DFWind - Phase 2

DFWind - Phase 2


German Research Platform on WInd Energy - Phase 2; Sub-project: Wind physics, controls and extended wind turbine characteristisation


BMWi (FKZ 03EE3031B)


01.11.2020 - 30.11.2023

Project partners

  • DLR (Koordination)
  • ForWind – Oldenburg, Hannover und Bremen
  • Fraunhofer IWES (Oldenburg)

Project objectives

The overall project objective comprises the scientific upgrade of the planned DFWind research platform,
which is currently being implemented, to create a worldwide unique infrastructure for wind energy research.
This includes the extensive instrumentation of two research wind turbines of the current multi-MW class as
well as several specially designed wind met masts for the complete recording of the environmental and
operating conditions. With this research platform, novel components and concepts can be tested on the
overall system on the one hand, and on the other hand, industrial-suited models for the description of large
wind turbines can be derived, validated and improved.
The specific contributions of this sub-project focus on the detailed characterization of the flow and operating
conditions as well as on the preparation of research on innovative concepts for monitoring and control of
the turbines and the wind farm configuration


Specific contributions and objectives WESys

- Characterisation of the wind field in front of, in and behind the rotor plane using short-range lidar systems on the ground and in the wind turbine spinner

- Preparation of the safe testing for experimental control systems of the individual plant as well as of the plant group in free field.


applied science

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p80301en
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