PAGE - Platform for the integration of technology-based health services in health networks


The aim of the PAGE project is to develop, prototype and evaluate a platform for the integration of assistive health technologies in health networks. On the one hand, the focus is on the use and technical integration of current assistive technologies to support the daily needs of older people with the aim of maintaining their independence in their familiar home environment for as long as possible. On the other hand, the focus is on the analysis and further development of the value chain of medical service providers, companies in the health industry and other service providers. The following sub-goals are addressed for this purpose:

  • Definition of demand-oriented bundles of assisting health technologies and health services
  • Integration of the service bundles into innovative care models with the support of trans-institutional information system architectures.
  • Development of integration profiles of service providers in health networks as well as IT and AGT providers
  • Development of business models for the operation of an intermediary platform for the integration of assistive health technologies in health networks


The project is being carried out between 01/2009 and 06/2012 at the OFFIS Health Department. It is funded by the BMBF (Projektträger DLR).The official website of the project can be found at PAGE.


Frenken, T.; Brell, M.; Hein, A. (2012): aTUG: Technical Apparatus for Gait and Balance Analysis within Component-based Timed Up & Go Using Mutual Ambient Sensors. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, submitted.

Lipprand, M.; Hein, A. (2012): Standardized Representation of Medical Data in AAL-Applications. 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications - AAL 2012, in print.

Frenken, T.; Vester, B.; Brell, M.; Hein, A. (2011): aTUG: Fully-automated Timed Up and Go Assessment Using Ambient Sensor Technologies. 5th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 May 2011, in print.

Frenken, T.; Steen, E.-E.; Brell, M.; Hein, A.; Nebel, W. (2011): Motion Pattern Generation and Recognition for Mobility Assessments in Domestic Environments. AAL 2011 - 1st International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL - Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications. Rome, Italy, 26-29 January 2011, pp 3-12.

Frenken, T.; Wilken, O.; Hein, A. (2010): Technical Approaches to Unobtrusive Geriatric Assessments in Domestic Environments. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation, BMI'10, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 21, 2010, pp. 63-74.

Frenken, T.; Gövercin, M.; Mersmann, S.; Hein, A. (2010): Precise Assessment of Self-Selected Gait Velocity in Domestic Environments. 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2010, Munich Germany, March 22-25, 2010, 8 pages.

Frenken, T.; Brell, M.; Eichelberg, M.; Gietzelt, M.; Martens, B.; Meyer, E.M.; Spehr, J.; Wilken, O.; Hein, A. (2010): Assistive Technologies for Supporting People with Dementia. AALIANCE Conference - Malaga, Spain - 11-12 March 2010, 5 pages.

Hellrung, N.; Haux, R.; Gövercin, M.; Steinhagen-Thiessen, E.; Hein, A.; Kluthe, R.; Schulz, C.; Thoben, W. (2009): PAGE - A platform for the integration of IT-based health services in health networks. 2nd German AAL Congress, Berlin, Germany, 27-28.01.2009, pp. 314-317.

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