adjustments and early investments in low-carbon-technologies

Prof. Dr. Jörn Kleinert

(Universität, Graz)

Home bias in financial markets

Prof. Dr. Frank Stähler

(Uni Tübingen)

International competition with non-linear pricing

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Rausch

(ETH, Zürich)


Susana Ferreira

(Assistant Professor; Department of Agriculture & Applied Economics, University of Georgia).

Does development reduce fatalities from natural disasters? New evidence for floods

Prof. Knut E. Rosendahl

(UMB School of Economics and Business, Norwegian Universityof Life Sciences, Ås, Norway)

Short run effects of bleaker prospects for oligopolistic producers of a nonrenewable resource

Prof. Dr. Georg Meran

(TU Berlin)

Soziale Präferenzen und steigende Blocktarife im Wassersektor

Dr. Mads Greaker

(Forschungsleiter, statistisk sentralbyrå, Statistics Norway)

Optimal environmental policy with network effects

Emmanuel Asane Otoo

(MA Sc., University of Copenhagen)

International integration and threshold adjustment in the Burkinabe cereal market

Volkswirtschaftliche Kolloquien 2012


09.07.2012Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
(Uni Oldenburg)
Approximating Capital Service by Energy Use: A Growth Accounting Exercise
25.06.2012Prof. Dr. Katrin Rehdanz
(Uni Kiel)
The Impact of Climate on Life-Satisfaction
11.06.2012Prof. Dr. Hans Fehr
(Uni Würzburg)
Sollte das deutsche Rentensystem mehr umverteilen?
24.04.2012 Prof. Dr. Anke Gerber
(Uni Hamburg)
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