

Optimised movement therapy through the interaction of artificial intelligence and video technology with healthcare professionals and patients (Smart-BT)

Motivation and Goals

In Germany, many patients suffer from back and other skeletal pain. Most of these complaints are treated with medication. However, the effectiveness of the treatment is not very high, so that in many cases long-term treatment is required and there are follow-up costs for physiotherapy, aids, rehabilitation, and surgery. In many cases, home exercise therapy can be more effective than other interventions. However, it must be tailored to the individual patient and their symptoms. Because of this complexity and the associated high personnel costs, exercise therapy is rarely prescribed and, unfortunately, often not integrated into the outpatient treatment plan.


This project will use innovative information and communication technologies to tailor and deliver therapy to patients. The aim of the project is therefore to optimise the diagnosis and creation of individual therapy plans using video-based body recording and machine learning. Individual performance and needs will be recorded through exercises performed by the patient under the guidance of the Herodikos app. Expert opinion is also included. The most appropriate individual therapy plan is then created by combining expert knowledge with the results of the AI application.

Cooperations / Funding

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Funding period: 1.10.2020-31.03.2023


  • Herodikos GmbH


  • [article] bibtex
    L. Büker, V. Quinten, M. Hackbarth, S. Hellmers, R. Diekmann, and A. Hein, "How the Processing Mode Influences Azure Kinect Body Tracking Results" Sensors, vol. 23, iss. 2, p. 878.
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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