Publikationen 2011


Universität Oldenburg
Institut für Physik - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Publikationen 2011

Fischer, T., Vries, W.d. and Rainey, P. (2011),
"Integration of support structure and turbine design : final results of WP4-Task4.1 on offshore support structures of the EU Upwind Project".

Gallera, D.v., Trujillo, J.J. and Nicklas, D. (2011),
"Leistungskennlinienberechnung von Windenergieanlagen unter Einsatz eines Datenstrommanagementsystems".

Kuhnle, B. (2011),
"Aerodynamic damping of offshore wind turbines by means of pitch regulation during idling state", University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart.

Kuhnle, B., Trujillo, J.J. and Kühn, M. (2011).
"Analysis of aero-elastic simulations of wake induced loads in wind farms at the offshore test site alpha ventus". 7th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe, Delft.

Kühn, M., Gasch, R. and Sundermann, S. (2011),
"Offshore-WindParks", book.

Kühn, M., Gasch, R. and Sundermann, S. (2011),
"Strukturdydnamik", book.

Kühn, M. and Klaus, T. (2011),
"Windenergie - Rückenwind für eine zukunftsfähige Technik", book

Luhur, M.R., Milan, P. and Schneemann, J. (2011),
"Stochastic modeling of lift dynamics under turbulent conditions".

Schneemann, J., Knebel, P. and Milan, P. (2011),
"Lift measurements in unsteady flow conditions".

Schuler, S., Schlipf, D. and Kühn, M. (2011),
"l1-optimal multivariable pitch control for load reduction on large wind turbines".

Seethapathy, P.K. (2011),
"Extrapolation of Wind Turbine design for far offshore environments in the period 2017-2020", University of Oldenburg University of Athens, Oldenburg.

Trabucchi, D., Trujillo, J.J., Steinfeld, G., Schneemann, J. and Kühn, M. (2011),
"Simulation of measurements of wake dynamics with nacelle and ground based lidar wind scanners".

Trabucchi, D., Trujillo, J.J., Steinfeld, G., Schneemann, J., Machtaa, M., Cariou, J.P. and Kühn, M. (2011).
"Numerical assessment of performance of lidar WindScanners for wake measurements". EWEA Annual event 2011.

Trujillo, J.J., Bingöl, F. and Larsen, G.C. (2011),
"Light detection and ranging measurements of wake dynamics : part II: two-dimensional scanning".

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