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Für Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach:

Zahlen und Fakten

  • Dauer: 3 Semester
  • Abschluss: Master of Science
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • zulassungsbeschränkt
  • Besondere Zugangsvoraussetzungen
  • Gebührenpflichtig

European Master in Renewable Energy - Master

Ausrichtung und Ziele

The aim of the European Master in Renewable Energy is to train post-graduate student to fill the gap between the growing industry demand for specialised RE expertise and the skills available in the job market. EUREC Agency together with 8 leading European Universities, all recognized at an international level and excelling in the renewable energy technology they teach, have responded to this demand through the development of this high-level Master programme.

Studienaufbau und Studieninhalte

The 16-month programme is divided into three course sections.
During the core semester, students acquire a solid foundation in key renewable energy technologies and the socio-economic issues surrounding their deployment.
According to the chosen University, the core can be followed in French, English or Spanish.

The specialisation semester focuses on a particular technology. Currently available courses include: wind energy, photovoltaics, hybrid systems, grid integration, and Solar Thermal and Associated
Renewable Storage. For the updated list of specialisations: www.master.eurec.be
For the last six months, upon completion of the specialisation, students gain practical experience through a project undertaken in a company or a research centre. In December, each student comes to Brussels to present the results of the six-month project.


Students applying to Oldenburg universities are requested to provide one of the following English certificates:

  • TOEFL: minimum score of 550 (paper-based test), 213 (computer-based test) or 80 (internet-based test)
  • IELTS: minimum 6 (Academic version)
  • Cambridge Advanced Exam in English: B minimum
  • Cambridge Proficiency Exam in English: C minimum

Berufs- und Tätigkeitsfelder

Die beruflichen Aussichten für Absolvent*innen sind heute nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch international sehr gut. Der entsprechende Markt wächst weiter. Deutsche Firmen werden in diesem Bereich zunehmend auch international aktiv.

Derzeit sind Graduierte des "Renewable Energy"- Masterprogramms vornehmlich in diesen Bereichen tätig:

  • in der Industrie,
  • bei Energieversorgern,
  • in Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros,
  • in Forschungseinrichtungen.

Darüber hinaus gibt es auch Möglichkeiten, in internationalen Organisationen und Projekten zu arbeiten. Einige Ehemalige sind mittlerweile selbstständig.

Global vernetzte Jobbörse

Wegen der zahlreichen internationalen Kontakte und Beziehungen des Programms, aber vor allem auch wegen des bestehenden aktiven Alumni-Netzwerkes, hat sich eine Art weltweite Praktika- und Jobbörse im Bereich "Renewable Energy" entwickelt, von der neben den Studierenden auch mehr und mehr die Absolvent*innen des Programms profitieren.


Applicants are required to hold a Bachelor degree in engineering or a scientific discipline (e.g. physics, chemistry, mathematics…). The criteria may be waived for applicants with relevant work experience deemed equivalent to the academic admission requirements.

Students applying to Oldenburg universities are requested to provide one of the following English certificates:

  • TOEFL: minimum score of 550 (paper-based test), 213 (computer-based test) or 80 (internet-based test)
  • IELTS: minimum 6 (Academic version)
  • Cambridge Advanced Exam in English: B minimum
  • Cambridge Proficiency Exam in English: C minimum

Documents to present

Candidates for admission should upload the following documents:

  • A CV (resume) in English
  • A certified copy of the university diploma and transcripts ("certified" means that the documents must bear the official University stamp to be considered valid)
  • Two letters of reference (which are also to be sent by post to EUREC - See additional information below).
  • A proof of English language proficiency (see above for minimum scores) - this proof may be provided later than the rest of the application, but before the start of classes in September/October!
  • A copy of your passport
  • Any additional information in support of your application is welcome but not requested (eg: information on work experience). If you are an employee and envisage to re-orientate your career into renewable energy, a covering letter outlining your motivations to participate in the course would be very useful


The applications are accepted on qualification and first-come/first-served basis. i.e. in case of equal qualification of two applicants, the early applicant is given the place. Therefore it is recommended to apply as soon as possible, well before the deadline.

Übersicht Bewerbungsfristen Master

Please check the EUREC-Website for further information regarding the application process.

This course of studies accepts a limited number of applicants. Applications for the first semester are only possible in the winter semester.
The application deadline for the winter semester at Oldenburg University is 15th April. The application process starts in mid-January.

The degree programme is liable to charges. For further information please check the regulations Gebühren- und Entgeltordnung

InfoPortal Studium (Stand: 23.08.2024)  | 
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