

AI-based derivation of risk scenarios and potential courses of action within a corporate environment

Am Montag, den 9. September 2024, um 16:00 Uhr hält
Niklas Holtz
Universität Oldenburg
im Rahmen seiner beabsichtigten Dissertation einen Vortrag mit dem Titel
AI-based derivation of risk scenarios and potential courses of action within a corporate environment
Der Vortrag findet hybrid statt:
OFFIS, Escherweg 2, Raum F02 und https://meeting.uol.de/b/jul-ppj-lu2-8ba

Risks are an indispensable part of entrepreneurial activity, which is why effective integration of risk management into corporate planning is essential. In modern business environments, there is a great need for timely and relevant risk analyses in order to make well-founded decisions. However, traditional risk management methods reach their limits in complex and dynamic business environments. They are often unable to fully process the variety and scope of existing data sources. In addition, the dynamic nature of real-time data makes it difficult to identify risks promptly and effectively. Defining a suitable business context for risk assessment is also a challenge, as traditional approaches cannot efficiently cope with the increasing complexity and volume of information. This work addresses the question of how companies can
improve their risk management processes by using artificial intelligence (AI), in particular generative AI, to identify complex and dynamic risks at an early stage and respond with prepared actions. AI-based methods, especially generative AI, offer a promising solution to these challenges. By using multi-agent systems and advanced knowledge retrieval techniques, large amounts of relevant data from internal and external sources can be processed and specifically included in the risk assessment. In combination with the scenario technique, which is applied on the basis of real-time data, future risks and their possible courses can be modeled. This enables companies to identify potential threats at an early stage and develop alternative courses of action in advance, resulting in a more dynamic and proactive risk management strategy. 

Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez

09.09.2024 16:00 – 17:30

Webmaster (Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p31232c119716 | # |
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