Datenanalyse mit Matlab - PhD course 2010/2011
- preliminary program
1. Introduction to Matlab
Only for participants without experience in programming or in Matlab
Lecture and exercises in the biology computer room.
Tue 30.11.2010, 09.00-18.00, W2-2-224
How to program with Matlab?
Skript: pdf-Version: IntroductionMatlab1.pdf Word-Version: IntroductionMatlab1.docx (both Versions are identical)
Demo programs: vectors_and_matrices.m, matrix_mathematics.m
Demo data: picturematrix.mat (homework 2e) , demo_data.mat (homework 2f and 2g)
Course examples of homework solutions: homework_Day1_2.zip
- Matlab windows
- Help
- Variables
- Basic syntax rules
- Error messages
- Vectors and matrices
- Mathematical operations
- Some build-in mathematical functions
- saving and loading data
- Basic graphics
- Scripts
Tue 14.12.2010, 09.00-18.00, W2-2-224
Functions, data types and if statements
Skript: pdf-Version: IntroductionMatlab2.pdf Word-Version: IntroductionMatlab2.docx (both Versions are identical)
Demo programs: if_demo.m, aliasing_effect.m
Demo data: data_for_day2.zip
Course examples of homework solutions: Homework_Day2.zip
- Functions
- Well-structured programs
- Numerical data types: double, integer
- Characters
- Logicals
- Casting
- Tests for types and equality
- if statements
- Statistical significance test
Thu 16.12.2010, 09.00-18.00, W2-2-224
Skript: pdf-Version: IntroductionMatlab3.docx Word-Version: IntroductionMatlab3.pdf(both Versions are identical)
Demo programs: demo_programs_for_day3.zip
Demo data: data_for_day3.zip
Course examples of homework solutions: Homework_day3.zip
- for loops
- while loops
- nested loops
- searching in data
- sorting data
Tuesday, 11.1.2011, 9.00-12.00 in W2-2-224
Meeting to discuss homeworks of day 2 and day 3
2. Matlab - advanced topics
For all participants
Lecture. Participants should apply the topics to their individual programming projects.
Wed 12.01.2011, 08.30-10.00, W3-1-152
Data flow and control flow
Skript: pdf-Version: Matlab_adv1_dataflow.pdf
Word-Version (identical to pdf-Version): Matlab_adv1_dataflow.docx
- Software development
- How to structure a big problem
- Control flow
- Pseudocode
- Flowchart
- Data flow
- Data flow diagram
- Control elements in programs
- if-construction
- switch construction
- for loop
- while loop
- Scripts and functions
- scripts
- functions
- sub-functions
- nested functions
- global variables
Thu 13.01.2011, 08.30-10.00, W3-1-152
Error handling
Skript: pdf-Version: Matlab_adv2_errorhandling.pdf
Word-Version (identical to pdf-Version):Matlab_adv2_errorhandling.docx
Demo programs: debugging_example.zip
- Testing a program
- Debugging
- Debugging by hand
- Using the debugger
- Even more advanced tools for debugging
- Common sources of errors
- Unexpected user inputs
- Case distinctions
- Random numbers
- Directories or file names
- Using the cell mode in the editor
- Create your own toolbox
Wed 19.01.2011, 08.30-10.00, W3-1-152
Peter Harmand: Comparison of Matlab statistics toolbox and R
Skript and demo programs: scripts_and_data.zip
- Basic statistics with Matlab and R -- a comparison
- The programs and the user interface
- Data input
- Multivariate data sets
- Statistical graphics
- Probability distributions
- Test etc.
- Programming
- Some statistics around the Poisson process and spike trains
- Review/crash course: What is a Poisson process?
- Simulation of Poisson processes
- Various ways of testing Poisson processes
- Inhomogeneous Poisson processes
- Modifications to simulate a refractory period
- Comparison with real data
Thu 20.01.2011, 08.30-10.00, W3-1-152
Speeding up
Skript: pdf-Version: Matlab_adv4_speeding_up.pdf
Word-Version (identical to pdf-Version):Matlab_adv4_speeding_up.docx
Demo programs: updown.zip
- Memory management
- How Matlab uses memory
- Tips to save memory
- Sparse matrices
- Computing time management
- Initialize variables
- Vectorized solutions
- JIT-Accelerator
- Built-in functions
- Tips to save CPU time
- Tools to improve the performance
- Time watch
- CPU time
- debugging tools
- profiler
- Matlab and C
- MEX files
- Matlab Engine
- Matlab Compiler
- Example for speeding up Matlab code and using the profiler (see updown.zip)
Thu 27.01.2011, 08.30-10.00, W3-1-152
Advanced data types
Skript: pdf-Version: Matlab_adv5_data_types.pdf
Word-Version (identical to pdf-Version):Matlab_adv5_data_types.docx
Demo programs: struct_cells.zip
- Basic data types (see script IntroductionMatlab2.pdf)
- Logical indexing
- Cell arrays
- Structures
- Functions with variable numbers of input and output arguments
Thu 03.02.2011, 08.30-10.00, W3-1-152
Object oriented programming
Skript: pdf-Version: Matlab_adv6_objects.pdf
Word-Version (identical to pdf-Version):Matlab_adv6_objects.docx
Demo programs: objects.zip
- General ideas of object oriented programming
- Nomenclature
- Definition of a class
- header
- properties
- methods
- Work with your class
- Creating class hierarchies
- Handle classes and value classes
Thu 10.02.2011, 08.30-10.00, W3-1-152
Skript: pdf-Version: Matlab_adv7_graphics.pdf
Word-Version (identical to pdf-Version):Matlab_adv7_graphics.docx
Demo programs: handle_objects.zip graphics.zip
- General considerations
- Creating graphics with Matlab GUIs
- Matlab graphics objects hierarchy
- handle graphics
- Manipulation of graphics objects
- handles
- current objects
- get and set properties
- property names
- Graphic objects hierarchy
- figure
- axes
- core objects
- plot objects
- group objects
- Axes and multiple figures
- figure windows
- multiple figures in one window
- modify properties of current axes
- 2D plotting
- plot command
- more plotting commands
- line specifiers
- 3D plotting
- line plotting
- surface plotting
- Text in figures
- Exporting figures
- Graphics callbacks
3. Matlab - Projects
For all participants
Seminar. Participants will present their individual programming projects
Mon 28.2.2011, 09.00-12.00, W3-1-152
Anne Schlüter, Sabine Hochmuth, Lena Rehn
Mon 7.3.2011, 09.00-12.00, W3-1-152
Friederice Pirschel, Lena Köpcke, Julia Furche