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Stellenausschreibung / Job advertisement

The research group "Neurosensorics/Animal Navigation" headed by Prof. Henrik Mouritsen at the Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences offers a:

PhD-position (65% E13 TV-L Position, 3 years)
Investigating the role of avian photoreceptors in magnetoreception

under the supervision of Prof. Karin Dedek. Our research group is dedicated to understanding the intricate mechanisms underlying animal navigation, with a specific emphasis on the role of Cryptochrome 4 in avian magnetoreception. This protein is expressed in the outer segments of photoreceptors and likely initiates the detection of magnetic signals which are then further processed in the avian retina. By employing cutting-edge techniques and a multidisciplinary approach, we aim to understand magnetoreception from the biophysics of electron spins via molecular biology and neuroscience to the behavior of the animal in SFB 1372. This PhD position aims to elucidate the role of avian photoreceptors in magnetoreception, employing electrophysiological and imaging techniques.

Joining our team provides an ideal opportunity to work on an exciting question within an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers.

Your Qualifications

  • Completed scientific university degree (Diploma (Uni) or Master) and a very good academic record. Proficiency in patch-clamp recordings.
  • Expertise in cell culture techniques and cell transfections.
  • Expertise in the evaluation of electrophysiological data.
  • Proficiency in programming with Matlab.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English.


  • Experience with ion imaging techniques.
  • International experience, proven by a lab stay abroad or similar.
  • Experience in tutoring students.
  • Solid background in neuroscience.
  • Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research and integrating different scientific disciplines to address complex biological questions.
  • Excellent communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

What we offer

In our group at the University of Oldenburg (Germany), you can contribute to the framework of the SFB together with leading researchers in the field of animal navigation and magnetic sensing mechanisms. Our collaborations will give you access to a very wide range of superb modern equipment, techniques, and expertise. You will be affiliated with the Integrated Research Training Group of our SFB 1372 Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates. This will allow you to participate in conferences, excursions, courses, and workshops with great networking opportunities, research training, and career programs, to further promote your professional development.

For more information about our group, visit, and

Application Details

If you possess all the necessary qualifications, please submit your application, including your CV and publication(s), along with the names and addresses of at least two references who are familiar with your work, and copies of your university certificates. You can send your application to IBU, AG Neusensorik, University of Oldenburg, D-26111 Oldenburg or via email at .

The application deadline is August 16, 2024 and the starting date is September 16, 2024.

The University of Oldenburg is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. To increase the percentage of female faculty members, female candidates with equal qualifications will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification.

Stellenangebote an den Kooperationskrankenhäusern


(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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