

Prof. Dr. Sven Doye

Stellvertretender Sprecher

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Beckhaus


Electrochemical Synthesis Iodine(III) Compounds for CH Bond Activation and Indirect Aryl-Aryl Coupling Reactions (PhD advisors: Gerhard Hilt, Mehtap Özaslan

Hypervalent iodine compounds are a hot topic in modern organic synthesis. The reagents can be applied in various transformations and mostly chemical methods are used to generate the reagents. In this project electrochemical synthesis is the main focus and in situ regeneration of the spent reagents is the ultimate goals.

Another goal is to activate the C-H bond of electron-rich arenes by electrochemically regenerated redox catalysts (mediators) to achieve an intermolecular coupling reaction with a second (different) arene. Apart from the already realized intramolecular version, this project aims to identify suitable redox mediators and electrochemical conditions which allow the regioselective coupling.

If you are interested in the unique combination between Electrochemistry, Materials Science and Organic Chemistry, please feel free to apply for this project. Further inquiries regarding the project can be directed to Prof. G. Hilt (gerhard.hilt(at)uni-oldenburg.de).

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p53288
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