


Interaction of the wakes of large offshore wind farms and wind farm clusters with the marine atmospheric boundary layer - Sub-project D: LES and OpenSource engineering models - Focus: wind farm boundary layer


BMWi (FKZ 03EE3031B)


01.08.2020 - 29.02.2024

Project partners

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES), Bremerhaven (Coordinator)
  • Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Faculty V: Mathematics and Science, Institute of Physics, ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research, Research Group Wind Energy Systems (WE-Sys), Oldenburg
  • wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen
  • Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH, Hamburg
  • innogy SE, Hamburg

Project objectives

The overall goal of the Windpark-RADAR project is to characterize a dual-Doppler wind radar and to qualify it for applications in wind energy utilization and research. For this purpose, four possible applications in the wind energy industry are investigated and the suitability of the use of dual-Doppler radar is evaluated for each of them. These use cases are firstly the verification of load modelling and design testing of wind turbines, secondly the simultaneous power curve measurement of wind turbines within a wind farm, thirdly the measurement of the wind field as input for wind farm control concepts and fourthly the measurement of the incoming wind field from ships. For each respective application, a measurement campaign will be carried out within this project.


Specific contributions and objectives WESys

In Subproject ‘Data analysis and validation with lidar reference measurements’, ForWind – University of Oldenburg will further develop existing wind field reconstruction methods for remote sensing data and adapt them to the application with dual-Doppler radar. Furthermore, extensive measurements with two scanning Doppler wind lidars will be carried out in parallel during three measurement campaigns. The resulting reference data set will be used for the characterization and validation of the radar measurement, particularly for the four targeted applications. The wind field reconstruction methods will be further developed and optimized for each application. We evaluate the suitability of the Doppler lidar and Doppler radar remote sensing techniques, which differ in their characteristics, with respect to the different applications.


applied science

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