Internationaler Workshop
Internationaler Workshop
Trends in Proof Theory
In ideal continuation of the Humboldt Kolleg "Proof" - Bern 2013
HAMBURG, 20 - 21 September 2015
Hauptgebäude der Universität Hamburg
Emil-Artin-Hoersaal (Hoersaal M)
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg
Satellite-Workshop for the annual Conference of the German Association of Mathematicians (DMV) 2015

PD Dr. Stefania Centrone (DFG Eigene Stelle) in cooperation with DVMLG
Invited Speakers and Guests
- Marco Benini (Como, DISAT)
- Alexander C. Block (Hamburg, Mathematics)
- Wilhelm Büttemeyer (Oldenburg, Philosophy)
- Andrea Cantini (Florenz, Philosophy)
- Ettore Casari (SNS Pisa, Philosophy)
- Laura Crosilla (Leeds, Philosophy)
- Dagfin Føllesdal (Oslo / Stanford)
- Hajime Ishihara (Ishikawa, JAIST)
- Gerhard Jäger (Bern, Logic and Theory Group)
- Benedikt Löwe (Hamburg/Amsterdam, Mathematics. President DVMLG)
- Pierluigi Minari (Florenz, Philosophy)
- Sara Negri (Helsinki, Philosophy)
- Mitsu Okada (Tokio, Philosophy)
- Volker Peckhaus (Paderborn, Philosophy)
- Uwe Petersen (President of ASFPGF)
- Dieter Probst (Bern, Informatics)
- Peter Schuster (Verona, Informatics)
- Helmut Schwichtenberg (Munich, Mathematics)
- Mark Siebel (Oldenburg, Philosophie)
- Thomas Strahm (Bern, Logic and Theory Group)
- Göran Sundholm (Leiden, Philosophy)
Sonntag, 20.09.2015
Chair: A. Cantini
09:15-10:00 H. Schwichtenberg, Logic for Real Number Computation
10:00-10:45 U. Petersen, On Levels of Induction in a Contraction Free Logic with Unrestricted Abstraction
10:45-11:00 Pause
11:00-11:45 S. Negri, On Neighbourhood Semantics and Sequent Calculus
11:45-12:30 L. Crosilla, Philosophy of Mathematics and Proof Theory: Some Thoughts
12:30-14:30 Mittagspause
Chair: S. Negri
14:30-15:15 M. Siebel, A Critique of a Recent Contribution to the Logic of Explanatory Proofs
15:15-16:00 G. Sundholm, Assumption versus Lemma
16:00-16:30 Pause
16:30-17:15 V. Peckhaus, The Notion of Proof in the Early Algebra of Logic
17:15-18:00 D. Føllesdal, The Role of Mathematics and Science in Bildung
Montag, 21.09.2015
Chair: H. Ishihara
09:15-10:00 P. Schuster, Eliminating Disjunctions by Disjunction Eliminations (joint work with D. Rinaldi)
10:00-10:45 M. Okada, Husserlian Notion of Manifold as Proof-Rewrite Networks and its Extension
10:45-11:00 Pause
11:00-11:45 T. Strahm, A Feferman-style Type System for the Small Veblen Ordinal
11:45-12:30 M. Benini, Proof-Theoretic Semantics: Point-free Meaning of First-Order Systems
12:30-14:00 Mittagspause
Chair: P. Minari
14:00-14:45 D. Probst, Modular Ordinal Analysis of Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic of Strength up to ID_1
14:45-15:30 G. Jäger, Recent Developments in Operational Set Theory.