- Objective and subjective compliance: A norm-based explanation of ‘moral wiggle room’, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 96, 170-183 (2016). Joint with K. Spiekermann.
- Does being elected increase subjective entitlements? Evidence from the laboratory, Economics Bulletin, 33(1), 794-796 (2013). Joint with I. Wolff.
- The Limited Power of Voting to Limit power, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 13(5), 695-719 (2011). Joint with H. Geng and I. Wolff.
- “Read my Lips!” Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Electoral Competition on Shirking and Trust” (with G. Walkowitz). Revise & resubmit at the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Manuscripts submitted or in submission process
- The Double Damage of Violating Social Justice Norms (with B. Rockenbach and S. Tonke)
- When Identity Trumps Issues: Experimental Evidence on Identity-biased Voting (with R. Böhm and B. Rockenbach).
Manuscripts in preparation for submission
- Present bias and conservation: Field evidence from Thai fishermen (with S. Bonnmanunt, T. Lauer and B. Rockenbach)
- The persuasive power of patience in groups: a lab-in-the field experiment in rural Thailand (with S. Bonnmanunt, T. Lauer and B. Rockenbach)
- Using Behavioral Insights to Decrease Non-payments for Water in Rural Namibia (with B. Rockenbach and S. Tonke)
- Identity Choice in the Lab: How Social Identification Interacts with Norms (with S. Schneiders and K. Spiekermann).
- Needs as reference points: When marginal gains to the poor don’t matter (with M. Bauer, M. Siebel and S. Traub)
- On the nature of relational contracting – the influence of power and culture (with B. Rockenbach and H. Geng).
- The economic virtues of voting – how political competition limits confiscatory behavior.
Recently conducted experiments
- Sustained Aid Dependency, Self-Affirmation and Productivity: A Field Experiment in Rural Namibia (with B. Rockenbach, S. Schneiders, and B. Vollan)
Policy papers, other publications and editorships
- Von Finanzgewinnen zu langfristigem Wachstum: Krisenprävention über Investitionen in Grundlagenforschung und Bildung in WISO Diskurs 2012 (with R. Maderitsch).
- Von Zahlenspielen zu einer Gebiets- und Strukturreform staatlicher Aufgaben: demokratische Bürgerkooperativen in Thüringen (2012 with D. Voges on behalf of the Green Party in Thuringia.
- Diogenes trifft Dagobert – oder der Versuch einer Synthese aus Glück und Geld" in Weiß, A. R., J. Junger and S. Sohr (ed.). Montag, Dienstag, Zukunft – Junge Europäer über den Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert. IZT ZukunftsStudien Issue 25. Nomos: Baden-Baden 2001.
- „Die Zeit ist reif!" Chapter in SRzG (ed.). Die 68er. Warum wir Jungen sie nicht mehr brauchen. Kore-Verlag: Freiburg 1998 (with J. Junger).