Adaptation to climate change - Survey
Adaptation to climate change - Survey
“New opportunities and risks for businesses in times of climate change”
For 33% of the companies surveyed in the Metropolitan Region Northwest, the effects of climate change have already become a relevant factor for business success. Especially in agriculture and construction, and also in companies of 250 employees or more, the significance of climate change is assessed as more serious than for other industries and size classes. The majority of companies expect the impact of climate change on their business success to sharply increase by 2050.
This represents only one of several significant results of a survey of 4000 companies in the Metropolitan Region Northwest conducted by the Chair for Innovation Management and Sustainability during the summer of 2010. The following key question is to be answered by the survey, which is structured in panel form: Are the companies located in the Metropolitan Region sufficiently prepared for the future challenges caused by climate change?
- short & sharp, results in summary (company surveys 2010 and 2012)
- short & sharp, results in summary (company survey 2010)
The second survey was evaluated in October 2013. The results of this survey and the comparison the first survey in 2010, can be found [here] (German only).