Kontakt FSPMP
Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer (2022):
Popmusik und (Förder-)Politik in Deutschland
Voraussetzungen, Veränderungen, Perspektiven
Mario Dunkel (2018):
Popular Music and Public Diplomacy
Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives
Martin Butler (2019):
Promises of Transparency, Promises of Participation
On the Ambivalent Rhetoric of the Occupy-Movement
Martin Butler: „Promises of Transparency, Promises of Participation: On the Ambivalent Rhetoric of the Occupy-Movement.“ Contested Transparencies – Critique of Ideology, the Public Sphere and Social Change: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Hrsg. Stefan Berger und Dimitrij Owetschkin. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019. 199-210.