Die hier angezeigten Termine und Veranstaltungen werden zum Teil direkt vom International Office organisiert (siehe "Veranstalter"). Darüber hinaus weisen wir auf Veranstaltungen hin, die einen internationalen Bezug haben, oder für internationale Studierende, Promovierende und Wissenschaftler*innen von Interesse sind.

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Research abroad: Scholarships and funding for early career researchers

Doing research and establishing international networks as a Ph.D. student or a postdoc at the University of Oldenburg: For many, that still seems unattainable. But it is not that difficult and we will show you how to pursue this goal. The info session will provide you with an overview of paths and possibilities to do research abroad and how the funding landscape facilitates your endeavours. 

The event is aimed at doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines at the University of Oldenburg. On request, an individual funding counselling session with one of the speakers can take place after the seminar. If you would like to take advantage of this additional service, please contact us before the seminar at  (doctoral candidates) and  (postdocs)  so that we can arrange an appointment with you.

Roman Behrens graduated with a master of arts (medicine history) and a master of business administration (education and science management) at the University of Oldenburg. Since his studies he has worked as a regional coordinator for Africa, Asia, Oceania and Russia in the International Office. Fields of work include fostering mobility flows (students, Ph.D. candidates and teaching staff), advising interested university staff regarding funding options for projects abroad as well as cooperation and contract management with international HEI partners. 

Dr. Anne Clausen is a research consultant at the University of Oldenburg and advises postdoctoral academics on funding opportunities offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Humboldt Foundation, the Fulbright Programme and the Federal Ministries of Germany. She has 20 years of relevant professional experience in research funding, policy advice and science management in various international higher education systems in Europe and overseas. Anne regularly shares her expertise in specialist seminars and offers researchers comprehensive support and tailored advice on funding applications in the context of career strategies.

Speakers: Roman Behrens (International Office) and Dr. Anne Clausen (Department of Research and Transfer), both University of Oldenburg 

Language: English

Number of participants: not limited

Costs: none

10.12.2024 12:00 – 13:00

online via BigBlueButton

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p47662c123525
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