Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hilt


Gisela Kaulfuß

Institut für Chemie  (» Postanschrift)

W3 2-279 (» Adresse und Lageplan)

Mo - Fr. 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr und n. V.

+49 441 798-3716  (F&P

Sara Torabi

Sara Torabi


W03A 1-209 (Büro)

W03A 1-212-B (Labor)

+49 441 / 798 3843

Curriculum Vitae

Sara Torabi obtained her B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry from Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran in 2017 and currently, she is a M.Sc. student in Analytical Chemistry at the same university. Her research interest is focused on the electrochemical behavior of organic compounds and electro-organometallic chemistry in Dr. Khazalpour group.

In 2022, she joined Prof. Gerhard Hilt’s research group at Oldenburg university for PhD studies on electrosynthesis.

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