
Monografien / Monographs

  1. Der Begriff der Ableitbarkeit bei Bolzano [The Concept of Deducibility in Bolzano] (Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung 7), Academia: Sankt Augustin 1996 (281 pages)
  2. Erinnerung, Wahrnehmung, Wissen [Memory, Perception, Knowledge], mentis: Paderborn 2000 (290 pages)

Sammelbände / Anthologies

  1. Bolzano and Analytic Philosophy (Grazer Philosophische Studien 53), with Wolfgang Künne & Mark Textor, Rodopi: Amsterdam 1997 (266 pages)
  2. Kommunikatives Verstehen [Communicative Understanding] (Leipziger Schriften zur Philosophie 16), Leipziger Universitätsverlag: Leipzig 2002 (266 pages)
  3. Semantik und Ontologie. Beiträge zur philosophischen Forschung [Semantics and Ontology. Contributions to Philosophical Research] (Philosophische Forschung 2), with Mark Textor, Ontos: Frankfurt/M. & Lancaster 2004 (445 pages)
  4. Paradoxien. Grenzdenken und Denkgrenzen von A(llwissen) bis Z(eit), with Max Bauer & Gregor Damschen, Mentis: Paderborn 2023

Artikel in begutachteten Zeitschriften / Articles in refereed journals

  1. Truth and Intra-Personal Concept Stability (commentary on Lawrence Barsalou: Perceptual Symbol Systems), Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1999), 632-633
  2. Red Watermelons and Large Elephants. A Case against Compositionality?, Theoria (Spanien) 15 (2000), 263-280
  3. Searle’s Representing Account of Illocutionary Acts and Its Weak Spots, Acta Philosophica Fennica 69 (2001), 97-111
  4. Bolzano’s Concept of Consequence, The Monist 85 (2002), 580-599
  5. Illocutionary Acts and Attitude Expression, Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (2003), 351-366
  6. La notion bolzanienne de déductibilité [Bolzano's Concept of Consequence], Philosophiques 30 (2003), 171-189
  7. On Fitelson’s Measure of Coherence, Analysis 64 (2004), 189-190
  8. Bolzanos Urteilslehre [Bolzano's Theory of Judgement], Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 86 (2004), 56-87
  9. A Puzzle about Concept Possession, Grazer Philosophische Studien 68 (2004), 1-22
  10. Der Rabe und der Bayesianist [The Raven and the Bayesian], Journal for General Philosophy of Science 35 (2004), 313-329
  11. Does TEC explain the Emergence of Distal Representations? (commentary on Bernhard Hommel et al.: The Theory of Event Coding), Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2004), 588-589
  12. Against Probabilistic Measures of Coherence, Erkenntnis 63 (2005), 335-360
  13. Gricean Communication and Transmission of Thoughts, together with Friedrich Christoph Dörge, Erkenntnis 69 (2008), 55-67
  14. Equivalent Testimonies as a Touchstone of Coherence Measures, with Werner Wolff, Synthese 161 (2008), 167-182
  15. The Ontology of Meanings, Philosophical Studies 137 (2008), 417-426
  16. Ein freier Wille in einem unfreien Gehirn? [A Free Will in an Unfree Brain?], Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte 22 (2009), 116-138
  17. "It falls somewhat short of logical precision". Bolzano on Kant's Definition of Analytic Judgements, Grazer Philosophische Studien 82 (2011), 91-127
  18. Why Explanation and thus Coherence Cannot Be Reduced to Probability, Analysis 71 (2011), 264-266
  19. Ayers Kritik an Kants Definition analytischer Urteile [Ayer's Criticism of Kant's Definition of Analytic Judgements], Kant-Studien 105 (2014), 196-220
  20. Inconsistency as a Touchstone for Coherence Measures, with Michael Schippers, Theoria (Spanien) 82 (2015), 11-41
  21. Collections in Early Bolzano, with Stefania Centrone, Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6.7 (2018), 1-24
  22. Kant on Infinite and Negative Judgements: Three Interpretations, Six Tests, No Clear Result, Topoi 39 (2020), 699-713
  23. The Logic of Coherence, with Michael Schippers, Synthese 198 (2021), 7697-7714
  24. Concept Negation in Kant, History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2022), 31-65,
  25. Need, Equity, and Accountability – Evidence on Third-Party Distribution Decisions from a Vignette Study, with Alexander Max Bauer, Frauke Meyer, Jan Romann & Stefan Traub, Social Choice and Welfare 59 (2022), 769-814

  26. Winter is Coming: How Laypeople Think about Different Kinds of Needs, with Alexander Max Bauer, Jan Romann & Stefan Traub, PLOS ONE 18 (11): e0294572 (2023),

Beiträge zu Sammelbänden / Contributions to anthologies

  1. Why Descriptions have no Meaning – Interpreting Russell, in: Jaakko Hintikka & Klaus Puhl (eds.), The British Tradition in 20th Century Philosophy. Papers of the 17th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Die Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft: Kirchberg am Wechsel 1994, 441-448
  2. Bolzanos Ableitbarkeit und Tarskis logische Folgerung [Bolzano's Deducibility and Tarski's Logical Consequence], in: Georg Meggle (ed.), Analyomen 2. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference "Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy". Volume I: Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, de Gruyter: Berlin & New York 1997, 148-156
  3. Variation, Derivability and Necessity, in: Wolfgang Künne, Mark Siebel & Mark Textor (eds.), Bolzano and Analytic Philosophy (Grazer Philosophische Studien 53), Rodopi: Amsterdam 1997, 117-137
  4. Bolzanos Erkenntnistheorie [Bolzano's Epistemology], in: Edgar Morscher (Hrsg.), Bernard Bolzanos geistiges Erbe für das 21. Jahrhundert (Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung 11), Academia: Sankt Augustin 1999, 59-96
  5. Bolzano über Ableitbarkeit [Bolzano on Deducibility], in: Edgar Morscher (ed.), Bernard Bolzanos geistiges Erbe für das 21. Jahrhundert (Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung 11), Academia: Sankt Augustin 1999, 147-178
  6. Seeing and Knowing Once Again, in: Julian Nida-Rümelin (ed.), Rationality, Realism, Revision. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy, de Gruyter: Berlin and New York 1999, 196-201
  7. Was sind illokutionäre Akte? [What are Illocutionary Acts?], in: Mark Siebel (ed.), Kommunikatives Verstehen (Leipziger Schriften zur Philosophie 16), Leipziger Universitätsverlag: Leipzig 2002, 138-164
  8. What is an Illocutionary Point?, in: Günther Grewendorf & Georg Meggle (eds.), Speech Acts, Mind, and Social Reality. Discussions with John R. Searle (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy), Kluwer: Dordrecht 2002, 124-140
  9. Anti-Individualismus und Grice’sches Programm [Anti-Individualism and the Gricean Programme], in: Ulrike Haas-Spohn (ed.), Intentionalität zwischen Subjektivität und Weltbezug, mentis: Paderborn 2003, 111-135
  10. Plausibilität, Wahrscheinlichkeit, Kohärenz [Plausibility, Probability, Coherence], in: Roland Bluhm & Christian Nimtz (eds.), Selected Papers Contributed to the Sections of GAP.5, Fifth International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy, Bielefeld, 22–26 September 2003, mentis: Paderborn 2004, 258-271 online
  11. Die platonische Lösung des Mehrwertproblems [The Platonic Solution to the Problem of Additional Value], in: Gerhard Schönrich (ed.), Wissen und Werte, mentis: Paderborn 2009, 95-118
  12. Erinnerung [Memory], in: Nikola Kompa & S. Schmoranzer (eds.), Grundkurs Erkenntnistheorie, mentis: Paderborn 2014, 197-210
  13. Bolzano's Theory of Judgment, in: Brian Ball & Christoph Schuringa (eds.), The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, Routledge: London 2019, 110-128
  14. Geleitwort [Preface], in: Max Bauer & Malte Meyerhuber (eds.), Philosophie zwischen Sein und Sollen. Normative Theorie und empirische Forschung im Spannungsfeld, de Gruyter: Berlin 2019, VII-X
  15. The Belief View of Assertion, in: Sanford Goldberg (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Assertion, Oxford University Press: New York 2019, 99-118
  16. Need-based Justice from the Perspective of Philosophy, with Thomas Schramme, in: Bernhard Kittel & Stefan Traub (eds.), Need-based Distributive Justice: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Springer: Heidelberg 2020, 21-59
  17. The Aristotelian Roots of Bolzano’s Logic, in: Lukas M. Verbeurgt & Matteo Cosci (eds.), Aristotle’s Syllogism and the Creation of Modern Logic. Between Tradition and Innovation, 1820s–1930s, Bloomsbury Academic: London 2023, 55-71
  18. Paradoxien der Stützung: Das Raben-Paradox [Paradoxes of Confirmation: The Ravens Paradox], in: Max Bauer, Gregor Damschen & Mark Siebel (eds.), Paradoxien. Grenzdenken und Denkgrenzen von A(llwissen) bis Z(eit), Mentis: Paderborn 2023, 51-72
  19. Measuring Need-Based Justice – Empirically and Formally, with Max Bauer, in: B. Kittel & S. Traub (eds.), Priority of Needs? An Informed Theory of Need-based Justice, Springer: Heidelberg 2024, 61-94

Lexikonbeiträge / Dictionary entries

  1. Ausdrucksvermögen, Ausdrucksstärke [Expressive Power], in: Gerhard Strube (ed.), Wörterbuch der Kognitionswissenschaft, Klett-Cotta: Stuttgart 1996
  2. Familienähnlichkeit [Family Resemblance], Satz [Sentence], Satztyp [Sentence Type], Urmaterie [Prime Matter], in: Peter Prechtl & Franz-Peter Burkard (eds.), Metzler Philosophie Lexikon, Metzler: Stuttgart & Weimar 1996

Rezensionsaufsätze / Reviews

  1. William P. Alston: Illocutionary Acts and Sentence Meaning, Cornell University Press: Ithaca & London 2000, Grazer Philosophische Studien 62 (2001), 247-259 
  2. Thomas Grundmann (ed.), Erkenntnistheorie. Positionen zwischen Tradition und Gegenwart, mentis: Paderborn 2001, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 57 (2003), 467-471

Diverses / Miscellaneous

  1. Ist eine CO2-Steuer ungerecht?, UniInfo 4/2019,
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