Bettina Gertjerenken
Bettina Gertjerenken
![]() | Dr. rer. nat. Bettina GertjerenkenDipl.-Phys.On leave of absence from Oldenburg University, Present addressDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics
Fields of Research
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- mesoscopic entanglement
- creation of nonlocal quantum superposition states via scattering of bright quantum matter wave solitons
- vortices in BECs
- quantum-classical correspondence
See also the research-homepage of the Condensed Matter Theory Group.
- B. Gertjerenken, and M. Holthaus
Quasiparticle tunneling in a periodically driven bosonic Josephson junction,
Phys. Rev. A 90, 053622 (2014). (arXiv:1411.1632) - B. Gertjerenken, and M. Holthaus
Fluctuations of the order parameter of a mesoscopic Floquet condensate,
Phys. Rev. A 90, 053614 (2014). (arXiv:1410.8008) - B. Gertjerenken, and M. Holthaus
Trojan quasiparticles,
New J. Phys. 16, 093009 (2014). (arXiv:1401.0666) - T. P. Billam, C. L. Blackley, B. Gertjerenken, S. L. Cornish, C. Weiss
Entangling two distinguishable quantum bright solitons via collisions,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 497, 012033 (2014). (arXiv:1407.1217) - B. Gertjerenken
Bright soliton quantum superpositions: signatures of high- and low-fidelity states,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 053623 (2013). (arXiv:1310.7812) - B. Gertjerenken, and C. Weiss:
Beyond mean-field behavior of large Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 033608 (2013). (arXiv:1308.5805) - B. Gertjerenken, T. B. Billam, C. L. Blackley, C. R. Le Sueur, L. Khaykovich, S. L. Cornish, C. Weiss:
Generating Mesoscopic Bell States via Collisions of Distinguishable Quantum Bright Solitons,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 100406 (2013). (arXiv:1301.0718v2) - B. Gertjerenken, T. B. Billam, L. Khaykovich, and C. Weiss:
Scattering bright solitons: quantum versus mean-field behavior,
Phys. Rev. A 86, 033608 (2012). (arXiv:1208.2941) - B. Gertjerenken, and C. Weiss:
Nonlocal quantum superpositions of bright matter-wave solitons and dimers,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 165301 (2012). (arXiv:1208.4984) - Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
Spatial two-particle NOON-states in periodically shaken three-well potentials,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 055301 (2011). (arXiv:1102.4244) - Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
Reproducible mesoscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates and mean-field chaos,
Phys. Rev. A 82, 023620 (2010). (arXiv:1008.0314) - M. Gibert, H. Pabiou, J.-C. Tisserand, B. Gertjerenken, B. Castaing, and F. Chillà:
Heat convection in a vertical channel: Plumes versus turbulent diffusion,
Physics of Fluids 21, 035109 (2009).
- Nonlocal quantum superpositions via scattering of bright solitons,
ECT* workshop "Many-body Open Quantum Systems: From Atomic Nuclei to Quantum Optics", September 2012, Trento. - Interference patterns of cat states in ultracold atoms,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2012, Stuttgart. - Nonlocal quantum superposition states via scattering of a bright quantum matter wave soliton,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2011, Dresden.
- Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann and Christoph Weiss:
Deviations from Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics for Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2012, Stuttgart. - Bettina Gertjerenken, and Christoph Weiss:
Creation of nonlocal quantum superposition states by scattering of a bright quantum matter wave soliton,
Workskop on: Many-Body Quantum Dynamics in Closed Systems, September 2011, Barcelona. - Martin Esmann, Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
Quantum dynamics of few ultra-cold atoms in a periodically shaken optical superlattice,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2011, Dresden. - Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
Reproducible mesoscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates and mean-field chaos,
Workshop 'Quo Vadis Bose-Einstein condensation' in August 2010, Dresden. - Martin Esmann, Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
Transport via fractional photon-assisted tunneling for BECs in a double well,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2010, Hannover. - Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann , and Christoph Weiss:
Reproducible chaos-induced mesoscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2010, Hannover. - Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann , and Christoph Weiss:
Emergence of mesoscopic entanglement for a bosonic Josephson junction,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2009, Hamburg. - Stephan Arlinghaus, Bettina Gertjerenken, Christoph Weiss and Martin Holthaus:
Non-adiabatic effects in a shaken bosonic Josephson junction,
Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2009, Hamburg.
Diploma Thesis
- Bose-Einstein-Kondensate in angetriebenen Doppelmuldenpotentialen: Adiabasieverlust und Verschränkung
(Oldenburg, Mai 2009, supervisor: PD Dr. C. Weiß, Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus)
PhD Thesis
- Many-body dynamics of ultra-cold atoms: from the correspondence principle to quantum superposition states
(Oldenburg, April 2013, supervisor: PD Dr. C. Weiß, Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus)
- Solid State Physics (Prof. Dr. G.H. Bauer, summer semester 07)
- Solid State Physics (Prof. Dr. G.H. Bauer, winter semester 09/10)
- Introduction to Theoretical Physics (Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus, summer semester 11)
- Classical fields and particles I (Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus, winter semester 12/13)
- Quantum mechanics (Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus, summer semester 13)
- Introduction to Theoretical Physics (Prof. Dr. A. Hartmann, summer semester 14)
Curriculum Vitae
Since 08/2014 | Visiting postdoctoral researcher at the University of Massachusetts in the group of Prof. Dr. P. G. Kevrekidis. |
04/2013-08/2014 | Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus. |
2009-2013 | Ph.D. student and teaching assistant at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus (supervisor: PD Dr. C. Weiss). |
2008 - 2009 | Diploma-student at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus. |
July-December 2007 | Student of Physics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Laboratory project in 'The Quantum Chaos Group' in the ultracold atoms laboratory of Dr. M. Hoogerland. |
September/October 2006 | Laboratory project at the 'École Normale Superieur de Lyon', France, in the group 'Nonlinear dynamics and hydrodynamics'. |
2003 - 2009 | Student of physics at the University of Oldenburg. |
in 2003 | Abitur at the 'Altes Gymnasium Oldenburg'. |