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Dipl. Inf. Volker Thiemann

+49 (0)441 798-4067

V03 S-2-217


Auf dieser Seite sammeln wir aktuelle Hinweise auf Termine. Hauptsächlich finden Sie hier Hinweise auf methodische Fortbildungen in den Bereichen Medizininformatik, Datenschutz und  Forschungsdatenmanagement, die wir auch für unsere eigene Fortbildung nutzen. Gerne veröffentlichen wir hier auch Ihre thematisch passenden Ankündigungen.

In der Regel sind Hinweise zu Anmeldemöglichkeiten mit hinterlegt. Falls Sie Fragen zu den Veranstaltungen haben, wenden Sie sich gerne an uns.

Code & Collaborate: The FAIRytale of Software Development

CECAM BioNT Online Workshop

04. Feb 2025 - 06. Feb 2025, 9:00-16:00 Uhr
Code & Collaborate: The FAIRytale of Software Development

This intensive three-day workshop focuses on collaborative and FAIR software development practices critical for data scientists. Participants will engage in hands-on learning across three key domains:

  • Day 1 is dedicated to collaborative distributed version control, providing practical training on collaborative technologies. Participants will explore collaboration concepts, repository management, code review practices, and software licensing.
  • Day 2 begins a practical exploration of the concepts introduced for the case of a Python project. It covers the tools we can use to implement FAIR principles, how to create a reproducible environment, tips to make code readable, and how to structure your application.
  • Day 3 concentrates on software testing, automated testing strategies, how to document code, how to facilitate code citation, and collaborating with others.

The workshop offers a comprehensive, hands-on approach to developing professional software engineering skills tailored to data science research.

The workshop is free of charge. Registration required by January 20.

More Information:


Awareness in Data Management and Analysis for Industry and Research

CECAM BioNT Online Workshop

06. Mar 2025 - 07. Mar 2025, 9:00-16:00 Uhr
Awareness in Data Management and Analysis for Industry and Research

This hands-on workshop will introduce you to data management processes and activities in academia and industry. You will learn how to make your data reusable, your analyses reproducible and your processes transparent. Good data management prevents data loss and saves time, money and resources. For researchers, it also increases visibility and reputation (by ensuring the quality of research), ensures data ownership (i.e. possession and responsibility for data), and makes them eligible for funding. Good data management also helps to meet formal and legal requirements, improves teamwork and collaboration, and ensures transparency, verifiability and reproducibility.

Here we offer a two-day workshop with the primary aim of introducing participants to good enough practices for managing their data. On the first day, participants will learn about the basics of data management, good research practices, Common European Data Spaces, data management and governance in industry and data management plans. On the second day, participants will learn how to organise their data, how to make it FAIR, about electronic lab notebooks and how to make their computational results reproducible (e.g. using tools and techniques suggested by Piccolo and Frampton 2016).

The workshop is free of charge. Registration required by February 17.

More Information:

(Stand: 23.01.2025)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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