Maria Tschikin

Maria Tschikin

Maria Tschikin

M. Sc. Maria Tschikin Ph.D. student


Condensed Matter Theory Group
Institut für Physik
Carl von Ossietzky Universität
D-26111 Oldenburg

phone  +49 441 798 3996
fax  +49 441 798 3080
room  W2 2-270A

Fields of Research

  • Radiative heat transfer
  • Heat radiation of artificial materials
  • Cooling of nanoparticles
  • Nanoscale thermal imaging


  • Maria Tschikin, Svend-Age Biehs, Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Slawa Lang, Alexander Yu. Petrov, and Manfred Eich:
    Transport of radiative heat flux by hyperbolic metamaterials.



Validity of the effective medium theory for hyperbolic layered materials in the presence of surface modes,
DPG Spring meeting,
March 2013, Regensburg, Germany

Radiative cooling of nanoparticles close to a surface,
META 2012, 3rd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystal and Plasmonics,
April 2012, Paris, France

Radiative cooling of nanoparticles close to a surface,
DPG Spring meeting,
March 2012, Berlin, Germany

Radiative cooling of nanoparticles close to a surface,
ASME 2012, 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference,
March 2012, Atlanta, USA


  • Maria Tschikin, Svend-Age Biehs, Riccardo Messina, and Philippe Ben-Abdallah:
    Super-Planckian Near-Field Thermal Emission with Phonon-Polaritonic Hyperbolic Metamaterials,
    Pysics School Les Houches: Nanoscale Radiative Heat Transfer in May 2013, Les Houches, France.
  • Maria Tschikin, Philippe Ben-Abdallah and Svend-Age Biehs:
    Radiative heat transfer at the nanoscale between artificial structures,
    Spring meeting of the DPG in March 2013, Regensburg, Germany.

Master Thesis

  • Einfluss von Oberflächen-Polaritonen auf den Nahfeld-Wärmeübertrag zwischen verschiedenen Materialien
    (Oldenburg, September 2011, supervisors: Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus and Dr. S.-A. Biehs)

Bachelor Thesis

  • Prüfung der mean-field-Theorie für ein Bose-Einstein-Kondensat in einer angetriebenen Doppelmulde
    (Oldenburg, October 2009, supervisors: Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus and PD Dr. C. Weiß)



since 2011 Ph.D. student and teaching assistant at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus
2010 - 2011 Master-student at the University of Oldenburg in the 'Condensed Matter Theory' group of Prof. Dr. M. Holthaus
2009 - 2011 Master-student of physics at the University of Oldenburg
2006 - 2009 Bachelor-student of physics at the University of Oldenburg
in 2006 Abitur at the 'Marianne-Weber-Gymnasium Lemgo'
(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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