Open for all doctoral candidates/disciplines!!! The ocean has a central role in Earth’s climate system, but also for how climate change affects humans. The vast majority of the anthropogenically [...]
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Vom 16.-20. September 2024 findet die dritte Postdoc Appreciation Week in Deutschland statt. Alle Infos hier:
Climate change, people and the ocean - Details
Career insights online 13.09.2024
The seminar format "Career Insights Online" aims at introducing different career paths of marine scientists in the widest sense and offers the possibility to get in touch with former members of the Marine Graduate Schools in Oldenburg, Bremen and Bremerhaven. It focusses on career paths outside of academia and will give insights into job fields in, for example, industry, administration, consulting, non-governmental organisations and journalism.
ICYMARE 2024 Bremen
ICYMARE 2024 in Bremen International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers 16-20 September 2024 will take place in Bremen from 16th to 20th of September 2024! Everybody is welcome to join the [...]
OLTECH Career paths in Science, Medicine and Technology 15.10.2024
“Career paths in Science, Medicine and Technology” offers you the chance to meet OLTECH alumni and other role models, to hear from their experiences, and to interact with them. You will learn about a variety of career paths and get insights into different areas of work, in particular jobs outside of academia.
Guests: Dr. Andrea Gall, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
Workshop: "Night Science and Creativity: Where Do Good Research Questions Come From?"
"Night Science" emphasizes the imaginative and exploratory side of research, where creativity and curiosity drive the formation of new hypotheses and research directions. This workshop aims to equip students with tools and strategies to enhance their creative thinking, helping them develop innovative research questions and approaches within their fields. The detailed workshop schedule is outlined below.
OLTECH - Mentoring programme for young researchers (02/2025 - 11/2025)
Young researchers actively explore their career options, learn career development methods, build a network, and improve their networking strategies.
This is made possible through: specific trainings, workshops & lectures. We offer everyone a framework for a fruitful mentoring partnership.
Career insights online 08.11.2024
The seminar format "Career Insights Online" aims at introducing different career paths of marine scientists in the widest sense and offers the possibility to get in touch with former members of the Marine Graduate Schools in Oldenburg, Bremen and Bremerhaven. It focusses on career paths outside of academia and will give insights into job fields in, for example, industry, administration, consulting, non-governmental organisations and journalism.
Scientific Writing Workshop
This workshop concentrates on the process of writing an academic manuscript in the natural sciences (biology, medicine, chemistry, physics). Choosing an audience, creating a story, explaining complex data and formulating convincing arguments will be discussed. Additionally, detailed information will be given regarding the content of each manuscript section. Workshop participants will be instructed in the formal and organizational aspects of academic writing and train their competency with exercises.
How to Write an Ethics Proposal
In this course, doctoral candidates and master's students are familiarized with fundamental questions of ethics in the sciences as well as with the content and formal aspects of writing ethics proposals. Participants receive support in writing their own ethics proposal if they wish, both during the semester and in the semester break.
Lecturer: Dr. Jale Nur Özyurt
Dates: 28.11.2024 from 13-17 and 29.11.2024 from 9-13
Graduiertenschulen 3GO und OLTECH
an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
In der Graduiertenakademie sind zwei Graduiertenschulen vereint. Die Graduiertenschule für Gesellschafts- und Geisteswissenschaften (3GO) und die Graduiertenschule für Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik (OLTECH) bilden den fachlichen Rahmen für die strukturierte Förderung der Promotion an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Sie schaffen Raum für Kooperation, Austausch und gemeinsame Aktivitäten unterschiedlicher Graduiertenprogramme und bieten fachnahe, überfachliche Ausbildungs- und Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten an.
- Die Graduiertenschule 3GO umfasst die Fakultäten I - Bildungs- und Sozialwissenschaften, II - Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften (Department für Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften), III - Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften und IV - Human- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften.
- Die Graduiertenschule OLTECH umfasst die Fakultäten II - Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften (Department für Informatik), V - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften und VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften.
Aufgrund ihrer Strukturen bieten die Graduiertenschulen eine gute Unterstützung für unterschiedliche Ausgestaltungen der einzelnen Promotionsphasen, da sie die Möglichkeit haben, die jeweiligen fachspezifischen Kulturen und Karriereperspektiven zu reflektieren. Zusätzlich ermöglicht das breite Portfolio der Aktivitäten viele nachfrageorientierte Qualifikationsangebote.