Prof. Dr. Sarah Verhulst

Ehemalige Leiterin der AG Physiology and Modeling of Auditory Perception


Zum 01.10.2016 folgte Sarah Verhulst einem Ruf an die Universität Gent.



Bitte beachten Sie die neue Adresse:

Hearing Technology at WAVES
Dept. of Information Technology
Ghent University
iGent Tower,Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 15
9052 Gent, BE
Tel. +32 9 33 14 844

Research Interests

  • Sound encoding in the normal and impaired auditory system
  • Understanding the interplay between different pathologies
  • Developing diagnostic methods to improve individual characterization of hearing loss


  • Combining non-objective measures such as otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) and EEG with psychoacoustic outcome measures
  • Using computational models of the auditory periphery to understand the underlying mechanisms and test OAE/EEG predictions for different pathologies.



Verhulst S, Bharadwaj H, Mehraei G, Shera CA, Shinn-Cunningham, BG. (2015). Functional modeling of the human auditory brainstem response to broadband stimulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (3): 1637-1659.

Bharadwaj H, Masud S, Mehraei G, Verhulst S, Shinn-Cunningham B (2015). Individual differences reveal correlates of hidden hearing deficits. Journal of Neuroscience 35 (5): 2161-2172.

Hansen R., Santurette S., Verhulst S. (2014). Effects of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions on pure-tone frequency difference limens. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136, 3147- 58.

Altoè A., Pulkki V., Verhulst S. (2014). Transmission-line Cochlear Models: Improved Accuracy and Efficiency. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America – 136 EL302.

Bharadwaj, H.M., Verhulst S., Shaheen L., M.C. Liberman, Shinn-Cunningham, B.G. (2014). Cochlear Neuropathy and the coding of supra-threshold sound. Front. Sys. Neurosci. 8, 26.

Bianchi, F., Verhulst, S. and Dau, T. (2013). Evidence for a cochlear source of the precedence effect. Journal for Research in Otolaryngology, 14 (5), 767-779.

Verhulst, S., Dau, T. and Shera, C.A. (2012). Nonlinear time-domain cochlear model for transient stimulation and human otoacoustic emission. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132 (6), 3842-3848.

Verhulst, S., Harte J.M. and Dau, T. (2011). Temporal suppression of the click-evoked emission level-curve. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129 (3), 1452-1463.

Verhulst, S., Harte J.M. and Dau, T. (2008). Temporal suppression and augmentation of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. Hearing Research, 246 (1-2), 23 – 35.


Dong W., Verhulst S. (2015). Otoacoustic Emissions (part I) and Central Auditory Effects: A Moderated Discussion. 12th Mechanics of Hearing Workshop. In: Karavitaki, K.D. and Corey, D.I (Eds.) Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception, AIP, Melville USA, 090010 (5 pages).

Verhulst, S., Bianchi, F. and Dau, T. (2013). Cochlear contributions to the precedence effect. In: Moore, B.C.J. and Patterson, R.D. and Winter, I. and Carlyon, R.P. and Gockel, H.E. (Eds.), Basic Aspects of Hearing: Physiology and Perception, 283-291, New York: Springer.


Verhulst S, Piktel P, Jagadeesh A, Mauermann M. (in press). On the interplay between cochlear gain loss and temporal coding deficits. International Symposium on Hearing, Groningen.

Verhulst S and Shera CA (2015). Relating the Variability of Tone-burst Otoacoustic Emission and Auditory Brainstem Response Latencies to the Underlying Cochlear Mechanics. In: Karavitaki, K.D. and Corey, D.I (Eds.) Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception, AIP, Melville USA, 090003 (6 pages).

Saremi A, Stenfelt S, Verhulst S. (2015). How Do the Medial Olivocochlear Efferents Influence the Biomechanics of the Outer Hair Cells and thereby the Cochlear Amplifier Simulation Results. 12th Mechanics of Hearing Workshop. In: Karavitaki, K.D. and Corey, D.I (Eds.) Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception, AIP Melville USA, 090030 (5 pages).

Verhulst, S., Shera, C.A., Harte J.M. and Dau, T. (2011). Can a static nonlinearity account for the dynamics of otoacoustic emission suppression? In: Shera, C.A. and Olson, E.S. (Eds.) What fire is in mine ears: progress in auditory biomechanics, AIP, 257 – 263.

Verhulst, S., Harte J.M. and Dau, T.  (2007). Temporal suppression of long-latency click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. Proc. International Symposium on Audiological and Auditory Research:  Auditory Signal Processing in Hearing Impaired Listeners, 231 – 239.

Harte, J.M., Favrot, S., Verhulst, S., and Dau, T. (2007). Auditory brainstem responses elicited by embedded narrowband chirps. Proc. International Symposium on Audiological and Auditory Research:  Auditory Signal Processing in Hearing Impaired Listeners, 211 – 219.

Verhulst, S., Harte J.M. and Dau, T.  (2007). Temporal suppression of long-latency click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. Proc. 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1932 - 1936.


Verhulst S., Jagadeesh A., Mauermann M., Ernst F. (in press). Relations between auditory brainstem response and threshold metrics in normal and hearing-impaired listeners. International Symposium on Audiological and Auditory Research

Verhulst S., Raufer S. (2015). Click-evoked otoacoustic emissions for the assessment of auditory filter tuning at supra-threshold levels. 22nd int. congress on sound and vibration, CD-rom, 8 pages.

Verhulst, S., Bharadwaj, H., Mehraei, G., and Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2013). Understanding hearing impairment through model predictions of brainstem responses. International conference on acoustics (ICA), Montreal, Canada.

Hansen, R., Santurette, S., Verhulst, S. (2013). Effects of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions on frequency discrimination. International conference on acoustics (ICA), Montreal, Canada.  

Verhulst, S. (2011). Investigating the periodicity of transient-evoked otoacoustic emission envelopes. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011:
6th European Congress on Acoustics, Aalborg, Denmark, 1235-1240.

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