Bettina Gertjerenken

Bettina Gertjerenken

Bettina Gertjerenken

Dr. rer. nat. Bettina Gertjerenken


On leave of absence from Oldenburg University,
Condensed Matter Theory Group

Present address

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Lederle Graduate Research Tower
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9305, USA

room  1546

Fields of Research

  • Bose-Einstein condensation
  • mesoscopic entanglement
  • creation of nonlocal quantum superposition states via scattering of bright quantum matter wave solitons
  • vortices in BECs
  • quantum-classical correspondence

See also the research-homepage of the Condensed Matter Theory Group.


  • B. Gertjerenken, and M. Holthaus
    Quasiparticle tunneling in a periodically driven bosonic Josephson junction,
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 053622 (2014). (arXiv:1411.1632)
  • B. Gertjerenken, and M. Holthaus
    Fluctuations of the order parameter of a mesoscopic Floquet condensate,
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 053614 (2014). (arXiv:1410.8008)
  • B. Gertjerenken, and M. Holthaus
    Trojan quasiparticles,
    New J. Phys. 16, 093009 (2014). (arXiv:1401.0666)
  • T. P. Billam, C. L. Blackley, B. Gertjerenken, S. L. Cornish, C. Weiss
    Entangling two distinguishable quantum bright solitons via collisions,
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 497, 012033 (2014). (arXiv:1407.1217)
  • B. Gertjerenken
    Bright soliton quantum superpositions: signatures of high- and low-fidelity states,
    Phys. Rev. A 88, 053623 (2013). (arXiv:1310.7812)
  • B. Gertjerenken, and C. Weiss:
    Beyond mean-field behavior of large Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials,
    Phys. Rev. A 88, 033608 (2013). (arXiv:1308.5805)
  • B. Gertjerenken, T. B. Billam, C. L. Blackley, C. R. Le Sueur, L. Khaykovich, S. L. Cornish, C. Weiss:
    Generating Mesoscopic Bell States via Collisions of Distinguishable Quantum Bright Solitons,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 100406 (2013). (arXiv:1301.0718v2)
  • B. Gertjerenken, T. B. Billam, L. Khaykovich, and C. Weiss:
    Scattering bright solitons: quantum versus mean-field behavior,
    Phys. Rev. A 86, 033608 (2012). (arXiv:1208.2941)
  • B. Gertjerenken, and C. Weiss:
    Nonlocal quantum superpositions of bright matter-wave solitons and dimers,
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 165301 (2012). (arXiv:1208.4984)
  • Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
    Spatial two-particle NOON-states in periodically shaken three-well potentials,
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 055301 (2011). (arXiv:1102.4244)
  • Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
    Reproducible mesoscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates and mean-field chaos,
    Phys. Rev. A 82, 023620 (2010). (arXiv:1008.0314)
  • M. Gibert, H. Pabiou, J.-C. Tisserand, B. Gertjerenken, B. Castaing, and F. Chillà:
    Heat convection in a vertical channel: Plumes versus turbulent diffusion,
    Physics of Fluids 21, 035109 (2009).


  • Nonlocal quantum superpositions via scattering of bright solitons,
    ECT* workshop "Many-body Open Quantum Systems: From Atomic Nuclei to Quantum Optics", September 2012, Trento.
  • Interference patterns of cat states in ultracold atoms,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2012, Stuttgart.
  • Nonlocal quantum superposition states via scattering of a bright quantum matter wave soliton,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2011, Dresden.


  • Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann and Christoph Weiss:
    Deviations from Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics for Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2012, Stuttgart.
  • Bettina Gertjerenken, and Christoph Weiss:
    Creation of nonlocal quantum superposition states by scattering of a bright quantum matter wave soliton,
    Workskop on: Many-Body Quantum Dynamics in Closed Systems, September 2011, Barcelona.
  • Martin Esmann, Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
    Quantum dynamics of few ultra-cold atoms in a periodically shaken optical superlattice,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2011, Dresden.
  • Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
    Reproducible mesoscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates and mean-field chaos,
    Workshop 'Quo Vadis Bose-Einstein condensation' in August 2010, Dresden.
  • Martin Esmann, Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss:
    Transport via fractional photon-assisted tunneling for BECs in a double well,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2010, Hannover.
  • Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann , and Christoph Weiss:
    Reproducible chaos-induced mesoscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2010, Hannover.
  • Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann , and Christoph Weiss:
    Emergence of mesoscopic entanglement for a bosonic Josephson junction,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2009, Hamburg.
  • Stephan Arlinghaus, Bettina Gertjerenken, Christoph Weiss and Martin Holthaus:
    Non-adiabatic effects in a shaken bosonic Josephson junction,
    Spring Meeting of the DPG in March 2009, Hamburg.

Diploma Thesis

  • Bose-Einstein-Kondensate in angetriebenen Doppelmuldenpotentialen: Adiabasieverlust und Verschränkung
    (Oldenburg, Mai 2009, supervisor: PD Dr. C. Weiß, Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus)

PhD Thesis

  • Many-body dynamics of ultra-cold atoms: from the correspondence principle to quantum superposition states
    (Oldenburg, April 2013, supervisor: PD Dr. C. Weiß, Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus)


  • Solid State Physics (Prof. Dr. G.H. Bauer, summer semester 07)
  • Solid State Physics (Prof. Dr. G.H. Bauer, winter semester 09/10)
  • Introduction to Theoretical Physics (Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus, summer semester 11)
  • Classical fields and particles I (Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus, winter semester 12/13)
  • Quantum mechanics (Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus, summer semester 13)
  • Introduction to Theoretical Physics (Prof. Dr. A. Hartmann, summer semester 14)

Curriculum Vitae

Since 08/2014 Visiting postdoctoral researcher at the University of Massachusetts in the group of Prof. Dr. P. G. Kevrekidis.
04/2013-08/2014 Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus.
2009-2013 Ph.D. student and teaching assistant at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus (supervisor: PD Dr. C. Weiss).
2008 - 2009 Diploma-student at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group
of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus.
July-December 2007 Student of Physics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Laboratory project in 'The Quantum Chaos Group' in the ultracold atoms laboratory of Dr. M. Hoogerland.
September/October 2006 Laboratory project at the 'École Normale Superieur de Lyon', France, in the group 'Nonlinear dynamics and hydrodynamics'.
2003 - 2009 Student of physics at the University of Oldenburg.
in 2003 Abitur at the 'Altes Gymnasium Oldenburg'.
(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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