Incoming Students
Auslandsbeauftragter des Departments für Informatik
Department für Informatik (» Postanschrift)
Incoming Students
Department für Informatik
Incoming Students / international Students
This page provides incoming students with information about studying computer science
at the University of Oldenburg.
- See Studying in Oldenburg for general information about study programs. language requirements and admission
- Contact the International Student Office (IO) of the University, if you have questions concerning your admission.
- For questions concerning study programs of the Department of Computing Science contact the International Coordinator for the Department of Computing Science.
The Department of Computing Science offers diverse study programms:
- Bachelor of Science in Computing Science
- Master of Science in Computing Science
- Master of Science in Embedded Systems and Microrobotics (no longer available)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems
- Master of Science in Business Information Systems
Please, observe that nearly all courses in our study programs are held in German. German language skills are mandatory for the application at the University of Oldenburg.
The curricula of Computer Science (in German) are available a few weeks before lectures start. Lectures ususally start in April and in October.
Exchange students within partnership and Erasmus programmes
With following universities the Department for Computing Science or the University of Oldenburg have a partnership or cooperations:
- In Europe
Information about the requirements for getting accepted as a degree student or visiting scientist is available at the International Office of the University.
For special questions contact one of the Coordinator for the Department of Computing Science:
How to apply, cost of living, German language courses, etc.
General information on how to apply are available on the home page for international students. Further information on cost of living, available German language courses, etc. is provided by our International Office (IO).