MINA - Microscope Integrated Navigation


Through the collaboration of OFFIS, Möller-Wedel GmbH, IAPG and Axios 3D GmbH, an integrated solution for micro-optical navigation in neurosurgery will be developed. Currently commercially available navigation systems for neurosurgery require a lot of space in the operating room and a free view to the microscope and patient for position measurement.


The project therefore envisages the miniaturization and integration of a position measurement system in a surgical microscope. This will improve the ergonomics of the navigation system, as alignment of the measurement system is no longer necessary. The operating time is shortened, as physicians and assistants can operate next to the navigation system. The measurement distance is reduced, which at the same time leads to higher accuracy and manipulation possibilities in the micrometer range. The microscope with integrated navigation system to be developed together with the companies Axios3d and Möller-Wedel would have a unique selling point worldwide and could be offered as an extension of Möller-Wedel's microscopes.

Cooperations / Funding

The project will be carried out between 07/2011 and 03/2012 at OFFIS Health. It is funded by the BMWi within the framework of ZIM.

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