

  • Behavioral and development economics: Be­ha­vioral De­ve­lop­ment Eco­no­mics (2014/2015); Field Ex­pe­ri­ments in De­ve­lop­ment Eco­no­mics (2012/2013); Im­pact Eva­lua­ti­on of De­ve­lop­ment Pro­grams (2011, 2012, 2013)
  • Research methods and data-analysis: Ex­pe­ri­metrics (analysis of experimental data) in 2013, 2014, 2014/2015); Workshop on Economic Modelling (2014); Re­se­arch Pro­jects in Ex­pe­ri­men­tal Eco­no­mics I / II (2011/2012, 2012, 2012/2013; 2014; 2015); Re­se­arch Me­thods for Doc­to­ral Stu­dents (2011)
  • Public economics and microeconomics: So­ci­al Norms: Theo­ries, Ex­pe­ri­ments and Applications (2013/2014, 2015); CEMS Project on impact evaluation of CSR activities (2014); Exercise Class in Microeconomics (2010/2011); Pu­blic Choice - Theo­ries, Experiments, and Po­li­cy Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons (2009, 2010/2011)
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