Research Projects


University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Research Projects

Research activities of the working group wind energy systems

Current research projects





C2 Wakes

Controlled Cluster Wakes - Steuerung und Mitigation großskaliger Windparkeffekte

Jörge Schneemann BMWK

DFWind 1

German Research Platform on Wind Energy - Phase 1

Hauke Beck


DFWind 2 

German Research Platform on Wind Energy - Phase 2

Hauke Beck


EMUwind  Advanced modelling and uncertainty analysis of atmospheric wind fields based on highly resolved measurements Arjun Anantharaman BMWK

Atmospheric Flow, Loads and pOwer for Wind energy

Jörge Schneemann EU

IEA Task 32 Phase II

Lidar for wind energy deployment (IEA-Annex 32)-Phase II

Jörge Schneemann



Multiskalen- und multiphysikalische MOdelle Und Simulation für die WindEnergie

Gerald Steinfeld BMWK


Participation in the build-up of the "ProWind" research platformeteiligung am Aufbau der Forschungsplattform „ProWind“

Hendrik Heißelmann

MWK Nds.

SFB 1463 Megastrukturen  Integrated design and operational methodology for offshore megastructures Daniel Ribnitzky  DFG

Selbstlernende datengestützte Windparkregelung mit Nachlaufablenkung zur Ertragsmaximierung

Vlaho Petrović BMWK


Validation and demonstration of dual-Doppler radar wind field measurements for applications in the wind energy industry

Jörge Schneemann



'Wind farm virtual Site Assistant for O&M decision support' advanced methods for big data analysis 

David Bastine



Validation of yield increases and load reductions in offshore wind farms due to adapted dynamic wind direction tracking

Vlaho Petrović


Completed projects

Akronym Titel Kontakt Mittelgeber
AWESOME Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise Marijn van Dooren EU
Baltic I Control of offshore wind farms through local power prediction and monitoring of power and load characteristics Martin Kraft BMWK
CLUSTERDESIGN A Toolbox for Offshore Wind Farm Cluster Design Davide Trabucchi  EU
CompactWind Increasing the area energy yield in wind farms by advanced turbine and farm control Marc Bromm  BMWK
CompactWind II Nachlaufregelung von Onshore-Windparks bei instationären meteorologischen Bedingungen auf Basis von Standardsensorik Paul Hulsman BMWK
ConUp Abgesicherte Verfahren zur herstellerunabhängigen Parametrierung und Nachrüstung der Regelung von Windenergieanlagen   BMWK
EERA DTOC EERA Design Tools for Offshore Wind Farm Cluster Design Tools Hauke Beck EU
FLiF+ Forschungsbasiertes Lernen im Fokus Andreas Schmidt BMBF
GW Wakes Analysis of wake induced deficits and wake turbulence characteristic of large offshore wind farms, by comparison of »alpha ventus« and »Riffgat« Jörge Schneemann BMWK
IEA Annex 32 LiDAR for wind energy deployment  Jörge Schneemann IEA - Task 32 Innovative Wind Conversion Systems (10-20 MW) for Offshore Application Vlaho Petrović EU
IRPWIND Integrated Research Programme on Wind Energy Vlaho Petrović EU
LIKE LIdar Knowledge Europe Jörge Schneemann EU
NEWA New European Wind Atlas Jörge Schneemann BMWK, EU
RAVE-OWP Control Adaptive operational management and control of offshore wind farms based on specific operating strategies for yield, load and grid optimization Andreas Rott BMWK
OWEA Loads Probabilistic load description, monitoring and reduction of loads of future offshore wind turbines Vlaho Petrović BMWK
SEE PhD Program System Integration of Renewable Energies Andreas Rott MWK Nds.
Smart Blades Development and design of intelligent rotor blades Vlaho Petrović BMWK
SmartBlades 2.0 Construction, testing and further development of intelligent rotor blades Vlaho Petrović BMWK
TurbuMetric Optische 3D-Messtechniken zur Erfassung von dynamischen Fluid-Struktur-Interaktionen in turbulenten Windumgebungen Apostolos Langidis MWK Nds.
ventus efficiens ForWind: ventus efficiens - joint research to increase the efficiency of wind turbines in the energy system Jörge Schneemann MWK Nds.
WIMS-Cluster High performance computer for wind energy relevant meteorology and flow calculations Vlaho Petrović BMWK


Beobachtergestützte Vorhersage von Netzengpässen und möglicher Einspeisung von Offshore-Windenergie für die operative Netzbetriebsführung und Handelsprozesse

Jörge Schneemann

BMWK The European WindScanner Facility Jörge Schneemann EU
X-Wakes Interaktion der Nachläufe großer Offshore-Windparks und Windparkcluster mit der marinen atmosphärischen Grenzschicht Jörge Schneemann BMWK
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