DFWind - Phase 2

DFWind - Phase 2


Control of offshore wind farms through local power forecasting and monitoring of power and load characteristics


BMWi (0325215A)


01.03.2011 - 30.11.2014

Project partners

  • ForWind – University Oldenburg
    • Research group Wind Enwergy Systems (Coordinator)
    • Research group Turbulence, Wind and Stochastic
    • Research group Energy Metrorology
  • EnBW Erneuerbare Energien GmbH, Stuttgart
  • Endowment chair Wind Energy, University Stuttgart

Project objectives

The joint research project "Baltic I" will provide new experience and knowledge in the field of offshore wind farms of commercial scale. The research results are to show optimisation potentials of the energy yield, the operating costs and the revenues from electricity feed-in. To this end, investigations in the areas of power and load monitoring, wind power prediction, grid integration and operational management will be carried out on the "EnBW Baltic 1" offshore wind farm (rated power 48.3 MW). The effects of atmospheric stratification, the influence of the coastal structure and the wind farm layout are given special consideration.

Based on the research results, the components and functionalities to be integrated into future commercial wind farm management systems are presented, in particular to improve the operational management of the wind farm power plant.

ForWind - University of Oldenburg makes contributions in the areas of:

  • Power output monitoring
  • Load monitoring
  • Power forecasting and grid operation
  • Decision model for operation management


applied science

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p82851en
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