
fMRI and MEG - Journal articles

(all publications in this list including MEG data are a result of collaborative work with the Section Biomagnetism at the University of Heidelberg)

Sieroka, N., S. Uppenkamp (2022) Paradoxien beim Hören,. Physik in unserer Zeit 53(1), 28-34.

Behler, O., S. Uppenkamp (2021) Contextual effects on loudness judgments for sounds with continuous changes of intensity are reflected in non-auditory areas. Human Brain Mapping 42(6), 1742-1757. 

Uppenkamp, S. (2021) Functional neuroimaging in hearing research and audiology. Z Medizinische Physik 31(3), 289-304.

Urbschat, A., S. Uppenkamp, J. Anemüller (2021) Searchlight classification informative region mixture model (SCIM): identification of cortical regions showing discriminable BOLD patterns in event-related auditory fMRI data. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, article No. 616906.

Behler, O., S. Uppenkamp (2020) Activation in human auditory cortex in relation to the loudness and unpleasantness of low-frequency and infrasound. PLoS One 15(2), article No. e0229088.

Burke, E., S. Uppenkamp, C. Koch (2020) A psychoacoustical study to investigate the perceived unpleasantness for infrasound combined with audio-frequency sound. Acta Acustica 4(5), article No. 20.

Ascone, L., S. Uppenkamp, O. Behler, B. Lineton, E. Burke, C. Koch, S. Kühn, G. Geršak (2019) Deductive development and validation of a questionnaire to assess sensitivity to very low and very high frequency sounds: SISUS-Q (Sensitivity to Infra-Sound and Ultra-Sound Questionnaire). Noise & Health 21(101), 173-182.

Burke, E., J. Hensel, T. Fedtke, S. Uppenkamp, C. Koch (2019) Detection thresholds for combined infrasound and audio-frequency stimuli. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 105(6), 1173-1182.

Behler, O., Uppenkamp, S. (2016) The representation of level and loudness in the central auditory system for unilateral stimulation. Neuroimage 139, 176-188.

Bach, J.P., Lüpke, M., Dziallas, P., Wefstaedt, P., Uppenkamp, S., Seifert, H., Nolte, I. (2016) Auditory functional magnetic resonance imaging in dogs - normalization and group analysis and the processing of pitch in the canine auditory pathways. BMC Veterinary Research 12, 32.

Gutschalk, A., Uppenkamp, S., Riedel, B., Bartsch, A., Brandt, T., Vogt-Schaden, M. (2015) Pure word deafness with auditory object agnosia after bilateral lesion of the superior temporal sulcus. Cortex 73, 24-35.

Uppenkamp, S., Röhl, M. (2014) Human auditory neuroimaging of intensity and loudness. Hearing Research 307, 65-73.

Bach, J.P., Lüpke, M., Dziallas, P., Wefstaedt, P., Uppenkamp, S., Seifert, H., Nolte, I. (2013) Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the ascending stages of the auditory system in dogs. BMC Veterinary Research 9, 210.

Puschmann, S., Özyurt, J., Uppenkamp, S., Thiel, C.M. (2013) Pitch-induced responses in right auditory cortex correlate with musical ability in normal listeners. NeuroReport 24, 841-845.

Röhl, M., Uppenkamp, S. (2012) Neural coding of sound intensity and loudness in the human auditory system. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 13, 369-379.

Gutschalk, A., Uppenkamp, S. (2011) Sustained responses for pitch and vowels map to similar sites in human auditory cortex. NeuroImage 56, 1578-1587.

Röhl, M., Kollmeier, B., Uppenkamp, S. (2011) Spectral loudness summation takes place in the primary auditory cortex. Human Brain Mapping 32, 1483-1496.

Puschmann, S., Uppenkamp, S., Kollmeier, B., Thiel, C.M. (2010) Dichotic pitch activates pitch processing centre in Heschl's gyrus. NeuroImage 49, 1641-1649.

Röhl, M., Uppenkamp, S. (2010) An Auditory fMRI correlate of impulsivity. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 181, 145-150.

Ernst, S.M.A., Uppenkamp, S., Verhey, J.L. (2010) Cortical representation of release from auditory masking. NeuroImage 49, 835-842.

Ernst, S.M.A., Verhey, J.L., Uppenkamp, S. (2008) Spatial dissociation of changes of level and signal-to-noise ratio in auditory cortex for tones in noise. NeuroImage 43, 321-328.

Gutschalk, A., Patterson, R.D., Scherg, M., Uppenkamp, S., Rupp, A.(2007) The effect of temporal context on the sustained pitch response in human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex 17, 552-561.

Uppenkamp, S., Johnsrude, I.S., Norris, D., Marslen-Wilson, W., Patterson, R.D. (2006) Locating the initial stages of speech-sound processing in human temporal cortex. Neuroimage 31, 1284-1296.

Gutschalk, A., Patterson, R.D., Scherg, M., Uppenkamp, S., Rupp, A. (2004) Temporal dynamics of pitch in human auditory cortex. Neuroimage 22, 755-766.

Gutschalk, A., Patterson, R.D., Uppenkamp, S., Scherg, M., Rupp, A. (2004) Recovery and refractoriness of auditory evoked fields after gaps in click trains. European Journal of Neuroscience 20, 3141-3147.

Rupp, A., Gutschalk, A., Uppenkamp, S., Scherg, M. (2004) Middle latency auditory-evoked fields reflect psychoacoustic gap detection thresholds in human listeners. Journal of Neurophysiology 92, 2239-2247.

Warren, J.D., Uppenkamp, S., Patterson, R.D., Griffiths, T.D. (2003) Separating pitch chroma and pitch height in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100, 10038-10042.

Rupp, A., Uppenkamp, S., Gutschalk, A., Beucker, R., Patterson, R.D., Dau, T., Scherg, M. (2002) The representation of peripheral neural activity in the middle-latency evoked field of primary auditory cortex in humans. Hearing Research 174, 19-31.

Some recent conference papers covering work not yet in print elsewhere:

Uppenkamp, S., Netter, K., Behler, O. (2018) Auditory functional MRI activation maps in response to low-frequency and infrasound stimulation. In: Euronoise 2018. Hersonissos, Crete, 27.-31.05.2018 (A).

Uppenkamp, S., Mokom, Z., Behler, O. (2017) Brain connectivity analysis of human auditory fMRI data. In: 4th International Symposium on Brainware LSI. Senadi: Tohoku University, 24.-25.2.2017 (A), invited lecture.

Uppenkamp, S., Behler, O. (2017) Specialisation and integration in the human brain - results from loudness related brain activation maps. In: 5th RIEC International Symposium on Brain Function and Brain Computer. Sendai: Tohoku University, 27.-28.2.2017 (A), invited lecture.

Uppenkamp, S., Behler, O. (2016) Auditory fMRI correlates of loudness perception for monaural and diotic stimulation. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 28, 050004, 8 pages.

Patterson, R.D., Andermann, M., Uppenkamp, S., Rupp, A. (2015) Locating melody processing activity in auditory cortex with MEG. In: 17th International Symposium on Hearing, ed. P van Dijk; D Baskent; E Gaudrain; E de Kleine; A Wagner; C Lanting. Springer, New York, pp. in press.

Uppenkamp, S., Uhlig, C.H., Verhey, J.L. (2013) Cortical representation of the combination of monaural and binaural unmasking. In: Basic Aspects of Hearing - Physiology and Perception, ed. BCJ Moore; RD Patterson, IM Winter, RP Carlyon, HE Gockel. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 787. Springer, New York, pp. 435-442.

Uppenkamp, S., Wierstorf, H. (2010) Representation of intelligible and distorted speech in human auditory cortex. In: The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception - 15th International Symposium on Hearing, ed. EA Lopez-Poveda, AR Palmer, R Meddis. Springer, New York, pp. 381-391.



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