
Prof. Dr. Georg Martin Klump


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg 
Fakultät VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Dept. für Neurowissenschaften
Abteilung für Zoophysiologie & Verhalten
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

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Prof. Dr. Georg M. Klump

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  • Jüchter, C., Beutelmann, R., & Klump, G. M. (2022). Speech sound discrimination by Mongolian gerbils. Hearing Research, 418, 108472. doi.org/10.1016/j.heares.2022.108472
  • Krumm, B., Klump, G. M., Koppl, C., Beutelmann, R., & Langemann, U. (2022). Chickens have excellent sound localization ability. Journal of Experimental Biology. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.243601


  • Kastelein, R. A., Helder-Hoek, L., Covi, J., Terhune, J. M., & Klump, G. (2021). Masking release at 4 kHz in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) associated with sinusoidal amplitude-modulated masking noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(3), 1721-1732. doi.org/10.1121/10.0006103
  • Steenken, F., Heeringa, A. N., Beutelmann, R., Zhang, L., Bovee, S., Klump, G. M., & Köppl, C. (2021). Age-related decline in cochlear ribbon synapses and its relation to different metrics of auditory-nerve activity. Neurobiology of Aging, 108, 133-145. doi.org/10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2021.08.019



  • Eipert, L., & Klump, G. M. (2020). Interaction of spatial source separation, fundamental frequency, and vowel pairing in a sequential informational masking paradigm in Mongolian gerbils. Behav Neurosci, 134(2), 119-132. doi.org/10.1037/bne0000356
  • Eipert, L., & Klump, G. M. (2020). Uncertainty-based informational masking in a vowel discrimination task for young and old Mongolian gerbils. Hear Res, 392, 107959. doi.org/10.1016/j.heares.2020.107959
  • Dollezal, L. V., Tolnai, S., Beutelmann, R., & Klump, G. M. (2020). Release from informational masking by auditory stream segregation: perception and its neural correlate. European Journal of Neuroscience, 51(5), 1242-1253. doi.org/10.1111/ejn.13794
  • Itatani, N., & Klump, G. M. (2020). Interaction of spatial and non-spatial cues in auditory stream segregation in the European starling. European Journal of Neuroscience, 51(5), 1191-1200. doi.org/10.1111/ejn.13716
  • Kessler, M., Mamach, M., Beutelmann, R., Lukacevic, M., Eilert, S., Bascuñana, P., Fasel, A., Bengel, F.M., Bankstahl, J.P., Ross, T., Klump, G. M., & Berding, G. (2020). GABAA Receptors in the Mongolian Gerbil: a PET Study Using [18F]Flumazenil to Determine Receptor Binding in Young and Old Animals. Molecular Imaging and Biology, 22(2), 335-347. doi.org/10.1007/s11307-019-01371-0
  • Tolnai, S., & Klump, G. M. (2020). Evidence for the origin of the binaural interaction component of the auditory brainstem response. European Journal of Neuroscience, 51(2), 598-610. doi.org/10.1111/ejn.14571


  • Barone, C. M., Douma, S., Reijntje, D. J., Browe, B. M., Koppl, C., Klump, G., Park, T. J., & Pyott, S. J. (2019). Altered cochlear innervation in developing and mature naked and Damaraland mole rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 527(14), 2302-2316. doi.org/10.1002/cne.24682
  • Krumm, B., Klump, G. M., Köppl, C., & Langemann, U. (2019). The barn owls’ Minimum Audible Angle. PloS one, 14(8), e0220652. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0220652
  • Eipert, L., Selle, A., & Klump, G. M. (2019). Uncertainty in location, level and fundamental frequency results in informational masking in a vowel discrimination task for young and elderly subjects. Hearing Research, 377, 142-152. doi.org/10.1016/j.heares.2019.03.015
  • Kessler, M., Mamach, M., Beutelmann, R., Lukacevic, M., Eilert, S., Bascuñana, P., Fasel, A., Bengel, F.M., Bankstahl, J.P., Ross, T., Klump, G. M., & Berding, G. (2019). GABAA Receptors in the Mongolian Gerbil: a PET Study Using [18F]Flumazenil to Determine Receptor Binding in Young and Old Animals. Molecular Imaging and Biology, 22(2), 335-347. doi.org/10.1007/s11307-019-01371-0


  • Tolnai, S., Beutelmann, R., & Klump, G. M. (2018). Interaction of interaural cues and their contribution to the lateralisation of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol, 204(5), 435-448. doi.org/10.1007/s00359-018-1253-5
  • Kessler, M., Mamach, M., Beutelmann, R., Bankstahl, J. P., Bengel, F. M., Klump, G. M., & Berding, G. (2018). Activation in the auditory pathway of the gerbil studied with (18)F-FDG PET: effects of anesthesia. Brain Struct Funct, 223(9), 4293-4305. doi.org/10.1007/s00429-018-1743-9
  • Feenders, G., & Klump, G. M. (2018). Violation of the Unity Assumption Disrupts Temporal Ventriloquism Effect in Starlings. Front Psychol, 9, 1386. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01386
  • Eipert, L., Klinge-Strahl, A., & Klump, G. M. (2018). Processing of interaural phase differences in components of harmonic and mistuned complexes in the inferior colliculus of the Mongolian gerbil. European Journal of Neuroscience, 47(10), 1242-1251. doi.org/10.1111/ejn.13922


  • Tolnai S, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2017) Exploring binaural hearing in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) using virtual headphones. Plos One 12 (4). doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175142
  • Lauer AM, Behrens D, Klump G (2017) Acoustic startle modification as a tool for evaluating auditory function of the mouse: Progress, pitfalls, and potential. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 77:194-208. doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.03.009
  • Feenders G, Kato Y, Borzeszkowski KM, Klump GM (2017) Temporal Ventriloquism Effect in European Starlings: Evidence for Two Parallel Processing Pathways. Behavioral Neuroscience 131 (4):337-347. doi.org/10.1037/bne0000200
  • Krumm B, Klump G, Köppl C, Langemann U (2017) Barn owls have ageless ears. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1863). doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.1584
  • Tolnai S, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2017) Effect of preceding stimulation on sound localization and its representation in the auditory midbrain. Eur J Neurosci 45:460-471. doi.org/10.1111/ejn.13491
  • Itatani N, Klump GM (2017) Animal models for auditory streaming. Phil Trans R Soc B 372: 20160112 pp 1-11. doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2016.0112
  • Klump GM (2017) Perceptual and neural mechanisms of auditory scene analysis in the European starling. In: Psychological Mechanisms in Animal Communication, Bee MA, Miller CT (eds.), pp. 57-88, Springer, New York, Heidelberg. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48690-1_3
  • Klump GM (2017) Hearing and communication. In: APA Handbook of Comparative Psychology, Vol 2: Perception, Learning, and Cognition, Call J (ed.), pp. 25-48. doi.org/10.1037/0000012-002


  • Laumen G, Ferber AT, Klump GM, Tollin DJ (2016) The Physiological Basis and Clinical Use of the Binaural Interaction Component of the Auditory Brainstem Response. Ear Hear 37:e276-e290. doi.org/10.1097/AUD.0000000000000301
  • Laumen G, Tollin DJ, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2016) Aging effects on the binaural interaction component of the auditory brainstem response in the Mongolian gerbil: Effects of interaural time and level differences. Hear Res 337:46-58. doi.org/10.1016/j.heares.2016.04.009
  • Langemann U, Krumm B, Liebner K, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2016) Moving Objects in the Barn Owl's Auditory World. Adv Exp Med Biol 894:219-227. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25474-6_23
  • Behrens D, Klump GM (2016) Comparison of Mouse Minimum Audible Angle Determined in Prepulse Inhibition and Operant Conditioning Procedures. Hearing Research 333: 167–178
  • Feinkohl A, Borzeszkowski K M, Klump GM (2016) Azimuthal sound localization in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): III. Comparison of sound localization measures. Hearing Research 332: 238–248


  • Tolnai S, Dolležal L-V, Klump GM (2015) Binaural cues provide for a release from informational masking. Behav Neurosci 129 (5): 589-598
  • Pohl NU, Klump GM, Langemann U (2015) Effects of signal features and background noise on distance cue discrimination by a songbird. The Journal of experimental biology 218.7: 1006-1015
  • Behrens D, Klump GM (2015) Comparison of the sensitivity of prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex and operant conditioning in an auditory intensity difference limen paradigm. Hearing research 321: 35-44
  • Beutelmann R, Laumen G, Tollin D, Klump GM (2015) Amplitude and phase equalization of stimuli for click evoked auditory brainstem responses. J Acoust Soc Am 137 (1): EL71-EL77


  • Van den Heuvel IM, Cherry MI, Klump GM (2014) Crimson-breasted Shrike females with extra pair offspring contributed more to duets. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 68 (8): 1245-1252
  • Itatani N, Klump GM (2014) Neural correlates of auditory streaming in an objective behavioral task. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111 (29): 10738-10743
  • Dolležal L-V, Brechmann A, Klump GM, Deike S (2014) Evaluating auditory stream segregation of SAM tone sequences by subjective and objective psychoacoustical tasks, and brain activity. Front Neurosci 8: 119
  • van den Heuvel IM, Cherry MI, Klump GM (2014) Land or lover? Territorial defence and mutual mate guarding in the crimson-breasted shrike. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 68 (3): 373-381


  • Feinkohl A, Borzeszkowski KM, Klump GM (2013) Effect of head turns on the localization accuracy of sounds in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Behavioural Brain Research 256: 669-676
  • Puschmann S,  Sandmann P, Ahrens J, Thorne J, Weerda R, Klump GM, Debener S, Thiel CM (2013)  Electrophysiological correlates of auditory change detection and change deafness in complex auditory scenes. Neuroimage 75: 155-164
  • Puschmann S, Weerda R, Klump G,  Thiel CM (2013)  Segregating the Neural Correlates of Physical and Perceived Change in Auditory Input using the Change Deafness Effect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25 (5): 730-742
  • Pohl NU, Slabbekoorn H, Neubauer H,  Heil P, Klump GM, Langemann U (2013) Why longer song elements are easier to detect: threshold level-duration functions in the Great Tit and comparison with human data. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 199 (3): 239-252
  • Feinkohl A, Klump GM (2013) Azimuthal sound localization in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): II. Psychophysical results. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 199 (2): 127-138
  • van den Heuvel IM, Cherry MI, Klump GM (2013) Individual identity, song repertoire and duet function in the Crimson-breasted Shrike (Laniarius atrococcineus). Bioacoustics – The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording 22 (1): 1-15
  • Klinge-Strahl A, Parnitzke T, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2013) Phase discrimination ability in Mongolian gerbils provides evidence for possible processing mechanism of mistuning detection. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 787: 399-407


  • Dolležal L-V, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2012) Stream segregation in the perception of sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tones. PLoS One 7(9): e43615
  • Dolležal L-V, Itatani N, Günther S, Klump GM (2012) Auditory streaming by phase relations between components of harmonic complexes: a comparative study of human subjects and bird forebrain neurons. Behavioral Neuroscience 126: 797-808
  • Maier JK, Hehrmann P, Harper NS, Klump GM, Pressnitzer D, McAlpine D (2012) Adaptive coding is constrained to midline locations in a spatial listening task. J Neurophysiol 108: 1856-1868
  • Klein-Hennig M, Dietz M, Klinge-Strahl A, Klump GM, Hohmann V (2012) Effect of mistuning on the detection of a tone masked by a harmonic tone complex. PLoS One 7(11): e48419
  • Pohl NU, Leadbeater E, Slabbekoorn H, Klump GM, Langemann U (2012) Great tits in urban noise benefit from high frequencies in song detection and discrimination. Anim Behav 83: 711-721


  • Itatani N, Klump GM (2011) Neural correlates of auditory streaming of harmonic complex sounds with different phase relations in the songbird forebrain. J Neurophysiol 105: 188-199
  • Klinge A, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2011) Effect of harmonicity on the detection of a signal in a complex masker and on spatial release from masking. PLoS One 6(10):e26124
  • Feinkohl A, Klump G (2011) Processing of transient signals in the visual system of the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and humans. Vision Res. 51:21-25.

bis 2010

  • Klinge A, Klump G (2010) Mistuning detection and onset asynchrony in harmonic complexes in Mongolian gerbils. J Acoust Soc Am 128: 280-290.
  • Klink KB, Dierker H, Beutelmann R, Klump GM (2010) Comodulation masking release determined in the mouse (Mus musculus) using a flanking-band paradigm. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 11: 79-88
  • Bee MA, Micheyl C, Oxenham AJ, Klump GM. (2010) Neural adaptation to tone sequences in the songbird forebrain: patterns, determinants, and relation to the build-up of auditory streaming. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 196: 543-557
  • Bendixen A, Jones SJ, Klump GM, Winkler I (2010) Probability dependence and functional separation of the object-related and mismatch negativity event-related potential components. Neuroimage 50: 285-290
  • Maier JK, McAlpine D, Klump GM, Pressnitzer D (2010) Context effects in the discriminability of spatial cues. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 11: 319-328
  • Itatani N, Klump GM (2009) Auditory streaming of amplitude-modulated sounds in the songbird forebrain. J Neurophysiol 101: 3212-3225
  • Klinge A, Klump GM (2009) Frequency difference limens of pure tones and harmonics within complex stimuli in Mongolian gerbils and humans. J Acoust Soc Am 125: 304-314
  • Metz M, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2009) Male nest-building behaviour and mating success in the red bishop (Euplectes orix). Behaviour 146: 771-794
  • Pohl NU, Slabbekoorn H, Klump GM, Langemann U (2009) Effects of signal features and environmental noise on signal detection in the great tit, Parus major. Anim Behav 78: 1293-1300
  • Seeba F, Klump GM (2009) Stimulus familiarity affects perceptual restoration in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Plos One 4: e5974
  • Maier JK, Kindermann T, Grothe B, Klump GM (2008) Effects of omni-directional noise-exposure during hearing onset and age on auditory spatial resolution in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) - a behavioral approach. Brain Res 1220: 47 - 57
  • Zokoll M, Klump GM, Langemann U (2008) Auditory memory for temporal characteristics of sound. J Comp Physiol A 194: 457-467
  • Bee MA, Buschermöhle M, Klump GM (2007) Detecting modulated signals in modulated noise: (II) neural thresholds in the songbird forebrain. Eur J Neurosci 26: 1979-1994
  • Gleich O, Kittel M, Klump GM, Strutz J (2007) Temporal integration in the gerbil: the effects of age, hearing loss and temporally unmodulated and modulated speech-like masker noises. Hear Res 224(1-2): 101-114
  • Gleich O, Hamann I, Kittel M, Klump GM, Strutz J (2007) Forward masking in gerbils: the effect of age. Hear Res 223(1-2): 122-128
  • Langemann U, Klump GM (2007) Detecting modulated signals in modulated noise: (I) behavioural auditory thresholds in a songbird. Eur J Neurosci 26: 1969-1978
  • Metz M, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2007). Temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests in red bishops (Euplectes orix): dynamics of a biological market. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 61: 1369-1381
  • Metz M, Geberzahn N, Hansen LH, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2007). Effects of behavioural time budgets and nest-building efficiency on male reproductive performance in red bishops (Euplectes orix). J Ornithol 148: 145-155
  • Zokoll M, Klump GM, Langemann U (2007) Auditory short-term memory persistence for tonal signals in a songbird. J Acoust Soc Am 121: 2842-2851
  • Buschermöhle M, Feudel U, Klump GM, Bee MA, Freund JA (2006) Signal detection enhanced by comodulated noise. Fluct Noise Lett 6: L339-L347
  • Gleich O, Hamann I, Kittel M, Klump GM, Strutz J (2006) A quantitative analysis of psychometric functions for different auditory tasks in gerbils. Hear Res 220(1-2): 27-37
  • Klink KB, Bendig G, Klump GM (2006) Operant methods for mouse psychoacoustics. Behav Res Methods 38: 1-7
  • Langemann U, Klump GM (2006) Asymmetry of masking in the European starling: behavioural auditory thresholds. Hear Res 221(1-2): 26-35
  • Maier JK, Klump GM (2006) Resolution in azimuth sound localization in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). J Acoust Soc Am 119: 1029-1036
  • Bee MA, Klump GM (2005) Auditory stream segregation in the songbird forebrain: effects of time intervals on responses to interleaved tone sequences. Brain Behav Evol 66: 197-214
  • Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2005). Sexual selection in the lek-breeding European treefrog (Hyla arborea): body size, chorus attendance, random mating, and good genes. Anim Behav 70: 1141-1154
  • Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2005). Extrapair fertilizations in the red bishop (Euplectes orix): do females follow conditional extrapair strategies? Auk 122: 57-70
  • Langemann U, Klump GM (2005) Perception and acoustic communication networks. In: McGregor PK (ed) Animal communication networks. Cambridge University Press, pp. 451-480
  • Langemann U, Zokoll MA, Klump GM (2005) Analysis of spectral shape in the barn owl auditory system. J Comp Physiol A 191: 889-901
  • Klump GM (2005) Evolutionary adaptations for auditory communication. In: Blauert J (ed) Communication acoustics. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 27-45
  • Klump GM, Hofer SB (2005) The relevance of rate and time cues for CMR in starling auditory forebrain neurons. In: Pressnitzer D, de Cheveigne A, McAdams S, Gollet L (eds) Auditory signal processing: physiology, psychoacoustics, and models. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 328-334
  • Bee MA, Klump GM (2004) Primitive auditory stream segregation: a neurophysiological study in the songbird forebrain. J Neurophysiol 92: 1088-1104
  • Edler R, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2004). Do blood parasites affect reproductive performance in male red bishops (Euplectes orix)? A test of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis. Ethol Ecol Evol 16: 315-328
  • Hamann I, Gleich O, Klump GM, Kittel M, Strutz J (2004) Age-dependent changes of gap detection in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 5:49-57
  • Klink KB, Klump GM (2004) Duration discrimination in the mouse (Mus musculus). J Comp Physiol A 190: 1039-1046
  • Klump GM, Benedix JH, Gerhardt HC, Narins PM (2004) AM representation in green treefrog auditory nerve fibers: neuroethological implications for pattern recognition and sound localization. J Comp Physiol A 190: 1011-1021
  • Budde C, Klump GM (2003) Vocal repertoire of the black rhino Diceros bicornis ssp. and possibilities of individual identification. Mamm Biol 68: 42-47
  • Gleich O, Hamann I, Klump GM, Kittel M, Strutz J (2003) Boosting GABA improves impaired auditory temporal resolution in the gerbil. Neuroreport 14:1877-1880
  • Hofer SB, Klump GM (2003) Within- and across-channel processing in auditory masking: a physiological study in the songbird forebrain. J Neurosci 23: 5732-5739
  • Wagner E, Klump GM, Hamann I (2003) Gap-detection thresholds in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Hear Res 176: 11-16
  • Dent ML, Klump GM, Schwenzfeier C (2002) Temporal modulation transfer functions in the barn owl (Tyto alba). J Comp Physiol A 187: 937-943
  • Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2002) The vocal behaviour of male European treefrogs (Hyla arborea): implications for inter- and intrasexual selection. Behaviour 139: 113-136
  • Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2002). Extra-pair paternity in the red bishop (Euplectes orix): is there evidence for the good-genes hypothesis? Behaviour 139: 777-800
  • Hamann I, Gleich O, Klump GM, Kittel MC, Boettcher FA, Schmiedt RA, Strutz J (2002) Behavioral and evoked-potential thresholds in young and old Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Hear Res 171: 82-95
  • Kittel M, Wagner E, Klump GM (2002) An estimate of the auditory-filter bandwidth in the Mongolian gerbil. Hear Res 164: 69-76
  • Klump GM (2001) Die Wirkung von Lärm auf die auditorische Wahrnehmung der Vögel. Angew Landschaftsökol 44: 9-23
  • Klump GM, Nieder A (2001) Release from masking in fluctuating background noise is represented in a songbird's auditory forebrain. Neuroreport 12: 1825-1829
  • Klump GM, Langemann U, Friebe A, Hamann I (2001) An animal model for studying across-channel processes: CMR and MDI in the European starling. In: Breebart DJ, Houtsma AJM, Kohlrausch A, Prijs VF, Schoonhoven R (eds.) Physiological and psychophysical bases of auditory function. Shaker Publishing BV, Maastricht, pp. 266-272
  • Langemann U, Klump GM (2001) Signal detection in amplitude-modulated maskers: I. Behavioral auditory threshold in a songbird. Eur J Neurosci 13: 1025-1032
  • Nieder A, Klump GM (2001) Signal detection in amplitude-modulated maskers: II. Processing in the songbird's auditory forebrain. Eur J Neurosci 13: 1033-1044
  • Reck H, Rassmus J, Klump GM, Böttcher M, Brüning H, Gutsmiedl I, Herden C, Lutz K, Mehl U, Penn-Bressel G, Roweck H, Trautner J, Wende W, Winkelmann C, Zschalich A (2001) Auswirkungen von Lärm und Planungsinstrumente des Naturschutzes. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 33: 145-149
  • Reck H, Rassmus J, Klump GM, Böttcher M, Brüning H, Gutsmiedl I, Herden C, Lutz K, Mehl U, Penn-Bressel G, Roweck H, Trautner J, Wende W, Winkelmann C, Zschalich A (2001) Tagungsergebnis: Empfehlungen zur Berücksichtigung von Lärmwirkungen in der Planung (UVP, FFH-VU, § 8 BNatSchG, § 20c BnatSchG). Angew Landschaftsökol 44: 153-160
  • Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2000) Nest and mate choice in the red bishop (Euplectes orix): female settlement rules. Behav Ecol 11: 378-386
  • Grothe B, Klump GM (2000) Temporal processing in sensory systems. Curr Opin Neurobiol 10: 467-473
  • Klump GM (2000) Sound localization in birds. In: Dooling RJ, Popper AN, Fay RR (eds) Comparative hearing: birds and reptiles. Springer, New York, Berlin, pp 247-305
  • Klump GM, Langemann U, Gleich O (2000) The European starling as a model for understanding perceptual mechanisms. In: Manley GA, Oeckinghaus H, Koessl M, Klump GM, Fastl H (eds) Auditory worlds: sensory analysis and perception in animals and man. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, pp 193-211
  • Naguib M, Klump GM, Hillmann E, Griessman B, Teige T (2000) Assessment of auditory distance in a territorial song bird: accurate feat or rule of thumb? Anim Behav 59: 715-721
  • Friedl TWP, Klump GM (1999) Determinants of male mating success in the red bishop (Euplectes orix). Behav Ecol Sociobiol 46: 387-399
  • Klump GM, Grothe B, van Hemmen LJ (1999) Analogies of processing mechanisms between the visual and auditory system. In: Elsner N, Eysel U (eds) Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1999. Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart New York, pp 269-272
  • Nieder A, Klump GM (1999) Adjustable frequency selectivity of auditory forebrain neurons recorded in a freely moving songbird via radiotelemetry. Hear Res 127: 41-54
  • Nieder A, Klump GM (1999). Time course of simultaneous masking in the starling`s auditory forebrain. Exp Brain Res 124: 311-320
  • Dyson ML, Klump GM, Gauger B (1998) Absolute hearing thresholds and critical masking ratios in the European barn owl: a comparison with other owls. J Comp Physiol A 182: 695-702
  • Klump GM, Langemann U, Nieder A (1998) Mechanisms that improve signal detection in noise: a study of comodulation masking release in a songbird. In: Palmer AR, Rees A, Summerfield AQ, Meddis R (eds) Psychphysical and physiological advances in hearing. Whurr Publishers, London, pp 270-276
  • Klump GM, Köppl C, Gleich O, Langemann U, Dyson ML (1998) Muster der Erregung im Hörsystem von Vögeln: Von den Antworten der Hörnervenfasern zur Wahrnehmung. Z Audiol, Suppl. 1, pp 13-16
  • Köppl C, Klump GM, Taschenberger G, Dyson ML, Manley GA (1998) The auditory fovea of the barn owl - no correlation with enhanced frequency resolution. In: Palmer AR, Rees A, Summerfield AQ, Meddis R (eds) Psychphysical and physiological advances in hearing. Whurr Publishers, London, pp 153-159
  • Langemann U, Gauger B, Klump GM (1998) Auditory sensitivity in the great tit: perception of signals in the presence and absence of noise. Anim Behav 56: 763-769
  • Friedl TWP, Klump GM (1997) Some aspects of population biology in the European treefrog, Hyla arborea, as revealed by skeletochronology. Herpetologica 53: 321-330
  • Klump GM (1996) Bird communication in the noisy world. In: Kroodsma DE, Miller EH (eds) Ecology and evolution of acoustic communication in birds. Cornell University Press, Ithaca NY, pp 321-338
  • Von der Emde G, Klump GM, Schildberger K (1996) Animal sensory systems: environmental constraints and adaptive analysis mechanisms. In: Elsner N, Schnitzler H-U (eds) Brain and Evolution. Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart New York, pp 249-257
  • Buus S, Klump GM, Gleich O, Langemann U (1995): An excitation-pattern model for the starling (Sturnus vulgaris). J Acoust Soc Am 98: 112-124
  • Gleich O, Klump GM (1995) Temporal modulation transfer functions in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): II. Responses of auditory-nerve fibres. Hear Res 82: 81-92
  • Gleich O, Klump GM, Dooling RJ (1995) Peripheral basis for the auditory deficit in Belgian Waterslager canaries (Serinus canarius). Hear Res 82: 100-108
  • Gleich O, Dooling RJ, Manley GA, Klump GM, Strutz J (1995) Kontinuierliche Haarzell-Regeneration bei einem Singvogel mit erblich bedingter, cochleärer Hörstörung. HNO 43: 287-293
  • Klump GM (1995) Sound localization studies in nonspecialized birds. In: Klump GM, Dooling RJ, Fay RR, Stebbins WC (eds) Methods in comparative psychoacoustics. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 171-182
  • Klump GM (1995) Sound localization studies in amphibians. In: Klump GM, Dooling RJ, Fay RR, Stebbins WC (eds) Methods in comparative psychoacoustics. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 221-233
  • Klump GM, Langemann U (1995): Comodulation masking release in a songbird. Hear Res 87: 157-164
  • Langemann U, Klump GM, Dooling RJ (1995): Critical bands and critical-ratio bandwidth in the European starling. Hear Res 84: 167-176
  • Scharmann MG, Klump GM, Ehret G (1995): Discrimination training in a GO/NOGO-procedure alters the 2-deoxyglucose pattern in the starling's forebrain. Brain Res 682: 83-92
  • Gleich O, Klump GM, Dooling RJ (1994) Hereditary sensorineural hearing loss in a bird. Naturwissenschaften 81: 320-323
  • Dooling RJ, Brown SD, Klump GM, Okanoya K (1992) Auditory perception of conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations in birds: Evidence for special processes. J Comp Psychol 106: 20-28
  • Klump GM, Gerhardt HC (1992) Mechanisms and function of call-timing in male-male interactions in frogs. In: McGregor P (ed) Playback and studies of animal communication: problems and prospects. Plenum Press, London New York, pp 153-174
  • Klump GM, Langemann U (1992) The detection of frequency and amplitude modulation in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): psychoacoustics and neurophysiology. In: Cazals Y, Demany L, Horner K (eds) Auditory physiology and perception. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp 353-359
  • Klump GM, Larsen ON (1992) Azimuth sound localization in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): I. Physical binaural cues. J Comp Physiol A 170: 243-251
  • Langemann U, Klump GM (1992) Frequency discrimination in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): A comparison of different measures. Hear Res 63: 43-51
  • Klump GM (1991) Detection of upward and downward frequency sweeps in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Naturwissenschaften 78: 469-471
  • Klump GM, Gleich O (1991) Gap detection in European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). III. Processing in the peripheral auditory system. J Comp Physiol A 168: 469-476
  • Klump GM, Okanoya K (1991) Temporal modulation transfer functions in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): I. Psychophysical modulation detection thresholds. Hear Res 52: 1-12
  • Hausfater G, Gerhardt HC, Klump GM (1990) Parasites and mate choice in gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor. Am Zool 30: 299-312
  • Klump GM, Baur A (1990) Intensity discrimination in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Naturwissenschaften 77: 545-548
  • Klump GM, Maier EH (1990) Temporal summation in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). J Comp Psychol 104: 94-100
  • Maier EH, Klump GM (1990) Auditory duration discrimination in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). J Acoust Soc Am 88: 616-621
  • Buchfellner E, Leppelsack H-J, Klump GM, Häusler U (1989) Gap detection in the starling (Sturnus vulgaris). II. Coding of gaps by forebrain neurons. J Comp Physiol 164: 539-549
  • Klump GM, Gerhardt HC (1989) Sound localization in the barking treefrog (Hyla gratiosa). Naturwissenschaften 76: 35-37
  • Klump GM, Maier EH (1989) Gap detection in the starling (Sturnus vulgaris). I. Psychophysical Thresholds. J Comp Physiol 164: 531-538
  • Gerhardt HC, Klump GM (1988) Masking of acoustic signals by the chorus background noise in the green treefrog: a limitation on mate choice. Anim Behav 36: 1247-1249
  • Gerhardt HC, Klump GM (1988) Phonotactic responses and selectivity of barking treefrogs (Hyla gratiosa) to chorus sounds. J Comp Physiol 163: 795-802
  • Rheinlaender J, Klump GM (1988) Behavioural aspects of sound localization. In: Fritsch B, Ryan MJ, Wilczynski W, Hetherington TE, Walkowiak W (eds) The evolution of the amphibian auditory system. Wiley, New York, pp 297-305
  • Klump GM, Gerhardt HC (1987) Use of non-arbitrary acoustic criteria in mate choice by female gray tree frogs. Nature 326: 286-288
  • Klump GM, Kretzschmar E, Curio E (1986) The hearing of an avian predator and its avian prey. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 18: 317-323
  • Klump GM, Windt W, Curio E (1986) The great tit's (Parus major) auditory resolution in azimuth. J Comp Physiol 158: 383-390
  • Klump GM, Shalter MD (1984) Acoustic behaviour of birds and mammals in the predator context: I. Factors affecting the structure of alarm calls. II. The functional significance of alarm signals and their evolution. Z Tierpsychol 66: 189-226
  • Curio E, Klump G, Regelmann K (1983) An anti-predator response in the great tit (Parus major): is it tuned to predator risk? Oecologia 60: 83-88
  • Klump GM, Curio E (1983) Reactions of blue tits Parus caeruleus to hawk models of different sizes. Bird Behav 4: 78-81
  • Gatter W, Klump G, Schütt R (1979) Ausgeprägte Fälle von Zugumkehr beim Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius) und Tannenhäher (Nucifraga caryocatactes). Vogelwarte 30: 101-107

Bücher (übersetzt oder herausgegeben)

  • Manley GA, Oeckinghaus H, Koessl M, Klump GM, Fastl H (1999) Auditory worlds: sensory analysis and perception in animals and man. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim
  • Manley GA, Klump GM, Köppl C, Fastl H, Oeckinghaus H (1995) Advances in hearing research. World Scientific Publishing, London, Singapore
  • Klump GM, Dooling RJ, Fay RR, Stebbins WC (1995) Methods in comparative psychoacoustics. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel
  • Translation into German: Behavioral ecology - an evolutionary approach (Krebs JR, Davis NB, eds) published under the title "Öko-Ethologie", Pareys Studientexte No. 28, Parey Verlag, Berlin, 1981

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