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Newsletter (vierteljährlich):
Wir versenden vierteljährlich einen Newsletter, um über aktuelle Projekte, bevorstehende Veranstaltungen und relevante Ankündigungen zur Wissenschaftskommunikation zu informieren. Jeder kann sich hier anmelden: Anmeldung Newsletter
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2nd issue: September 2024
Newsletter of the SCoP group
Past events and current projects
The Future Day is an annual, national one-day event dedicated to pupils and organized centrally by the Equal Opportunities Office. Our department has participated in this year’s Future day on April 25th with the topic "Brain Researchers Wanted". 12 pupils have spent an exciting day in our department. After visiting the MRI scanner and attending a short lecture from Dr. Jale Özyurt, they took part in different experiments. They learned how hearing tests are conducted, how to program a game from scratch, how visual illusions are created and what classical conditioning means.
The Science Speed Dating events aim at fostering communication between researchers in the different working groups of the Department of Psychology. The last speed dating took place during a sunny lunch break on June 20th with the topic “high and low lights in scientific discourse”. We shared our personal experiences with reviews and feedbacks received from other researchers.
The Layperson Summary project attempts to bridge the gap between the scientific community and the public. Communicating scientific results to the general public is a vital part of any scientific endeavour. However, language barriers often make scientific literature inaccessible for laypeople. Hence, this project will follow a two-step process: 1. establish guidelines on how to write concise and plain summaries; 2. encourage fellow researchers from our Department to sign a commitment statement to write these summaries on an ongoing basis for each new paper published.
The aim of the Reach out to Schools project is to teach students to judge the scientific validity of information in their everyday lives. We are currently developing a concept for 9th graders, in which we will debunk some myths about ADHD from Tiktok. If you are curious and would like to help us test our materials you are welcome to sign up for our piloting session (see below - upcoming events).
Upcoming events - Save the date!
Events from our Department:
24 or 25 September 2024, 1pm - 2pm: Piloting session for the Reach out to Schools project (see past and current projects). There will be cookies!!
If you know German and are interested in joining, please send an e-mail to scop@uol.de and indicate your availability for the two dates. We will pick the date for which most people sign up.
16 October 2024, 2pm in A7: Science speed dating. We will invite new students from the Neurocognitive Psychology master. They will have the possibility to get an insight into your research and you will get to know them better (which might be helpful for you in the near future for student assistant positions and projects!). You can sign up via this link: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/p/99490f1b364098ccb0e9d38ec5dedc99-856620
Events outside of our University:
16. – 20. September 2024: Post Doc Appreciation Week. Check out the many in-person and online events on their webpage: https://paw-germany.de/events-2024/. You might be interested in joining the online event on September 17th at 1pm where they will introduce the new German Postdoc Network (GPN), a comprehensive network designed for postdocs across all fields and research institutions in Germany (you can register at: https://mpi-biochemistry.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dVwdmNxqRsOj_1SLO5pBjQ#/registration).
10 November 2024: World Science Day (Berlin Science Week https://berlinscienceweek.com/). This year’s Berlin Science Week theme, “Common Ground”, is a call to action. The goal is to foster reflective conversations, deepen appreciation for diverging perspectives, and establish common ground for constructive discourse. Let’s come together to celebrate the pivotal role of science in shaping a collaborative and informed society!
All our upcoming events can be found here https://uol.de/psychologie/scop/events
You might want to listen to Prof. Dr. Christiane Thiel presenting the Hearing4All excellence cluster on the podcast “Exzellent Erklärt”: https://exzellent-erklaert.podigee.io/14-neue-episode
Unfortunately, our application for the DGPs Science Communication Award was not successful. We think it's important to share not only the success stories, but also the setbacks!
Some pictures from our past events:
(Left) Some snapshots of two experiments at the Future Day 2024.(Right) Speed Dating lunch on June 20th 2024.
We thank our colleagues who guided the pupils in discovering our department: Lara Papin, Stephanie Rosemann, Franziska Kiene, Silvia Korte, Nadine Jacobsen, Luisa Schmidt, Jennifer Eidswick, Rachana Mahadevan.
This newsletter has been sent to you by the Science Communication group of the Psychology Department of Oldenburg - SCoP (https://uol.de/psychologie/scop). If you would like to get involved or you have questions/suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us via email at scop@uol.de. If you want to be kept up-to-date with our latest projects and events, check out our website (https://uol.de/psychologie/scop) and add your name to the SCoP mailing list (https://mailman.uni-oldenburg.de/mailman/listinfo/scop).

1st issue: April 2024
Newsletter of the SCoP group
Past and current projects
- Brain Awareness Week is an annual, international effort to promote public awareness and interest in brain research. We take pride in our participation in this year's Brain Awareness Week (11-17 March 2024) where we have organized two successful events in Oldenburg dedicated to raise awareness for the importance of brain research. On March 12th we organised a film evening at the Schlaues Haus, where we watched the movie "Still Alice" followed by a panel discussion on dementia with researchers from the Department of Psychology and the University Medicine Oldenburg. On March 13th, we hosted a pub event “Brewing Minds: brains and drinks” at the Buddel Jungs Bar where scientists from our department presented their research in a convivial atmosphere while enjoying a drink.
- The Future day is an annual, national one-day event dedicated to pupils and organized centrally by the Equal Opportunities Office. Our department has participated in Future day since 2018 with the topic "Brain Researchers Wanted". Since last year the SCoP group took over the organisation of department-related workshops, including a visit to our MRI scanner and several lab demonstrations and activities.
- The science speed dating events aim at fostering communication between researchers in the different working groups of the Department of Psychology through short socializing events. So far we organised 4 events during lunchtime and we are planning a pizza speed dating in May! Stay tuned!
- We are organizing the poster display in the A7 hallway with the aim to share knowledge about recent and ongoing research projects of each lab. With a turnover of 2-3 months we display posters from conferences and student’s practical projects.
Upcoming events - Save the date!
- 25 April 2024: Future day
12 boys and girls will spend a day in our department. First they will visit the MRI and listen to a presentation from Dr. Jale Özyurt. Then they will come to A7 for taking part in very cool projects exploring hearing tests, programming, visual illusions and more!
All our upcoming events can be found here https://uol.de/psychologie/scop/events
- We have applied for the DGPs funding price for Science Communication (Förderpreise für Wissenschaftskommunikation 2024). Wish us good luck!
- We are in close contact with Jens-Steffen Scherer from the research transfer office of the university for joint collaborations. You can learn more about his work and find interesting resources here: https://uol.de/transfer/wissenstransfer
- At this link you can find many valuable resources for Science Communication:
https://www.wissenschaftskommunikation.de/ - At this other link you can read a paper (only in German) that was published on the Psychologische Rundschau on “Communication from Scientifically Active Psychologists in the German-Speaking Countries: An Empirical Evaluation of the Current Situation” https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/10.1026/0033-3042/a000606
Some pictures from our past events:
Film evening with panel discussion at the Schlaues Haus and Brewing Minds event at Buddel Jungs. We thank the PFL, the Schlaues Haus, the Research Training Group Neuromodulation, the Department for Research and Technology Transfer and the Buddel Jungs for their support. Below: Previous science speed dating events at our Department.
This newsletter has been sent to you by the Science Communication group of the Psychology Department of Oldenburg - SCoP (https://uol.de/psychologie/scop). If you would like to get involved or you have questions/suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us via email at scop@uol.de. If you want to be kept up-to-date with our latest projects and events, check out our website (https://uol.de/psychologie/scop) and add your name to the SCoP mailing list (https://mailman.uni-oldenburg.de/mailman/listinfo/scop).