Autoren/Titel/Zeitschrift | |
2024 | |
Oxidative Aromatization of Ethane. ChemCatChem 2024, e202401709.
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Einemann M., Neumann F., Roessner F., Influence of Ammonia and Different Promoters on the Iron- Based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis ChemCatChem 16 (2024), e202400726
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Erdmann S., Thomé A.G., Wittayakun J., Roessner F. Kinetic investigation of the aldol condensation of n-butanal on mesoporous and macro-mesoporous heterogeneous catalysts Molecular Catalysis 559 (2024) 114026
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2023 | |
Einemann M., Haida, S., Fischer N., Osakoo N., Wittayakun J., Roessner F., On the problem of cobalt chloride-based catalysts in the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis Catal. Sci. Technol. 13 (2023) 4409 - 4419 https://doi: 10.1039/d2cy02182j
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2022 | |
Thomé A.G., Osakoo N., Wittayakun J., Roessner F., Base modified organic mesoporous silicas, their characterization and application in the aldol reaction of n-butanal,
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Brinkmann N., Damps A., Siemer M., Kräuter J., Rößner F., Al-Shamery K., Reactions at amine-atabilized and ligand-free platinum nanoparticles supported on titania during Journal of Visualized Experiments June (2022) • 184 • Page 1 of 29 DOI: 10.3791/63936 (2022)
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Osakoo N., Tawachkultanadilok P., Loiha S., Roessner F., Poo-arporn Y., Kidkhunthod P., Chanlek N., Prayoonpokarach a , S., Wittayakun J. Green reduction route via ethanol dehydrogenation and decomposition for Pd-promoted Co3O4/SBA-15 catalysts in reverse water gas shift reaction: An operando time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 316 (2022) 121670 DOI:
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2021 | |
Novikova T.N., Roessner F., Selemenev V.F. Изучение термических свойств органо-неорганических композитов с четвертичными аминогруппами на основе магадиита (Study of the thermal properties of organo-inorganic composites with quaternary amino groups based on magadiite) Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы, 6 (2021) 827-832 DOI:
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Injongkol Y., Khemtong P., Yodsin N., Wongnongwa Y., Sosa N., Yooungjan S., ButbureeT., Rungtaweevoranit B., Sirapassorn S., Wittayakun J., Roessner F., Jungsuttiwong S., Combined in-situ XAS and DFT studies on the role of Pt in zeolite-supported metal catalysts for selective n-hexane isomerization Fuel 314 (2021) 123099 DOI:
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Novikova L.A., Khodosova N.A., Belchinskaya L.I., Roessner F. Effect of activation temperature on surface basicity of natural aluminosilicates Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы, 21 (2021) 9-16 DOI: 10.17308/sorpchrom.2021.21/3198
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Sinyaeva L.A:, Karpov S.I., Belanova N.A., Roessner F. Perspectives of application of nanostructured mesoporous materials in adsorptive chromatographic separation and concentration of biological active materials Наследие М.С.Цвета в трудах Воронежских химиков Изд. Научная книга, Воронеж 2021б т.1, 149-160б ISBN: 978-5-4446-1524-9
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Roessner F. Homogene oder heterogene Katalyse? Simultane Verwendung von basischen und sauren Zeolithen in der flüssigen Phase bei der Umesterung und Veresterung . Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (2021) 1011-1014.
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2020 | |
Rattanawongsa W., Roessner F., Wittayakun J. Preparation of Cerium-Impregnated Zeolite NaY and Investigation of Surface Acid-Base by Catalytic Transformation of Methylbutynol Proc. Int. Conference IVST (28.-30.8.2020), Nakhon Rachasima, PLS 0013 p. 369 - 375
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Einemann M., Neumann F., Thomé A.G., Ghomsi Wabo S., Roessner F. Quantitative study of the oxidation state of iron-based catalysts by inverse temperature-programmed reduction and its consequences for catalyst activation and performance in Fischer-Tropsch reaction Applied Catalysis A: General 602 (2020) 117718 Volume 602, 25 July 2020, 117718
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Einemann M., Schroeter F., Roessner F. Alkylation of phenol derivatives catalyzed by zeolites and zirconia based oxides Kinet. Mech. Catal. Reaction Kinetics 130 (2020) 477-491
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Osakoo N., Khemthong P., Roessner F., Kidkhunthod P., Chanlek N., Prayoonpokarach S., Wittayakun J., Development and characterization of silica supported cobalt oxides for ethanol oxidation using different preparative method Radiation Physics and Chemistry 171 (2020) 108718
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2019 | |
Kulawong S., Kulawong J., Neramittagapong A., Roessner F., Wittayakun J. Modification of mordenite by carbon black template and utilization as supports for iron catalyst in phenol hydroxylation MaterialsToday: Proceedings, 17 (44) (2019) 1370 - 1378
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Ryltzova I.G., Roessner F., Lebedeva O., Nestroynaya O.V., Studying Hydrotalcite-like Compounds Isomorphically Substituted with Iron and Cobalt via Inverse Temperature-Programmed Reduction Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 93 (2019) 1038 – 1044
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Krupskaya V., Novikova L., Tyupina E., Belousov P., Dorzhieva O., Zakusin, S., Kim K., Roessner F., Badetti E., Brunelli A., Belchinskaya, L. The influence of acid modification on the structure of montmorillonites and surface properties of bentonites Applied Clay Sciences, 172 (2019) 1-10
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Thome A.G., Bottke P., Schroeter F., Roessner F, Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 274 (2019), 342-346
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2018 | |
Sokolovskiy P.V., Roessner F., Vezentsev A.I., Konkova T.V., Alekhina M.B., Manokhin S., Greish A.A., Changes in the Crystal Lattice Parameters of Montmorillonite during Its Modification by Cobalt and Aluminum Cations Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 92 Nr 10 (2018) 1947-1952
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Sinyaeva L. A., Belanova, N. A., Karpov S. I., Selemenev V. F., Roessner F, Adsorption Preconcentration of Phosphatidylcholine in Nanostructured Mesoporous Materials under Dynamic Conditions Russian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, (2018)
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Vezentsev A. I., Peristiy V. A., Bukhanov V. D., Peristaya L. F., Sokolovskiy P. V., Roessner F., Mikhailyukova M.O., Greish A.A. Effective Purification of Water from Iron Ions and Potentially Pathogenic Microorganisms using a Montmorillonite Composite Sorbent Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 92 (2018) 1806 - 1812
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Ryltsova I.G., Nestroinaya O.V., Lebedeva O.E., Schroeter F. Roessner F. Synthesis and characterization of layered double hydroxides containing Nickel in unstable oxidation state +3 in cationic sites Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 265 (2018) 332 - 338
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2017 | |
Нефедова Т.Н., Селеменев В.Ф., Roessner F. , Thomé A.G. , Schroeter F. Влияние структуры кремнезема на процесс его дегидратации Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы, 17 Nr. 5 (2017) 741 - 749
Nefedova T.N. , Thomé A.G. , Schroeter F. , Selemenev V.F. , Roessner F. Influence of silica structure on its dehydration Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17 Nr. 5 (2017) 741 - 749
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Ярцев С.Д., Милюшкин А.Л., Хесина З.Б., Ревина А.А., Суворова О.В., Рёсснер Ф., Петухова Г.А., Буряк А.К. Получение и исследование каталитической активности шунгита, модифицированного наночастицами меди Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы, 17 Nr. 2 (2017) 212 - 219
Iartsev S.D., Milyushkin A.L., Khesina Z.B., Revina A.A., Souvorova O.V., Roessner F., Petukhova G.A., Buryak A.K. Synthesis and study of catalytical activity of shungite modified with copper nanoparticles Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17 Nr. 2 (2017) 212 - 219
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Askurava A.S., Sinyaeva L. A., Belanova N.A., Karpov S.I., Selemenev V.F., Roessner F., Effect of Temperature on the Adsorption of Phosphatidylcholine by Silicon-Containing Materials with Various Degrees of Order Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 91 No 6 (2017) 1121–1126.
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Tamahrajaha J., Goncharova I., Pytskii I., Shiryaev A.A., Averin A.A., Kiselevc M.R., Shaphigulina A., Basirun W.J., Buryak A.K., Pethukova G.A., Roessner F., X-ray coupled Laser Desorption Ionization assessment of layered double hydroxides for nitrate adsorption based on ion size, affinity and compromised layer height Applied Clay Science 143 (2017) 134–141
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Thome A.G., Harms C., Roessner F., Synthesis of Macro-Mesoporous MCM-41 and Its Use in Methylene Blue Adsorption Chemie Ingenieur Technik 89 Nr 7 (2017) 944 – 948,
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Thomé A.G., Peters S., Roessner F. iTPR - a new methodical approach for temperature programmed reduction of catalysts with improved sensitivity Catalysis Communication 97 (2017) 10-13
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Gus’kov V.Y., Sukhareva D.A., Salikhova G.R., Kudasheva F.K., Karpov S.I., Borodina E.V., Roessner F Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Adsorption of Organic Molecules on modified МCM-41 Adsorbents Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 91, № 7 (2017) 1319-1323.
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Thome A.G., Ayral N., Toufar H., Klüner T., Roessner F. Dehydration of 2,3-Butanediol: A Catalytical and Theoretical Approach | |
2016 | |
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AlSawalha M., Roessner F., Structural Studies of Natural Montmorillonites Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 16 Nr. 6 (2016) 781 - 787
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Крижановская О.О., Синяева Л.А., Карпов С.И., Селеменев В.Ф., Бородина Е.В., Рёсснер Ф. Кинетические модели при описании сорбции жирорастворимых физиологически активных веществ высокоупорядоченными неорганическими кремнийсодержащими материалами Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 14 Nr. 5 (2017) 784 - 794
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Sinyaeva L. A., Belanova N. A., Karpov S. I., Selemenev V. F., Roessner F., Dynamics of the Sorption of Phosphatidylcholine by Mesoporous Composites Based on MCM-41 Russian: Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 90, Nr. 11 (2016) 1701– 1709 English. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 90 Nr 11 (2016) 2254 - 2261
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Schubert,M., Pokhrel S., Thomé, A., Zielasek,V., Gesing T.M.,Roessner F., Mädler L., Bäumer M., Highly active Co–Al2O3-based catalysts for CO2 methanation with very low platinum promotion prepared by double flame spray pyrolysis Catalysis Science & Technology 6 (2016) 7449 - 7460
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Bel’chinskaya L. I., Khodosova N. A., Novikova L. A., Strel’nikova O. Yu., Roessner, Petukhova G. A., Zhabin A. V. Regulation of Sorption Processes in Natural Nanoporous Aluminosilicates. 2.Determination of the Ratio between Active Sites Physicochemical Processes at the Interface 52 Nr.4 (2016) 599 - 606
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Сухарева Д.А., Гуськов В.Ю., Кудашева Ф.Х., Карпов С.И., Рёсснер Ф. ОЦЕНКА ОДНОРОДНОСТИ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ МЕЗОПОРИСТОГО СОРБЕНТА МСМ-41 И ЕГО МОДИФИЦИРОВАННЫХ АНАЛОГОВ ПО ДАННЫМ ОБРАЩЁННОЙ ГАЗОВОЙ ХРОМАТОГРАФИИ Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 16. № 2. (2016) 183-190
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Sukhareva D. A., Gus’kov V. Yu., Karpov S. I., Kudasheva F. Kh., Roessner F., Borodina E. V. Polarity of an МСМ-41 Adsorbent Surface Modified with Methyl and Phenyl Groups Based on Data from Gas Chromatography Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, , 90, No. 2 (2016) 470–474
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Rausch A.K., Schubert L., Henkel R., van Steen E., Claeys M., Roessner F., Enhanced olefin production in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis using ammonia containing synthesis gas feed Catalysis Today 275 (2016) 94 - 99
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Karpov, S. I.; Roessner, F.; Selemenev, V. F. Studies on functionalized mesoporous materials: part 2. Characterization of sulphonated inorganic-organic composite materials based on mesoporous MCM-41 Journal of Porous Materials, 23(2), (2016) 497-505
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2015 | |
Novikova, L., Belchinskaya, L., Krupskaya, V., Roessner, F., Zhabin, A. Effect of acid and alkaline treatment on physical-chemical properties of surface of natural glauconite Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy , 15(5), (2015)
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Kulawong, S., Prayoonpokarach S., Roessner F., Wittayakun J. Acidity of modified mordenites synthesized from rice husk silica and catalytic transformation of methylbutynol Quimica Nova 38(2), (2015), 191-195
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Синяева Л. А., Карпов С. И., Беланова Н. А., Roessner F., Селеменев В. Ф. ОСОБЕННОСТИ МАССОПЕРЕНОСА ФОСФАТИДИЛХОЛИНА ПРИ СОРБЦИИ МЕЗОПОРИСТЫМИ КОМПОЗИТАМИ НА ОСНОВЕ МСМ-41 Журнал физической химии, том 89, № 12, (2015) 109–116
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Novikova L., Strelnikova O., Khodosova N., Belchinskaya L., Roessner F., Comparison of surface acidity/basicity of natural and modified alumosilicates by conversion of 2-methylbut-3-yn-2-ol Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 14 (2014) 185 - 189
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Sango T., Fischer N., Henkel R., Roessner F., van Steen E., Claeys M., Formation of nitrogen containing compounds from ammonia co-fed to the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis Applied Catalysis A: General 502 (2015) 150–156
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Kotova D. L., Vasilyeva S. Yu. , Krysanova T. A., Roessner F, Borodina E. V., Do Thi Long Changing the Texture and Physicochemical Characteristics of Nanoporous Clinoptilolite with Acid Modification Nanotechnologies in Russia, 9, Nos. 9–10, (2015) 474 - 479
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Карпов С. И., Беланова Н. А., Корабельникова Е. О., Недосекина И. В., Roessner F., Селеменев В. Ф. Хроматографическое разделение и концентрирование кверцетина и (+)-катехина с использованием мезопористых композитов на основе мсм-41. Журнал физической химии, 89, № 5, (2015) 305–310
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Borodina E., Karpov S.I., Selemenev V.F., Schwieger W., Maracke S., Fröba M., Rößner F., Surface and texture properties of mesoporous silica materials modified by silicon-organic compounds containing quaternary amino groups for their application in base-catalyzed reactions Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 203 (2015) 224–231
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2014 | |
Zhukalin D., Tuchin A., Goloshchapov D., Bityutskaya L., Roessner F., Cold fusion of silicon carbide in SiO2 -CNT colloidal nanosystems КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫЕ СРЕДЫ И МЕЖФАЗНЫЕ ГРАНИЦЫ, 16, (4) (2014) 431—438.
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Novikova L.A., Strelnikova O.Yu., Khodosova N.A., Belchinskaya L.I., Roessner F., Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы (Sorption and chromatographic processes) 14, (2014) 185 - 189
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Osakoo N., Henkel R.-, Loiha S., Roessner F., Wittayakun J. Effect of support morphology and Pd promotor on Co/SBA-15 for Fischer-Tropsch-Synthesis Catalytic Communication, 56 (2014) 168 - 173
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Karpov S.I., Roessner F., Selemenev V.F. Studies on functionalized mesoporous materials J Porous Mater 21 (2014) 449–457
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Novikova L.A., Strelnikova O.Yu., Khodosova N.A., Belchinskaya L.I., Roessner F. Catalytic activity of natural and modified sorbents used as fillers of gluing compositions Scientific conference, p.392 - 397, 2014 DOI: 10.12737/3040
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2013 | |
Belcinskaya L.I., Strelnikova O. Y., Chodosova N.A., Roessner F. Adsorptions-strukturelle, Ionenaustausch und katalytische Charakteristika von natürlichen und synthetischen Sorbentien des Sokrinitzkover Vorkommens Chemie, Physik und Technologie von Oberflächen (Ukr.) 4 (2013) 430 - 425
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Decker S., Schubert L., Schröter F., Rüsch gen. Klaas M., Roessner F. On the problem with quantitative GC analysis Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 13 Вып. 6 (2013) 785 – 793
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Novikova L., Belchinskaya L., Roessner F., AlSawalha M., Characterization of Surface acidity and catalytic ability of natural clay minerals by means of test catalytic reaction Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 10 Nr. 4 (2013) 475 - 484
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Карпов С.И., Roessner F., Селеменев В.Ф., Нечаева Л.С., Беланова Н.А., Бородина Е.В., Харин А.Н., Меркулова Ю.Д., Белякова Н.В., Синяева Л.А. Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 13 Вып. 3, (2013) 273 - 283
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Карпов С.И., Roessner F., Селеменев В.Ф., Гульбин С.С., Беланова Н.А., Бородина Е.В., Корабельникова Е.О., Крижановская О.О., Недосекина И.В. Перспективы синтеза и использования упорядоченных мезопористых материалов при Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 13 Вып. 2, (2013) 125 - 140
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Karpov S.I., Roessner F., Selemenyev V. F., Belanova N.A., Krizhanovskaya O.O. Structure, hydrophobicity and hydrothermostability of MCM-41 organo-inorganic mesoporous mesoporous silicates silylated with dimethoxydimethylsilane and dichloromethylphenylsilane Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 87 (2013) 1888-1894
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Osakoo N., Henkel R., Loiha S., Roessner F., Wittayakun J. Palladium-promoted cobalt catalysts supported on silica prepared by impregnation and reverse micelle for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Applied Catalysis A: General 464- 465 (2013) 269- 280
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2012 | |
Карпов С.И., Беланова Н.А., Крижановская О.О., Недосекина И.В Гидротермостабильность и объемные свойства мезопористых органо-неорганических композитных материалов на основе МСМ-41 по данным Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 12 Вып. 5, (2012) 240-251 Hydrothermal stability and voluem properties of mesoporous organo-inorganoc composit materials based on MCM-41 and of data of low temperature adsorption/desorption of nitrogen and x-ray diffraction Sorption and chromatographic processes, 12 Nr.5 (2012) 240-251
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Supamathanon N., Wittayakun J., Prayoonpokarach S. Supronowicz W., Roessner F., Basic properties of potassium oxide supported on zeolites Y studied by Pyrrol-TPD and catalytic conversion of methylbutynol Quimica Nova, 35 Nr. 9 (2012) 1719-1723
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Kister O., Roessner F. Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous and amorphous silica modified with silica-organo-sulfogroups
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Adryan P., Brandenburg G., Hameister D., Höffer D., Illner S., Kragl U., Moritz H.-U., Müller C.M., Pauer W., Räbiger N., Rößner F., Schlüter M., Sell M., Sleumer Mixing and reactions in microchannels - an educational approach using the internet Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 84 Nr 9 (2012) 1-9
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Ф. Рёсснер, О.Б. Рудаков, Ю.С. Альбинская, Е.А. Иванова, В.Т. Перцев ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ МИКРОКАПСУЛИРОВАННЫХ ТЕПЛОАККУМУЛИРУЮЩИХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ С ФАЗОВЫМ ПЕРЕХОДОМ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ Научный Вестник Воронежского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета Nr. 1 (2012) 64-70 Roessner F., Rudakov O.B., Al´binskaya Yu.S., Ivanova E.A., Percev V.T. Application of heat storage materials with phase transition in civil engineering Haucnyi Vestnik Voronezhskovo Gosudarstvennovo Architekturno-Stroitel´novo Universiteta, Nr. 1 (2012) 64-70
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2011 | |
AlSawalha M., Roessner F., Novikova L., Bel´chinskaya L. Acidity of different Jordanian clays characterized by TPD-NH3 and MBOH conversion World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 79 (2011) 417 - 421
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Rudakova L.V., Svedov G.I., Morozov A.N., Roessner F. Organisation of pharmaceutical education in German universities Pharmacevticeskya Technologyia i upakovka, 4 (2011) 74 - 77
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Supronowicz, W., Roessner F., Influence of Sn and Al heteroatoms on the synthesis of ilerite Clays and Clay Minerals, 59 (2011) 95-105
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2010 | |
Borodina E.V., Roessner F., Karpov S.I., Selemenev V.F. Nanotechnologies in Russia, 5 (2010) 808-816 Russkie Nanotekhnologii, 5 (2010) 98 - 103
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Meyer O., Adryan P., Riedel J., Roessner F., Rakoczy R. A., Fischer R.W. Nachhaltiger Ansatz zur Biodieselproduktion unter Verwendung heterogener Katalysatoren Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 82 No 8 (2010) 1251 - 1255
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Khemthong P., Klysubun W., Prayoonpokarach S., Roessner F., Wittayakun J. Comparison between cobalt and cobalt-platinum supported on zeolite NaY: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16 (2010) 531 - 538
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Rößner F., Traa Y., Oldiges M., Weber H.K. Technische Chemie 2009 Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 58 (2010) 351 - 361
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Meyer O., Roessner F., Rakoczy R. A., Fischer R.W. Impact of organic Interlayer Anions in Hydrotalcite Precursor on the Catalytic Activity of Hydrotalcite-derived Mixed Oxides ChemCatChem, 2 (2010) 314 - 321
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2009 | |
Vorontsova O. A., Lebedeva O. E., Roessner F. Synthesis of Layered Hydroxides Stable in Redox Media Kinetics and Catalysis, 50 (2009) 863-866.
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Фоменко О.Е., Рёсснер Ф. Модифицирование силиконовых поверхностей путем силилирования их кремнийорганическими соединениями Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы. 2009. Т. 9. Вып. 5, 633-642
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Соловьева А.А., Лебедева О.Е., Рёсснер Ф. Сорбционные свойства железосиликатов, используемых как компоненты окислительной системы Soloveva A.A., Lebedeva O.E. Roessner F. Adsorption properties of iron containing silicates used as components for oxidation catalysts Sorption and Chromatographic Processes, 9 Nr. 1 (2009) 74 - 79
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C. И. Карпов., Ф. Ресснер, В. Ф. Селеменев, М. В. Матвеева Конкурентная адсорбция воды и толуола на ионообменнике КУ-2х8 в присутствии ароматических аминокислот ЖУРНАЛ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ ХИМИИ, 83 Nr 12 (2009) p. 1-7 Competitive adsorption of water and toluene on ion exchange resin CU 2x8 in the presence of aromatic aminino acids (in Russian) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 83 No. 12 (2009) 1-7
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Meteleva-Fischer Yu.V., Roessner F.,. Novikov G.F, van den Berg M.W.E. Structure and Spectral Properties of CdS/Zeolite Nanocomposites, Handbook of Zeolites, ed. By T.W. Wong, Nova Science Publishers, 2009 , ch. 6, p 1-17
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Janiszewska E.; Kowalak S., Supronowicz W., Roessner F. Synthesis and properties of stannosilicates Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 117 (2008) 423 - 430
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2008 | |
Bel’chinskaya L. I.. Strel’nikova O. Yu., Novikova L. A., Ressner F., Voishcheva O. V. Enhancement of the adsorption selectivity of nanoporous clinoptilolite by hydrophobization with organosiloxanes Protection of metals, 44 (2008) 390 - 393
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Meteleva Yu.V., Roessner F., Novikov G.F., Synthesis and optical properties of zeolite–semiconductor composites—New photocatalysts Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Vol. 196 (2008), 154-158
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AlSawalha M., Roessner F., Insight into the reaction mechanism of the conversion of methylbutynol on silica-alumina
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Sawalha M., Roessner F., Characterization of surface properties of silica alumina by catalytic conversion of methylbutynol Sorption and Chromatographic Processes, 8 Nr.2 (2008) 192 - 201
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Roessner F., Meyer O., Fischer R. W., Rakoczy R. A., A new heterogenous process catalyst for the biodiesel production Future Feedstocks for Fuels and Chemicals DGMK Tagungsbericht 2008-3, p. 19 - 26, ISBN 978-3-936418-81-1
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Roessner F., Adryan P., Riedel J., Fischer R. W., Rakoczy R. A., New catalyst for the conversion of glycerol generated by bio-diesel production into a fuel constituent Future Feedstocks for Fuels and Chemicals DGMK Tagungsbericht 2008-3, p. 201 - 208. ISBN 978-3-936418-81-1
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Adryan P., Ismail R. A., Roessner F. On the equivalence of Acidic Centers in H-Beta Zeolites Tested by Fries Rearrangement of Phenyl Acetate Kinetics and Catalysis, 49 (2008) 587 - 593
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Meteleva Yu. V., Roessner F., Novikov G.F. Synthesis and optical properties of zeolite-semiconductor composites-New photocatalysts Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 196 (2008) 154 - 158
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Roessner F., Spillover Effects in "Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalyis", ed. G. Ertl, H. Knözinger. F. Schüth and J. Weitkamp, 2nd edition , WILEY-VCH, 2008, Vol. 3, p. 1574 - 1585
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Rausch A.K., van Steen E., Roessner F. New aspects for heterogeneous cobalt-catalyzed hydroamination of ethanol Journal of Catalysis 253 (2008) 111-118
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2007 | |
Ismail R., Adryan P., Roessner F. Activity of H-Beta Zeolites Re-Exchanged with Alkaline and Earth-Alkaline Cations in the Fries Rearrangement of Phenyl Acetate Jordan Journal of Chemistry, 2 (2007) 235 - 245
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Meteleva Yu.V., Roessner F., Novikov G.F. Synthesis and IR-study of composites Hbeta:CdS, obtained from thiourea complexes Журнал Общей Химии, 77 (2007) 572-577 Meteleva, Yu.V. , Roessner F., Novikov G.F. Synthesis and IR-study of composites Hbeta:CdS, obtained from thiourea complexes Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 70 (2007) 532 - 537
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2006 | |
Qingchun Yuan, Hagen A., Roessner F. An investigation into the Ti-grafting structure on MCM-41 and epoxidation catalysis Applied Catalysis: General 303 (2006) 81-87
| |
Rausch, A., Roessner, F. Catalyst deactivation during the hydroamination on Co/SiO2 10th International Symposium on catalyst deactivation, Berlin, 2006
| |
Novikova L. A., Bel'chinskaya L. I., Roessner F. Effect of Treatment with Acids on the State of the Surface of Natural Clay Minerals Russian Journal of Physical Chemstry, 80 suppl. 1 (2006) S185-S188
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2005 | |
Novikova, L.A., Bel'cinskaya, L.A., Roessner, F. Влияние кислотной обработки на поверхностные свойства глинистых минералов Сорбционные и хроматографицеские процессы, 5 (2005) 798-805 (Zum Einfluss der Säurebehandlung auf die oberflächenchemischen Eigenschaften von Tonmineralien
| |
Novikova, L.A., Bel'cinskaya, L.A, Roessner, F. Определение типа активных центров на поверхности глинистых минералов в реакции конверсии метилбутинола Сорбционные и хроматографицеские процессы, 5 (2005) 806-815 (Bestimmung des Natur der aktiven Oberflächenzentren von Tonmineralien mittels Umsetzung von Methylbutynol
| |
Roessner, F. Neuere Verfahrensentwicklungen in "Winnacker-Küchler: Chemische Technik: Prozesse und Produkte" Herausgeber: Roland Dittmeyer, Wilhelm Keim, Gerhard Kreysa und Alfred Oberholz Wiley-VCH, 2005, 879-890
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2004 | |
Kuhlmann, A., Roessner, F., Schwieger, W., Gravenhorst, O., Selvam, T. New bifunctional catalyst based on Pt containing layered silicate Na-ilerite Catal. Today 97 (2004) 303-306
| |
Hagen, A., Schneider, E., Benter, M., Krogh, A., Kleinert, A., Roessner, F. Modification of acid supports by solid-state redox reaction Part II. Acid and catalytic properties J. Catal. 226 (2004) 171-182
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Schwieger, W., Gravenhorst, O., Selvam, T., Roessner, F., Schlögl, R., Su, D., Mabande, G.T.P. Intercalation of [Pt(NH3)4]2+ ions into the layered sodium silicate Na-Magadait in "Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal, 154A (2004) 900-901
| |
Kowalak, S., Janiszewska, E., Gierczynska, M., Dolata, V. Evmiridis, N., Katranas, T., Vlessidis, A., Tsiatouras, V., Roessner, F. , Schneider, E. Catalytic Activity of Zincosilicate MFI for the Dehydrogenation of Hydrocarbons in "Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal, 154C (2004) 2200-2207
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Heitling, E., van Steen, E., Roessner, F. A new approach describing solvent effects on zeolite catalysed Fries rearrangement of phenyl acetate in "Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal, 154C (2004) 2814 ed. by E. van. Steen, L.H. Callanan and M. Clayes, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam
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Schneider E., Hagen A., Grunwaldt J.-D., Roessner F. An Alternative Preparation Method for Ion Exchanged Catalysts: Solid State Redox Reaction in "Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal, 154C (2004) 2192-2197 ed. by E. van. Steen, L.H. Callanan and M. Clayes, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
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Heitling, E., Roessner, F., van Steen, E. Origin of catalyst deactivation in Fries rearrangement of phenyl acetate over zeolite H-Beta J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 216 (2004) 61-65
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Hagen, A., Tegeler, E., Kleinert, A., Roessner, F. The modification of acid supports by solid state redox reaction. Part I: Preparation and properties J. Catal. 222(1) (2004) 227-237
| |
Kustrowski, P., Chmielarz, L., Bozek, E., Sawalha, M., Roessner, F. Acidity and basicity of hydrotalcite derived mixed Mg-Al oxides studied by test reaction of MBOH conversion and temperature programmed desorption of NH3 and CO2 Advanced Materials 39(2) (2004) 263-281
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2003 | |
Hagen, A., Bente, M., Tegeler, E. Roessner, F. The potential of solid state redox reaction to modify acidic catalysts Annual report of Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalysis, Lyngby (DK), 2002
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Heitling, E., Roessner, F. Anwendung eines neuen Reaktortypes für die Flüssigphasenumsetzung von aromatischen Estern an heterogenen Katalysatoren im Satzbetrieb (in russisch) | |
Intelligente Wärmedämmung mit innovativen Materialien
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Schwieger, W., Gravenhorst, O., Selvam, T., Roessner, F., Schlögl, R., Su, D., Mabande, G.T.B. Preparation of highly loaded platinum nanoparticles on silica by intercalation of [Pt(NH3)4]2+ ions into layered sodium silicate ilerite Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 51(1) (2002) 23-33
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2002 | |
Heitling, E., Roessner, F. Neue Reaktorkonzepte für die satzweise, heterogen-katalysierte Flüssigphasenumsetzung von Phenylacetat Chemie Ingenieur Technik 11 (2002) 1560-1563
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Hagen, A., Schueler, K., Roessner, F. The performance of Ti-MCM-41 in aqueous media and after mechanical treatment studied by in situ XANES, UV/Vis and test reactions Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 51(1) (2002) 23-33
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2001 | |
Heemsoth, J., Tegeler, E., Roessner, F., Hagen, A. Generation of active sites for ethane aromatization in ZSM-5 zeolites by solid-state reaction of zinc metal with Brönsted acid sites of the zeolite Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 46 (2001) 185-190
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2000 | |
Hagen, A., Roessner, F. Ethane to Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Past, Present, Future Catal. Rev.- Sci Eng. 42(4) (2000) 403-437
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Franke, M.E., Simon, U., Roessner, F., Roland, U. Influence of spilt-over hydrogen on the electrical properties of H-ZSM-5 Appl. Catal. A: General 202 (2000) 179
| |
Artem´ev, Y.M., Kol´tsova, N.N., Oberhageman, U., Jeschke, M., Roessner, F., Klepel, O. Photoadsorption of oxygen, hydrogen and methane on MCM-41 modified by Vanadium oxide nanoparticles Adsorption Science and Technology
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1999 | |
Artem´ev, Yu.M., Jeschke, M., Klepel, O., Kozhina, I.I., Kol´tsova, N.N., Oberhageman, U., Roessner, F. Interaction of Mesoporous MCM-41 Silica with VOCl3 Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 72(11) (1999) 1869
| |
Freese, U., Heinrich, F., Roessner, F. Acylation of aromatic compounds Catal. Today 49 (1999) 237
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Roland, U., Roessner, F. Reply to the Letter to the Editor of M. Boudart `On the nature of spilt-over hydrogen´ J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 139 (1999) 325
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1998 | |
1997 | |
Roland, U., Braunschweig, T., Roessner, F. On the Nature of spilt-over hydrogen J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical, 127 (1997) 61
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Roland, U., Roessner, F. A new model on the nature of spilt-over hydrogen in "Spillover and Migration of Surface Species on Catalysis" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 112 (1997) 191 Editors: Can Li and Qin Xin Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1997
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Schuetze, F.-W., Roessner, F., Meusinger, J., Papp, H. Time resolved FTIR study of the H/D exchange on dealuminated ZSM-5 zeolites in "Spillover and Migration of Surface Species on Catalysis" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 112 (1997) 127 Editors: Can Li and Qin Xin Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1997
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Roessner, F., Roland, U., Dmitriev, R. Spillover assisted catalytic effects (SPACE) - a new model for bifunctional catalyzed hydrocarbon conversions in "Spillover and Migration of Surface Species on Catalysis" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 112 (1997) 63 Editors: Can Li and Qin Xin Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1997
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Hagen, A., Mroczek, U., Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H. Alternative usage of refinery gases - aromatization of ethane on zinc containing ZSM-5 zeolites in "Chem. Ecol., Health; Proc. Int. Meet. Zeolite Catalysis for the Solution of Environmental Problems 1992", Editor: Ione, K.G. Nova Science Publishers, Commack, N.Y., 1995, 185
| |
Roessner, F., Hagen, A., Klepel, O. A new route to syngas - combined conversion of carbon dioxide and ethane on zeolites in "Natural Gas Conversion IV" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 107 (1997) 517 Editors: de Pontes, M., Spinoza, R.L., Nicolaides, C.P., Scholtz, J.H., Scurell, M.S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1997
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1996 | |
Roessner, F., Roland, U. Hydrogen spillover in bifunctional catalysis J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 112 (1996) 401
| |
Hagen, A., Keipert, O., Roessner, F. Activation of ethane on modified ZSM-5 zeolites studied under transient conditions Proc. 11th International Congress on Catalysis - 40th Anniversary Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 101 (1996) 781 Editors: Hightower, J.W., Delgass, W.N., Iglesia, E.Bell, A.T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1996
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1995 | |
Hagen, A., Roessner, F., Reschetilowski, W. Aromatization of ethane on modified ZSM-5 zeolites: A study of the selectivity as a function of reaction media Chem. Eng. Techn. 18 (1995) 414
| |
Schütze, F.-W., Rößner, F. Quantitative Charakterisierung von Adsorbatsystemen mit Fourier-Transform-Infrarot-Spektroskopie: CO-Chemisorption an Pt/H-Erionit und Pt/H-ZSM-5 Zeolithen Z. Phys. Chem. 191 (1995) 271
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Roessner, F., Hagen, A., Dmitriev, R.V. Spillover assisted catalytic effects on zeolites: Influence of the carrier gas on hexane cracking in "Catalysis by Microporous Materials" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 94 (1995) 473
Editors: Beyer, H.K., Karge, H.G., Kiricsi, I.,Nagy, J.B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1995
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Hagen, A., Hallmeier, K.-H., Hennig, C., Szargan, R., Inui, T., Roessner, F. State of zinc in MFI type zolites characterized by XANES and EXAFS in "Catalysis by Microporous Materials" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 94 (1995) 195 Editors: Beyer, H.K., Karge, H.G., Kiricsi, I.,Nagy, J.B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1995
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Roessner, F., Staudte, B. Spectroscopic characterization of zeolite P contained in erionite Z. Phys. Chem. 190 (1995) 9
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Roessner, F., Roland, U., Braunschweig, T. Investigation on hydrogen spillover: II. Hydrocarbon conversion on bifunctional catalysts J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 91(10) (1995) 1539
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Roland, U., Braunschweig, T., Roessner, F., Salzer, R., Winkler, H. Investigation on hydrogen spillover: I. Electrical conductivity studies on titanium dioxide J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 91(7) (1995) 1091
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Hagen, A., Weingart, I., Roessner, F., Spliethoff, B. Synthesis of iron containing ZSM-5 zeolites and its application to the conversion of ethane into aromatic compounds Zeolites 15 (1995) 270
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1994 | |
Hagen, A., Roessner, F. Conversion of ethane into aromatic hydrocarbons on zinc containing ZSM-5 zeolites prepared by solid state ion exchange in "Zeolites and Microporous Crystals" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 83 (1994) 313 Editors: Hattori, T., Yashima Kodansha and Elsevier Science B.V., Tokyo and Amsterdam, 1994
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Roessner, F., Hagen, A. Conversion of natural gas constituent ethane using modified on ZSM-5 zeolites in "Natural Gas Conversion II: Proc. 3rd Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Sydney, 1993" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 81 (1994) 569 Editors: Curry-Hyde, H.E., Howe, R.F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1994
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Hagen, A., Roessner, F. The role of active centers in the conversion of ethane into aromatic hydrocarbons on ZSM-5 zeolites modified with zinc in "Zeolite Science 1994: Recent Progress and Discussions" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 98 (1994) 182 Editors: Karge, H.G., Weitkamp, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1994
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1993 | |
Hennig, C., Thiel, F., Hallmeier, K.-H., Szargan, R., Hagen, A., Roessner, F. Characterization of Zn centers in ZSM-5 zeolites with X-ray absorption spectroscopy Spectrochimica Acta 49A (1993) 1495
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Hagen, A., Roessner, F., Karge, H.G. Aromatization of ethane on Zn-containing H-ZSM-5 zeolites with different acidic properties Preprints Int. Conf. on Catalysis and Catalytic Processing, Cape Town, 1993, 235
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Roessner, F., Hagen, A., Mroczek, U. Hydrogen spillover in the conversion of cyclohexane on ZSM-5 zeolites in "New Aspects of Spillover in Catalysis" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 77 (1993) 151 Editors: Inui, T., Fujimoto, K., Uchijima, T.,Masai, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1993
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1992 | |
Rößner, F., Hagen, U., Mroczek, U. Chemische Verwertung von Raffineriegasen Tagungsbericht der DECHEMA Jahreshaupttagung, Karlsruhe (1992) 373
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Kalies, H., Roessner, F. Hydrogen spillover on erionite in "Hydrogen Energy Progress IX", Proc. 9th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Paris, 1992 Editors: Veziroglu, T.N., Derive, C., Pottier, J. Additive, 1992, 21
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Roessner, F., Hagen, A., Mroczek, U., Karge, H.G., Steinberg, K.-H. Conversion of ethane into aromatic compounds on ZSM-5 zeolites modified by zinc in "New Frontiers in Catalysis", Proc. 10th Int. Congress on Catalysis, Budapest 1992 Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 75 (1993) 1707 Editors: Guczi, L., Solymosi, F.,Tetenyi, P. Elsevier Science B.V. and Akademiai Kiado, 1993
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Salzer, R., Finster, U., Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H., Klaeboe, P. In-situ investigation of solid state ion exchange in zeolites using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Analyst 117 (1992) 351
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1991 | |
Kalies, H., Roessner, F., Karge, H., Steinberg, K.-H. Shape-selective reforming: Possible reaction pathways on platinum containing erionite/alumina catalysts in "Zeolite chemistry and catalysis" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 69 (1991) 425 Editors: Jacobs, P., Jäger, N.I., Kubelkova, L.,Wichterlova, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1991
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Mroczek, U., Steinberg, K.-H., Roessner, F. Influence of hydrogen on the aromatization of ethane over Pt/H-ZSM-5 zeolite React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 44 (1991) 201
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Mroczek, U., Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H. Ethane aromatization on Ru/H-ZSM-5 zeolite React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 43 (1991) 559
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1990 | |
Steinberg, K.-H., Mroczek, U., Roessner, F. Aromatization of ethane on platinum containing ZSM-5 zeolites Appl. Catal. 66 (1990) 37
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Mroczek, U., Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H. Optimierung von Katalysatoren - Aromatisierung von Ethan Chemische Industrie 10 (1990) 54
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Broddack, R., Rößner, F., Kürschner, R., Söllner, A., Schöllner, R. Chemisorption von Kohlendioxid an CaNaA-Zeolithen Z. Chem. 30 (1990) 111
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1989 | |
Steinberg, K.-H., Mroczek, U., Roessner, F. Hydrogen spillover in the conversion of hydrocarbons on zeolites Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. on Spillover Editor: Steinberg, K.-H., Leipzig, 1989, 150
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Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H., Rudolf, A., Staudte, B. Infrared spectroscopic studies on the cation distribution in calcium-exchanged erionite Zeolites 9 (1989) 371
| |
Kogelbauer, A., Lercher, J., Steinberg, K.-H., Roessner, F., Soellner, A., Dmitriev, R.V. Type, stability and acidity of hydroxyl groups of HNaK-erionites Zeolites 9 (1989) 224
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Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H., Freude, D., Hunger, M. N.m.r. and i.r. studies of zeolites of the erionite type in "Zeolites as Catalysts, Sorbents and Detergent Builders" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 46 (1989) 421 Editors: Karge, H.G., Weitkamp, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1989
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1988 | |
Steinberg, K.-H., Mroczek, U., Roessner, F. Hydrogen spillover in the conversion of n-alkanes on zeolites in "Zeolites as Catalysts, Sorbents and Detergent Builders" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 46 (1988) 81 Editors: Karge, H.G., Weitkamp, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1988
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Rößner, F., Rudolf, A., Steinberg, K.-H., Staudte, B. NMR- und IR-spektroskopische Untersuchung der Dehydratisierung von NaK-Erionit Z. Chem. 28 (1988) 228
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1987 | |
Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H., Rechenburg, S. Infrared spectroscopic study on the location of the hydroxyl groups in erionite Zeolites 7 (1987) 488
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Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H., Winkler, H. I.r. and n.m.r. 1H longitudinal relaxation studies of the cation distribution in rare earth and calcium exchanged Y zeolites Zeolites 7 (1987) 47
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1986 | |
Kiessling, D., Wendt, G., Hagenau, K., Roessner, F., Schoellner, R. Untersuchung der Desaktivierung von NiO-Al2O3/SiO2 - Katalysatoren bei der Dimerisierung von niederen Olefinen (in Russisch) V. Erdölchem. Symp. soz. Länder, Burgas (1986), Sofia (1986) 149
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1985 | |
Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H. Infrarotspektroskopische Untersuchung der Kationeneverteilung in dehydratisierten CaMnNa-Y Zeolithen Annuaire de L´universite de Sofia "Kliment Ohridski" 79 (1985) 475
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Rößner, F., Steinberg, K.-H. Infrarotspektroskopischer Nachweis von Hydroxokationen in seltenerdionenhaltigen Y-Zeolithen Z. Chem. 25 (1985) 383
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Staudte, B., Pfeifer, H., Steinberg, K.-H., Rößner, F. Untersuchung der Lokalisierung von Mn2+-Ionen in MnCaNa-Y Zeolithen mittels NMR und IR-Spektroskopie Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig) 266 (1985) 151
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1984 | |
Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H. I.r. spectroscopic study of the influence of adsorbed molecules on the cation distribution in Y zeolites Zeolites 4 (1984) 306
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1983 | |
Steinberg, K.-H., Roessner, F., Winkler, H., Dimitrov, Ch., Dmitriev, R.V., Minacev, Ch.M., Staudte, B., Popova, Z. Zur Verteilung der Kationen in SECaNaY- und MnNaY-Zeolithen im Beisein von Wasser, Pyridin, n-Butylamin und n-Hexan (in Russisch) Trudy V Mezd. Simp. po Geterogen. Katalizu, Vol. I, Varna (1983) 491
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1982 | |
Roessner, F., Steinberg, K.-H. Untersuchung der Veränderung der Kationenverteilung von Calcium- und Seltenerdionen bei der Dehydratisierung von Zeolithen anhand der Gitterschwingungen (in russisch) React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 21 (1982) 231
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