Interests and Academic Career
- Interdisciplinary studies in the fields of Intellectual History, Cultural Studies and History and Ethics of Psychiatry
- Heisenberg-Professorship for Comparative Intellectual History (Oldenburg University, 2012)
- Adjunct Teaching and Research Professor for European Intellectual History (Columbia University, 2011)
- Scientific assistant and habitation in Ethics and History of Medicine (Tübingen University, 1998-2008)
- DFG-Project Select edition of Karl Jaspers´ Correspondences (Heidelberg University, 1998-2001)
- Medical assistant in Clinical Psychiatry (Frankfurt and Jena University, 1989-1994)
- Medical studies (Universities of Marburg and Göttingen 1982-1988)
- Heisenberg-Fellow (DFG) at the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences (Tübingen University, 2010-2012)
- Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation at the Graduate Center of City University of New York (2009/10)
- Nietzsche-Fellow at the Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche (Foundation Weimar Klassik, 2010)
- Dissertation-Fellowship (DFG) at the Center for Ethics in the Sciences (Tübingen University, 1995-1998)
- Marbach-Fellowship at the German Archive for Literature (1994)
- Main Award of the Stehr-Boldt-Foundation (ETH Zurich, 2002)
- Award for the best medical dissertation (Tübingen University, 2002)
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