


Surveillance methods for manufacturer-independent parameterization and retrofitting of wind turbine control systems – Sub-Project: Methodology for real-time prognosis of loads and comparison with the permissible load envelope (ConUp)


BMWi (FKZ 03EE2012A)


01.10.2019 – 30.09.2022


  • ForWind - Universität Oldenburg
    AG WESys (Project Coordinator)
    AG TWiSt
  • ForWind - Universität Bremen IALB
  • Windrad Engineering GmbH
  • WIHM-Tech GmbH
  • WindGuard Certification GmbH
  • EnergieKontor Management GmbH & Co. KG.

Project objectives

The overall objective of the joint project is to research a methodology for the safe application of hardware or software modifications to existing wind turbines (WTGs) to increase yield and / or extend operating life. So far optimizations are hardly possible independent of the manufacturer; potentials remain untapped. In the joint project, an additive temporary or permanent system for monitoring critical operating parameters of the WTG will be developed, which can be used on existing WTGs.

Specific contributions and objectives WESys

The sub-project mainly serves the scientific development of the control components of the protection System. Here, the predictive load situation of the wind turbine is to be compared with the given permissible load envelope and, if necessary, a safe transition is initiated. The protection system is tested in simulation, wind tunnel and free field.


Applied science

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