
Optical field measurements of rotorblade deformations


European Commission, FP7-ENERGY


01.11.2011 - 31.10.2014 

Project partners

  • Technical University of Denmark, DTU, Dänemark (Koordination)
  • ForWind – Universität Oldenburg
    • Arbeitsgruppe Windenergiesysteme
    • Arbeitsgruppe Turbulenz, Wind und Stochastik
  • EWEA - European Wind Energy Association, Belgien
  • Fraunhofer IWES, Deutschland
  • Fundacion CENER-CIEMAT, CENER, Spanien
  • Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Niederlande
  • SINTEF Energie AS, Norwegen
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, CRES, Griechenland
  • Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas, CIEMAT, Spanien
  • Universidade de Porto, Portugal
  • University of Strathclyde, GB
  • The Trustees of Indiana University, USA
  • Collecte Localisation Satellites SA, Frankreich
  • Statkraft Development AS, Norwegen
  • Iberdrola SA, Spanien
  • Statoil Petroleum AS, Norwegen
  • Overspeed GmbH & Co. KG, Deutschland
  • Bard Engineering GmbH, Deutschland
  • HEXICON AB, Schweden
  • The Carbon Trust, GB
  • E.ON Sverige AB, Schweden
  • Renewable Energy Systems Limited,RES, GB

Project objectives

During the project, all participants aim at progress beyond the state-of-the-art in the field of farm wake modeling. The provision of data sets for verification of models and the subsequent benchmark is going to be a significant improvement in the conditions for model development. The better wake models will provide higher confidence in the energy yield predictions. While this project will be managed to tune the existing models to the values found by the measurement campaign, the data set will in the future enable further development of the farm wake models, which in turn will find their way into future iterations of the design tool. A new approach is to integrate the effect of wind farms in the meso-scale models themselves. However, the major step forward is going to be the tool itself. Currently, most of the models are employed sequentially by the developers of offshore wind farms, and optimization of all parameters is quite difficult and involves a lot of pasting data back and forth. With this integrated tool, optimization of different parameters will be possible from within a single software package, and the design of entire clusters of wind farms as wind power plants will for the first time be possible in one go. The end user may be authorities, large operators, and future large-scale developers.

Specific contributions and objectives ForWind Oldenburg

  • Multi-Lidar measurement in „Bard Offshore 1“
  • Quantification of power curve uncertainties by stochastic tools


applied science

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