
Prof. Dr. Stefan Uppenkamp

Medical Physics Section
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg

e-mail: stefan.uppenkamp_AT_uni-oldenburg.de
phone: +49 441 798-3955
fax:     +49 441 798-3902
office location: W30 3-303 (in NeSSy building)

Office hours: Tuesday 12-13h

Note: substitute _AT_ by @ within the email addresses, please

Stefan Uppenkamp

Research interests

Functional measures of the human auditory system; interrelation of psychophysical performance and activation maps as determined by functional MRI and MEG

Current topics: pitch, loudness, masking, speech perception, low-frequency- and infrasound ( see publication list below )


Diploma in Physics (Dipl.-Phys.), University of Göttingen, Germany, 6/1988

PhD in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.) from University of Göttingen, Germany, 7/1992

Academic appointments

10/2024: Appointment as Professor (außerplanmäßiger Professor) at University of Oldenburg

4/2012: Habilitation in Applied Physics (Dr. rer. nat. habil) at University of Oldenburg, Germany; appointment as Privatdozent

from 5/2002: Research Associate, Medizinische Physik, University of Oldenburg, Germany

1998-2002: Research Associate, CNBH, Department of Physiology, University of Cambridge, U.K.

1994-1998: Research Associate, AG Medizinische Physik, Physics Department, University of Oldenburg, Germany

1992-1994: Post-doctoral scholarship, University of Oldenburg (Graduate programme "Psychoacoustics")

1989-1992: Research Assistant, Drittes Physikalisches Institut, University of Göttingen, Germany

List of publications

Journal Articles

recent work, Oldenburg (since 2020)

Schneider T , T Cetin, S Uppenkamp, D Weyhe, T Muender, AV Reinschluessel, D Salzmann, V Uslar (2025) DOI
"Measuring bound attention during complex liver surgery planning: a feasibility study,” JMIR Formative Research, 9, e62740 (17 pages).

Schlender M, V Uslar, S Uppenkamp, N Tabriz, D Weyhe, T Cetin (2024) DOI
"Investigation of possible sources of electrodermal activity in surgical personnel to assess workplace stress levels,” Sensors, 24, 7172.

Sieroka N, S Uppenkamp (2022) DOI
"Paradoxien beim Hören,” Physik in unserer Zeit 53(1), 28-34.

Uppenkamp S (2021) DOI
"Functional neuroimaging in hearing research and audiology," Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 31(3), 289-304.

Behler O, S Uppenkamp (2021) DOI
"Contextual effects on loudness judgments for sounds with continuous changes of intensity are reflected in nonauditory areas," Human Brain Mapping 42 (6), 1742-1757.

Urbschat A, S Uppenkamp, J. Anemüller  (2021) DOI
"Searchlight classification informative region mixture model (SCIM): Identification of cortical regions showing discriminable BOLD patterns in event-related auditory fMRI data," Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, article No. 616906.

Behler O, S Uppenkamp (2020) DOI
"Activation in human auditory cortex in relation to the loudness and unpleasantness of low-frequency and infrasound stimuli," PLoS one 15(2), article No. e0229088.

Burke E, S Uppenkamp, C. Koch  (2020) DOI
"A psychoacoustical study to investigate the perceived unpleasantness of infrasound combined with audio-frequency sound," Acta Acustica 4 (5), article No. 20.

from work in Oldenburg (2010-2019)

Ascone L, S Uppenkamp, O Behler, B Lineton, E Burke, C Koch, S Kühn, G Geršak (2019) access
"Deductive development and validation of a questionnaire to assess sensitivity to very low and very high frequency sounds: SISUS-Q (Sensitivity to Infra-Sound and Ultra-Sound Questionnaire)," Noise & Health 21 (101), 173-182.

Burke E, J Hensel, T Fedtke, S Uppenkamp, C. Koch (2019) DOI
"Detection thresholds for combined infrasound and audio-frequency stimuli," Acta Acustica united with Acustica 105 (6), 1173-1182.

Behler O, S Uppenkamp (2016) DOI
"The representation of level and loudness in the central auditory system for unilateral stimulation," Neuroimage 139, 176-188.

Bach JP, M Lüpke, P Dziallas, P Wefstaedt, S Uppenkamp, H Seifert, I Nolte (2016) DOI
"Auditory functional magnetic resonance imaging in dogs - normalization and group analysis and the processing of pitch in the canine auditory pathways," BMC Veterinary Research, 12, 32.

Gutschalk A, S Uppenkamp, B Riedel, A Bartsch, T Brandt, M Vogt-Schaden (2015) DOI
"Pure word deafness with auditory object agnosia after bilateral lesion of the superior temporal sulcus," Cortex, 73, 24-35.

Uppenkamp S, M Röhl (2014) DOI
"Human auditory neuroimaging of intensity and loudness," Hearing Research, 307, 65-73.

Bach JP, M Lüpke, P Dziallas, P Wefstaedt, S Uppenkamp, H Seifert, I Nolte (2013) DOI
"Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the ascending stages of the auditory system in dogs," BMC Veterinary Research, 9, 210.

Puschmann S, J Özyurt, S Uppenkamp, CM Thiel (2013) DOI
"Pitch-induced responses in right auditory cortex correlate with musical ability in normal listeners," NeuroReport, 24, 841-845.

Sukowski H, KC Wagener, C Thiele, S Uppenkamp, B Kollmeier (2013) DOI
"Der Einsatz neuer Testverfahren zur Erfassung des Sprachverstehens in Ruhe bei der Begutachtung erworbener Schwerhörigkeiten," HNO, 61, 14-24.

Röhl M, S Uppenkamp (2012) DOI
"Neural coding of sound intensity and loudness in the human auditory system," Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 13, 369-379.

Gutschalk A, S Uppenkamp (2011) DOI
"Sustained responses for pitch and vowels map to similar sites in human auditory cortex," NeuroImage, 56, 1578-1587.

Röhl M, B Kollmeier, S Uppenkamp (2011) DOI
"Spectral loudness summation takes place in the primary auditory cortex," Human Brain Mapping 32, 1483-1496.

Ernst SMA, S Uppenkamp, JL Verhey (2010) DOI
"Cortical representation of release from auditory masking," NeuroImage, 49, 835-842.

Puschmann S, S Uppenkamp, B Kollmeier, CM Thiel (2010) DOI
"Dichotic pitch activates pitch processing centre in Heschl's gyrus," NeuroImage, 49, 1641-1649.

Röhl M, S Uppenkamp (2010) DOI
"An auditory fMRI correlate of impulsivity," Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 181, 145-150.

from work in Oldenburg (2003-2009)

Ernst SMA, JL Verhey, S Uppenkamp (2008) DOI
"Spatial dissociation of changes of level and signal-to-noise ratio in auditory cortex for tones in noise," NeuroImage, 43, 321-328.

Gutschalk A, RD Patterson, M Scherg, S Uppenkamp, A Rupp (2007) DOI
"The effect of temporal context on the sustained pitch response in human auditory cortex," Cerebral Cortex, 17, 552-561.

Uppenkamp S, IS Johnsrude, D Norris, W Marslen-Wilson, RD Patterson (2006) DOI
"Locating the initial stages of speech-sound processing in human temporal cortex," Neuroimage 31, 1284-1296.

Gutschalk A, RD Patterson, M Scherg, S Uppenkamp, A Rupp (2004) DOI
"Temporal dynamics of pitch in human auditory cortex," Neuroimage 22, 755-766.

Gutschalk A, RD Patterson, S Uppenkamp, M Scherg, A Rupp (2004) DOI
"Recovery and refractoriness of auditory evoked fields after gaps in click trains," Europ J Neurosci 20, 3141-3147.

Rupp A, A Gutschalk, S Uppenkamp, M Scherg (2004) DOI
"Middle latency auditory evoked fields reflect psychoacoustic gap detection thresholds in human listeners," J Neurophysiol 92, 2239-2247.

from work done in Cambridge (1998-2002)

Warren JD, S Uppenkamp, RD Patterson, and TD Griffiths (2003) DOI
"Separating pitch chroma and pitch height in the human brain," Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100, 10038-10042.

Gutschalk A, RD Patterson, A Rupp, S Uppenkamp, M Scherg (2002) DOI
"Sustained magnetic fields reveal separate sites for sound level and temporal regularity in human auditory cortex," Neuroimage 15, 207-216.

Patterson RD, S Uppenkamp, I Johnsrude, and TD Griffiths (2002) DOI
"The processing of temporal pitch and melody information in auditory cortex," Neuron 36, 767-776.

Rupp A, S Uppenkamp, A Gutschalk, R Beucker, RD Patterson, T Dau, M Scherg (2002) DOI
"The representation of peripheral neural activity in the middle-latency evoked field of primary auditory cortex in humans," Hear Res 174, 19-31.

Griffiths TD, S Uppenkamp, I Johnsrude, O Josephs, and RD Patterson (2001) DOI
"Encoding of the temporal regularity of sound in the human brainstem," Nature Neuroscience 4, 633-637.

Uppenkamp S, S Fobel, and RD Patterson (2001) DOI
"The effects of temporal asymmetry on the detection and perception of short chirps," Hear Res 158, 71-83.

from previous work in Oldenburg (1992-1998)

Mauermann M, S Uppenkamp, PWJ van Hengel, and B Kollmeier (1999) DOI
"Evidence for the distortion product frequency place as a source of distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) fine structure in humans. I. Fine structure and higher order DPOAE as a function of the frequency ratio f2/f1," J Acoust Soc Am 106, 3473-3483.

Mauermann M, S Uppenkamp, PWJ van Hengel, and B Kollmeier (1999) DOI
"Evidence for the distortion product frequency place as a source of distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) fine structure in humans. II. Fine structure for different shapes of cochlear hearing loss," J Acoust Soc Am 106, 3484-3491.

Mauermann M, S Uppenkamp, and B Kollmeier (1997)
"Periodizität und Pegelabhängigkeit der spektralen Feinstruktur von Verzerrungsprodukt-Emissionen," Audiol Akustik 36, 92-104.

Neumann J, S Uppenkamp, and B Kollmeier (1997) DOI
"Interaction of otoacoustic emissions with additional tones - suppression or synchronization?" Hear Res 103, 19-27. ( + Erratum in Hear Res 106 (1997), p. 184)

Neumann J, S Uppenkamp, and B Kollmeier (1997) DOI
"Relation between notched-noise suppressed TEOAE and the psychoacoustical critical bandwidth," J Acoust Soc Am 101, 2778-2788.

Neumann J, S Uppenkamp, and B Kollmeier (1996) DOI
"Detection of the acoustic reflex below 80 dB HL," Audiology Neurootology 1, 359-369.

from work done in Göttingen (1988-1992)

Neumann J, S Uppenkamp, and B Kollmeier (1994) DOI
"Chirp evoked otoacoustic emissions," Hear Res 79, 17-25.

Uppenkamp S and B Kollmeier (1994) DOI
"Narrowband stimulation and synchronization of otoacoustic emissions," Hear Res 78, 210-220.

Uppenkamp S, M Jäkel, B Talartschick, J Büschel, and B Kollmeier (1992) DOI
"Evozierte otoakustische Emissionen als Screeningtest für die Hörprüfung bei Neu- und Frühgeborenen?" Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 71, 525-529.

Uppenkamp S, J Neumann, G Aurbach, and B Kollmeier (1992) abstract
"Evozierte otoakustische Emissionen bei Erwachsenen: Auswertekriterien für den klinischen Einsatz," HNO 40, 422-428.

Uppenkamp S, B Kollmeier, and U Eysholdt (1990)
"Evozierte otoakustische Emissionen bei Tinnituspatienten," Audiol Akustik 29, 148-161.

Book chapters

Uppenkamp S, RD Patterson (2016)
"Normal sound processing: fMRI," in: Scientific foundations of audiology, ed. AT Cacace, E de Kleine, AG Holt, P van Dijk. Plural Publishing, San Diego, pp. 331-349.

Kollmeier B, H Riedel, M Mauermann, S Uppenkamp (2008) DOI
"Physiological measures of auditory function," in: Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics, ed. D Havelock, S Kuwano, M Vorländer. Springer, New York, pp. 159-173.

Selected conference papers

selected full length conference papers and printed abstracts covering recent work not yet in press elsewere  

Burke E, E Stederi,  S Uppenkamp, C Koch (2019) DOI
"Investigation of the unpleasantness of infrasound combined with audio sound using psychoacoustic scaling methods," in Proceedings 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, 2019, pp. 3000-3005.

Uppenkamp S, K Netter, O Behler (2018)
"Auditory functional MRI activation maps in response to low-frequency and infrasound stimulation," In: Euronoise 2018. Hersonissos, Kreta, 27.-31.5.2018 (A).

Uppenkamp S, Z Mokom, O Behler (2017)
"Brain connectivity analysis of human auditory fMRI data," In: 4th International Symposium on Brainware LSI. Sendai: Tohoku University, 24.-25.2.2017 (A), invited lecture.

Uppenkamp S, O Behler (2017)
"Specialisation and integration in the human brain - results from loudness related brain activation maps," In: 5th RIEC International Symposium on Brain Function and Brain Computer. Sendai: Tohoku University, 27.-28.2.2017 (A), invited lecture.

Uppenkamp S, O Behler (2016) DOI
"Auditory fMRI correlates of loudness perception for monaural and diotic stimulation," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 28, 050004, 8 pages. (paper presented during Internoise 2016, Buenos Aires)

Behler O, S Uppenkamp (2016) DOI
"Auditory fMRI of sound intensity and loudness for unilateral stimulation," in: Physiology, Psychoacoustics and Cognition in Normal and Impaired Hearing - 17th International Symposium on Hearing, ed. P van Dijk; D Baskent; E Gaudrain; E de Kleine; A Wagner; C Lanting. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 894. Springer, New York, pp. 165-174.

Patterson RD, M Andermann, S Uppenkamp, A Rupp (2016) DOI
"Locating melody processing activity in auditory cortex with MEG," in: Physiology, Psychoacoustics and Cognition in Normal and Impaired Hearing - 17th International Symposium on Hearing, ed. P van Dijk; D Baskent; E Gaudrain; E de Kleine; A Wagner; C Lanting. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 894. Springer, New York, pp. 363-369.

Patterson RD, M Andermann, S Uppenkamp, A Rupp (2015) DOI
"Neuromagnetic correlates of the vocal characteristics of vowels in auditory cortex," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 25, 050002, 10 pages. (paper presented during 170th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America)

Patterson RD, S Uppenkamp, M Andermann, A Rupp (2014) DOI
"Brain imaging the activity associated with pitch intervals in a melody," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 21, 050009, 12 pages. (paper presented during 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America)

Uppenkamp S, CH Uhlig, JL Verhey (2013) DOI
"Cortical representation of the combination of monaural and binaural unmasking," in: Basic Aspects of Hearing - Physiology and Perception, ed. BCJ Moore; RD Patterson, IM Winter, RP Carlyon, HE Gockel. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 787. Springer, New York, pp. 435-442.

Uppenkamp S, PG Mihai (2013)
"Auditory functional MRI of interaural time and phase differences," in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics AIA-DAGA 2013, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Berlin, pp. 1256-1257.

Uppenkamp S, A Cicholewski (2012)
"Repräsentation von zeitlicher Lautheitssummation in fMRT-Aktivierungskarten," in: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012, ed. H Hanselka.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Berlin, pp. 587-588.

Uppenkamp S, H Wierstorf (2010) DOI
"Representation of intelligible and distorted speech in human auditory cortex," in: The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception - 15th International Symposium on Hearing, ed. EA Lopez-Poveda, AR Palmer, R Meddis. Springer, New York, pp. 381-391.

Uppenkamp S (2009)
"Physiological measures of the auditory human brain,"
in: Third International Symposium on Medical, Bio- and Nano-Electronics , pp. 11-16. Education program for Biomedical and Nano-Electronics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.

Wendt D, S Uppenkamp (2008)
"Untersuchung der Tonotopie im auditorischen Kortex mit funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie," in: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2008, ed. U Jekosch, R Hoffmann.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Berlin, pp. 187-188.

Wierstorf H, S Uppenkamp (2008)
"Melodiediskrimination für Kammfilterrauschen: zeitliche oder spektrale Kodierung?" in: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2008, ed. U Jekosch, R Hoffmann.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Berlin, pp. 173-174.

Uppenkamp S (2007)
"Functional imaging of pitch processing," in: Topics in advanced imaging , ed. M Herrmann, CM Thiel, pp. 109-112. BIS Verlag, Oldenburg.

Uppenkamp S, K Batsalaruban, E Bopda, G. Hoiting (2006)
"Optimierung der Meßparameter für die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie des auditorischen Systems," in: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2006, ed. S. Langer, W. Scholl, V. Wittstock.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Berlin, pp. 137-138.

Rupp A, S Uppenkamp, J Bailes, A Gutschalk, RD Patterson (2005) DOI
"Time constants in temporal pitch extraction: a comparison of psychophysical and neuromagnetic data," in: Auditory signal processing: Physiology psychoacoustics, and models - 13th International Symposium on Hearing, ed. D Pressnitzer, A de Cheveigne, S McAdams, L Collet. Springer, New York, pp. 145-153.

Rupp A, S Uppenkamp (2005)
"Neuromagnetic representation of short melodies in the auditory cortex" in: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2005, ed. H Fastl, M Fruhmann, pp. 473-474. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Berlin.

Uppenkamp S, A Rupp (2005)
"Functional MR imaging of the processing of pitch changes in human listeners" in: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2005, ed. H Fastl, M Fruhmann, pp. 471-472. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., Berlin.

Uppenkamp S, J Bailes, RD Patterson (2004)
"How long does a sound have to be to produce a temporal pitch?" in: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto, Vol. I, pp. 869- 870.

Rupp A, S Uppenkamp, A Gutschalk, and RD Patterson (2003)
"Auditory evoked fields reflect minimum duration thresholds in temporal pitch processing," Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs 26, p. 76 (A).

Uppenkamp S, J Bailes, D Hancock, C Parrish, H Luk, and RD Patterson (2003)
"Time constants for the detection and discrimination of regular interval sounds," Int J Audiology 42, p. 366 (A).

Patterson RD, S Uppenkamp, and T Irino (2000)
"Mellin images of vowel sounds and the phonological distinctiveness of multi-formant vowels," Brit J Audiology 34, p. 118 (A).

Patterson RD and S Uppenkamp (1999)
"Mandatory Processing Stages in Auditory Models," in Psychophysics, physiology and models of hearing, ed. T Dau, V Hohmann, B Kollmeier, pp. 219-228, World Scientific, Singapore.

Edited book

Kollmeier B, G Klump, V Hohmann, U Langemann, M Mauermann, S Uppenkamp, J Verhey (2007)
Hearing, from sensory processing to perception - 14th International Symposium on Hearing. Springer, Berlin.


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