Curriculum vitae

Jacob Blumenfeld is an Assistant Professor (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) of Practical Philosophy at the University of Oldenburg. Before coming to Oldenburg, he taught at FU Berlin, The New School, and CUNY. He has had research stays at Humboldt University Berlin, Technical University Darmstadt, and the Goethe University of Frankfurt. He completed his PhD in philosophy at the New School for Social Research with a dissertation on the concept of property in Kant, Fichte and Hegel. His research areas are political philosophy, critical theory, practical ethics, and German Idealism, with a special focus on property, ecology, freedom, right, and recognition. He is the author All Things are Nothing to Me (2018), and a translator of Rosa Luxemburg’s complete works.

Curriculum vitae

  • since 2021: Assistant Professor (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) of Practical Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, University of Oldenburg. Research Fellow in the DFG-funded interdisciplinary project, Structural Transformations of Property (SFB 294), focusing on the Normative Foundations of Property (A06) with Prof. Dr. Tilo Wesche.
  • 2019-2020: Assistant Professor (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) of Practical Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin.
  • 2018: PhD in philosophy (awarded the Hans Jonas Award for Best Dissertation in Philosophy), New School for Social Research; reviewers: Simon Critchley (New School), Jay Bernstein (New School), Richard Bernstein (New School), Rahel Jaeggi (HU Berlin).

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